General Discussion

General DiscussionDragon Knight

Dragon Knight in General Discussion
Andre Kairalla

    I've playing more this hero recently, and i have a few questions.
    Is he still a safelane carr, or is he now a midlaner only? Also, is midas viable on him?

    My games have been very 50/50, so maybe there is something to improve. Maybe my build?


      I was always under the impression he could play in any lane and jungle. Dragons blood works for offlane jungle and mid. I'm just a 3k scrub so perhaps I am misled.


        Dk is almost exclusively a mid cuz he is too item dependent and farm dependent for an offlaner, and doesnt scale well enough for a safe carry.


          how do you even hit anything with your build?


            good midlaner , his specialty is that he almost never lose his lane (doesn't mean he wins it but can almost always secure his farm).

            i think that his build is like armlet+blink+hurricane into some damage items and bkb and whatever you think needed.

            his talent choices are either excellent to secure his farm and late game or providing him with much needed damage and fight potential

            Andre Kairalla

              Is the move speed talent at level 25 worth it? I got it one game, its almost good, but is it worth more than armor?

              Este comentário foi editado

                ^depends on enemy lineup, if rightclickers armor is a must, if elusive heroes maybe movement speed could be good..


                  I think its almost always movespeed, it synergizes great with his slow on lv 3 dragon, and he severely lacks ms.
                  I think the build is treads armlet blink bkb then shit like mjollnir, ac, silver edge

                  also jdf8

                    blink rad kreygasm


                      ^no the meme is treads rad manta mjollnir for maximum aoe.

                      Savvy Cat

                        Fly with me.

                        ace recovery

                          He's super bad in this patch, almost unpayable


                            my hero


                              power boots

                              Professor Dog

                                I think you'd take the ms at 25 especially with your no blink or pike build, and dk almost always get ac and w dragon blood already giving 12 is it, the talent becomes rather negligible due to armor stacking diminishingly

                                Savvy Cat

                                  ^ That amount of movement speed at 25 is god tier on tanks. Pdr is only liike 8% by that point anyway.


                                    PMS brown boots RoH talon treads battle fury manta abyssal butterfly
                                    Oh wait

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      armor doesn't have diminishing returns... each point increases your life by 6% of your hp

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        I don't think he's that good right now though, needs a lot of farm to do much, doesn't farm well cus of mana issues with dragons breath, plus with rune changes bottle is a lot weaker. Mid he never wins, just tries to get 6 and push tower, safe he farms to slow. Don't get me wrong, level 25 6 slotted dk is a scary thought but he rarely gets there.

                                        also jdf8

                                          if u have 55 armor and u buy more armor instead of evasion or hp there is diminishing returns on ur brain cells

                                          ©Nire Johnc

                                            I am terrible at midlaning but I can use DK as either offlaner and safelaner, apparently it still works fine for 3k scrubs
                                            He doesn't hit very hard like other carries, but with proper items, he can hit decently long enough during the teamfight that it's frustrating for them (the enemies). What? It's free skadi, with splashes and a little bit of corrosive breath

                                            Von Darkmoor

                                              DK, Drow, Ogre is pretty stompy and pretty good.

                                              Dk is for pushing and possibly winning mid its almost as safe as viper i would argue.

                                              Since i sadly have to assume you're playing ALL TARD i would suggest spam mid and go Soul ring so you dont have to rely on bottle refills.


                                                dk was basically only played around ti time as a front liner for the drow strats.
                                                kinda like huskar actually.
                                                I'm pretty sure u don't even need to go ac on dk, mjollnir feels better, tho late game ur gonna want to carry one.


                                                  @jd wtf evasion item wud u buy on dk? cuz halberd is shit, solar crest is ok but idk if it fits the hero, and butterfly also seems bad on the hero.


                                                    Idk the hero just doesn't do much imo.
                                                    He's good early game as a tank but falls off way too quickly and doesn't farm fast enough when his ult isn't up.
                                                    And now it's harder to stack the anchents so he farms even slower than 6.88
                                                    The hero needs a rework tbh