General Discussion

General real or fake ! real or fake ! in General Discussion

    My fren told me show ur hidden mmr and also said me the skill bracket is now change in new patch dota2 7.04 is it true?


      It's irrelevant


        can u explain more detail

        doc joferlyn simp

          idk about the skill bracket change, so dunno about that. opendota is good i think. whats bad about it is that it calculates hidden mmr based on the people you play with/against. so if you constantly play party with extreme differences to your solo mmr what opendota will give you wont be accurate, because of the differences of mmr in differnt parties and in solo

          doc joferlyn simp

            idk about the skill bracket change, so dunno about that. opendota is good i think. whats bad about it is that it calculates hidden mmr based on the people you play with/against. so if you constantly play party with extreme differences to your solo mmr what opendota will give you wont be accurate, because of the differences of mmr in differnt parties and in solo


              Not hidden; Estimated MMR. It calculates your "estimated MMR" depending on the mmr of what other players in your lobby are (as well as their estimated mmr in all the games they play). Something like that I think.

              1-IceTea 🌟

                idk about the skill bracket change, so dunno about that. opendota is good i think. whats bad about it is that it calculates hidden mmr based on the people you play with/against. so if you constantly play party with extreme differences to your solo mmr what opendota will give you wont be accurate, because of the differences of mmr in differnt parties and in solo


                  idk about the skill bracket change, so dunno about that. opendota is good i think. whats bad about it is that it calculates hidden mmr based on the people you play with/against. so if you constantly play party with extreme differences to your solo mmr what opendota will give you wont be accurate, because of the differences of mmr in differnt parties and in solo


                    The opendota mmr estimation is quite accurate especially if you only play solo since it predicts your hidden mmr (huehue) based on the other players on your match
                    What I meang as irrelevant is that nobody gives a shit about hidden mmr because pub games are plain bullshit