General Discussion

General DiscussionI need a fucking help

I need a fucking help in General Discussion

    Ok so heres the case. Before this day i never loss so much game in my life. I did not know why i loss? Have i lost my touch in dota 2? Are my teammate bad? The game i played is almost the same pattern as the other one.
    -team only afk jungling so i cant get a lot of farm
    -they feed enemy team
    -i suck xd
    Are weekend gaming always like this facing ppl who are more toxic than bws?
    Tdlr i need help to gain my pride again as 2kslayer


      Are weekend gaming always like this facing ppl who are more toxic than bws?
      not really no. 3 ghames, i got good teammates.


        I have done cookie challenge. Guess ill pick a hero that doesnt farm his/her own jungle like naga


          you eventually get bad teammates, thats just statistical variance. you lose so you learn how to be better than ur shitty teammates. that's the only way to progress in life. being good at dota is all about knowing what to do in different scenarios. playing from behind, etc.

          theres definitely a lot to learn esp when you haev shitty teammates.


            Yes i need to learn that but i think the best solution is
            -hero that doesnt farm his own jungle so that my team can farm them like naga
            -snowball as hard as you can. Dunno what hero is good at this and in the meta


              no, pick heroes that suits the draft and can win the game!


                look, there's a trick called: cut their farming path and steal their farm which forces them to go to a lane.

                now yo ujust go to another lane and take a tower while your teammates die or whatever.


                  Wait Wat? How do you cut their farming path?


                    loooooooooooool, normal skill asking if his teammates are bad :D


                      let's say he starts at top lane, then goes to those 2 camps next to top lane, now he'll go to the camps next to the midlane(red arrows)

                      if you don't cut him off, he'll take the safest path which is pink, but if you teleport there at the shrine, you can take the green path.

                      now he's forced to take that green arrow left of luna towards the midlane, where the enemy will see him and they'll start walking towards him to do something

                      when the enemy shows up on the midlane, you're already at the botlane ready to push the tower while your teammate dies or maybe gets a kill, doesn't matter.

                      that's the concept, many different situations have different path cutting.

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                        I mean i never had teammate who takes away my jungle farm now its happening and i want to ask help to solve this problem


                          read my previous post ya lil cuck, i just answered it

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                            yell at them gotta fight fire with fire kappa


                              Do you offer coaching? I mean can you look at my games and point out what i have been doing wrong.
                              Need to do 82lh with luna again her base damage sucks now


                                right now im not up for any free coaching.

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                                  kamot amoykamot amoy


                                    How can i pay you

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                                        Wait so ur saying cut off your own teammate? Lol


                                          yep, obviously

                                          that guy is playing to lose you the game, when you're a farming carry you need farm
                                          if your teammate doesn't let you paly your role you force it

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                                            Do u actively do that when you're smurfing? Lmao

                                            mr. rabbit

                                              but then how about if im an offlaner?

                                              i asked u this yesterday (i was that ennui guy) and while i tried to splitpush as centaur in a losing game, we also had luna and invoker who can do that and would benefit more from doing it. our jungle wasnt totally blocked so i could still farm some of it, but once again for the 48458585th time enemy got rosh, grouped up as 5, and we were forced to fight because if we dont our ancient explodes

                                              if my carries are supposed to find what little farm they can find in a stomped game, then should i be doing the same as an offlaner?

                                              -Vrz •剣神流 ♥ Gal Farion

                                                sometimes you'll play 1 vs 9 in a match

                                                mr. rabbit

                                                  it feels weird to ask that when jacked watched the game lmao


                                                    65 winrate u cant win every game losestreaks are normal

                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                      Good shit advice


                                                        i do that in 6k avg not just 2k-3k avg



                                                          When they go as 5 to somewhere and when u losing, u go split push them as any role any hero but ideally someone can do it efficiently ofc. If you force 1-2 tp back then you immediately tp back also and start a fight. In this case 3v5 or 4v5 you have much better chance to win a teamfight.



                                                            you never take fights outside base in a losing game unless it's on a super failproof spot like the shrine or htey dived t2's while your t1s are up.

                                                            split your enemies up, it becomes easier to make them do mistkes then

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                                                              usually what happens when i splitpush to force them back is i end up dying because i duno when to leave lul

                                                              mr. rabbit

                                                                ok got it now thanks, i was trying to clarify if role matters who splitpushes in those situations but it doesnt, thanks a lot for that


                                                                  ^^dude get some wards and place them when u split push. So u'll know when they come even if you dont know when to leave.

                                                                  I guess noone buys wards at 1k but if you buy and place them for safe split pushes you'll win more games

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                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                    ^When enemies missing on map they are tping in dark,if you split push with abit more mobility hero like Weaver/Lycan/AM you can stay and hit for few more seconds longer (1-3)

                                                                    Otherwise run faster when enemies not showing in map

                                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                      Role only effect the efficiency,but even a lion can split push(which is horrible)


                                                                        sorry for asking what do you do when laning gets bad, you are zoned by enemy and you got another carry in your lane(which is zoned too) i mean we are both melee and the match is ranked.

                                                                        mr. rabbit

                                                                          if ur a support then u rotate to another lane so u actually get a shot to win ur other lanes, if a lane is lost u just gotta accept it and leave it asap before u feed 0-5

                                                                          mr. rabbit

                                                                            if ur carry cries about it just tell him to jungle because lane is lost and theres bothing u can do about it



                                                                              Dont pick 2 cores in same lane and pick strong laners. Strong laners are meta so you'll get zoned if you pick heroes like spec.


                                                                                Get a talon fast go jungle if melee carry. Go cliff junling if range


                                                                                  2 carries in one lane? Both melee? Seems familiar


                                                                                    ok ok. well its not like we are 2 carries we are 2 cores (its a nyx) so when we are drafting i thought he was off then i saw him at my lane safelane and then i thought that time that he is a support then blah blah until i saw him lasthitting while i was zoned by shaman (he didnt even care to stun) i thought he has no mana i checked his hero then i saw him buying dagon. thats it im done. im scrub myself so i didnt tt or talk to him.


                                                                                      Well I'm lower MMR than you so you don't really have to heed my advice but the best way to win would be to jungle asap. With a efficient pattern you can farm faster than most people in lower mmrs will in lane. Once you have one core item you go find a. Advantageous fight and convert it into a push if possible


                                                                                        get laid. try it. getting pu$$y is better than getting +25mmr.


                                                                                          ^ this too


                                                                                            @ ez
                                                                                            these are advices that are worth to live by


                                                                                              Thanks guys i have learn something new from this