General Discussion

General Discussionheroes to spam 3.9k

heroes to spam 3.9k in General Discussion

    title ^ ^ carry especially


      L I T E R A L L Y A N Y T H I N G


        me reading meta heroes guide, oohh spectre 56 % winrate, then i still lose , cause fuckin retards pick the wrong heroes always

        doc joferlyn simp

          C O O K I E G O D W I N S W I T H A N Y H E R O I N S U B 2 K B Y O N L Y U S I N G O N E H A N D A N D U T I L I Z I N G O N L Y T H R E E F I N G E R S


            time to spam morphling,am,spec then


              cookie how do u play arc ? hes a dead hero and u have a high winrate with it :O


                Why would anyone spam AM to gain mmr
                You spam AM to git gud although if you won't gain much


                  i'm good at it, no secret.

                  Livin' Real Good

                    Literally anything, I made a fuck around smurf account that I used to learn/spam Meepo on, and somehow it calibrated to 4.1K. XD
                    (before the 3.5 max calibration change, I don't use the account anymore)



                    Just play whoever you think you're good with and farm well. That's one thing 3kers can't do, they can't farm for shit, and this is coming from me, i'm awful at farming, but make up for it in other ways.

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      ^bruh im all for the willing suspension of disbelief but wont those juggs break her back when she tries to walk/bend/do any motor skill relating to the spine?

                      Este comentário foi editado
                      Livin' Real Good

                        She's fit in the legs and back area, as long as she stays in shape, she can support the boobies.


                        Oh and one more thing, I think if you can consistently get at least 50 CS by 10 mins, 100 by 20 mins, and make good early game decisions you'll win more games. Once again, I set my standards low for last hits, cause i'm the worst at CSing, but in 3K it's fine.

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                          People can pick wrong heroes all they want, if you pick the right hero and are above your MMR then you'll climb. But of course, if you want to blame your team in a team game, 1k always has more slots for people like you.

                          Looking through your dotabuff, seeing you go 2/11 on spectre is probably the issue. You are 3.9k.

                          Este comentário foi editado
                          Von Darkmoor

                            jakiro carry mid ez win.