General Discussion

General DiscussionLina has Rocky Balboa Syndrome

Lina has Rocky Balboa Syndrome in General Discussion

    Level 10 talent -30 respawn time combined with bloodstone is retardedly op. Let me try to explain with some comparisons.

    Nowadays she is getting into meta as a mid hero. At this role her only weakness is being squishy with relatively low hp and armor. She has 670 attack range which is the best base attack range in-game. She has a nice nuke, an aoe stun, decent right-clikcs and kinda escape tool comes from her fiery soul and finally she has the best burst damage with 70sec cd ulti with 450 damage. Now if you give 1v1 match-ups with any other mid heroes she'll probably gonna win. She can trade hits with high attack speed and can use spells to either harras and kill opponent mid or she can just clear waves and go jungle to farm or get a rune and gank another lane. Her spells allow her to farm multiple stacks quickly. And she benefits from shrines really well cause of her mana usage and trade hits. So any mid heroes in meta now would have tough times against her without help. They might end up dying or abandoning lane.

    Quick comparison with Lion's finger of hell. It has 600 damage but also 160 sec cd in lvl 1. For me this makes Laguna blade better than Finger of Hell cause Lina use her ulti more often than Lion does. And there is another fact that when Lina is mid she can always use any shrine she wants. On the other hand Lion as a support hero needs to wait his allies to use shrines. Well as a support player i never use shrines especially mid one if my mid or offlaner at full hp-mana. I just walk back to base. But mid players sometimes doesnt wait you even you are close to that shrine. Sad but true....

    Lets say you have relatively weaker late-game potential than your opponent and you had a decent start. You start bring down towers without getting traded heavily. And its time to rosh then hg. And lets say opponent lina had tough times in laning stage which is not usual as i said above. She just grabbed her Bs and you picked her off and its like "hey we get opponent mid lets rosh" Because this is how it works right? You get a core then you get rosh and you push hg. But look Lina just respawned and tping to shrine. What would you do at this point? You used a big ulti to kill lina or just one of you get low when killing her. Do you retreat or take a fight as 4v5 or without a big ulti? What if they force you to fight? This might be their comeback.

    Now imagine that its later stage at game and you are ahead and you wanna push hg. You picked off Lina again. Lina gonna respawn maybe before you reach hg or when you just reach hg. Same issue. You gonna fight or wait for another pick-off? Again u dont have that one big ulti or you low on hp-mana. I mean you used some resources to kill her but you are unable to get anything out of it.

    Now imagine you are behind and they are pushing. They jumped on your big core and they killed him you killed Lina in return. Lets say your invoker has 80 sec cd but Lina gonna respawn 30 secs later or maybe even faster cause she has bloodstone and they are ahead. Even if they are behind like i mentioned above she is just an exellnt hero to regain some charges on that bs. So back to situation she would tp in to a wave and they will continue push. Now what? Invoker buyback? Then they back a little bit wait for their cooldowns on bkbs and spells then they go again. Now if Invoker dies game is over. So Lina's team can jump him again. If they die they bb and comeback to push again. At this point you are trying to defend hg or actually your base 4v5 without Invoker. Its just gg wp.

    So she is a very good single target burst hero. She can be a heavy right-clicker and this is meta now. You often go for bloodthorn and sb mb deadalus. And with 670 attack range and insane attack speed she can siege hg. Wave clear gives her ability to def hg and split push. In return what does she lacking? Nothing really. She is just a bit squishy nothing more. If Lina's team lack disable or needs silence on a hero she can buy proper items with her insane abilty to farm. And with a bkb she is not squishy anymore.

    It's like Rocky Balboa getting hit 484658144587 times and he just stand up and keep fighting. Since he is also hitting hard he is winning eventually.

    Here is my suggestion: Make those -x respawn time" talents not work with bloodstone. Or remove -x respawn time talents from potential core heroes.


    Lina with 17 deaths spent 07:12 as dead. My 8 deaths cores have 10:46 and 11:26. And because of reasons i explained above she managed to buyback 4 times. Gg wp ez -28

    Este tópico foi editado

      Why i make this long as fuck cause i recently lost a 90 mins game where Lina died 17 times yet was always ready to fight and def hg. Feelsbadman.

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        thats right bitches



          No, make it on lvl 15 or 20 instead

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Noooooo dont nerf her I begging you


              who the fuck would read all of this


                my god man add a tldr next time


                  my god man add a tldr next time




                    Look at this my friend. With 17 deaths as Lina she has the least time spend as dead. Only 7:12. And reasons i explained above allowed her to buyback 4 times. My 8 deaths cores waited 4 more mins each.


                      didnt read


                        But every time she dies she loses bloodstone charges. She also doesnt win every mid cuz lvl 1 her dmg is weak, and her attack animation is dogshit, she can get very heavily denied. She is also dumb squishy.


                          attack animation aside, her range is one of the longest natural attack ranges. back when sniper's take aim was the only attack distance-enhancing item lina was second in the entire game

                          if a hero is so tanky with a nuke + stun, that wouldnt seem too balanced now would it?

                          thats why she gets bottle to last hit with her dragon slave

                          everyone's level 1 dmg is weak, aside from a select few of str heroes


                            everyone's level 1 dmg is weak, aside from a select few of str heroes

                            B A T

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              who cares about dmg lv1 u have q and 670 range u just righclick enemy mid and use q when a creep gets low then u get passive on lv 2 and wow u just press righclick on enemy and they cant do shit!


                                lvl 10 talent +bloodstone is a good combo.Cd almost 0 you dont miss teamfigts


                                  i played against that during yesterdays practice and it was super ridiculous


                                    ^^Exactly dont miss teamfights even if u just killed her.

                                    ^Its just bullshit bro. I'm trying to ban her or first pick her to play as support so noone else can pick


                                      I didn't see any TLDR.


                                        Shes good but not op

                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                          What if I abuse her short ResPaWn time and kill her again and again like farming creep?


                                            CAN WE FUCKING NERF THIS GARBAGE HERO ALREADY!??!? I don't mind never seeing this awful shit being picked again.

                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                              more salty tears pls


                                                ^^^ Its like playing with fire, it might backfire.

                                                ^^ Not that harsh but some nerf is neccessary

                                                Este comentário foi editado

                                                  EG vs FL DAC BO3

                                                  First game Invoker vs Ember. Ember did really well against invo and managed to stay mid and get farm.

                                                  2nd game Lina vs Ember. Lina just stomped Ember. Poor boy walked back to base 48649684138 times. He was like 4 when Lina hit lvl 6.

                                                  Both games it was kinda 1v1 in laning stage. Couple rotations from both sides didnt change situation much.

                                                  Results: A close first win with Invoker and stomp with Lina. Ofc other lanes-picks and rotations are also decisive but we all saw how strong Lina is. Nerf asap