General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes shooting an enemy from their fog of war vision (or from uphill) ...

Does shooting an enemy from their fog of war vision (or from uphill) reveal the shooter? in General Discussion

    I'm practicing to play carry well as I've been struggling to climb in 3k bracket but I can't even made it to 3.4k due to having a bad teammates that sometimes go 0-7 as carry or 0-17 ward dispenser support that can't make an impact to the game at all and myself who are also as bad as them (I blame the latter more for not realizing sooner.) I start practice playing carry Sniper first because he had a long range passive and headshot passive that can be used as a kind of harassment in lane and brief slow in teamfight. From a basic analysis of my practice match, I found myself dying so fast in some of team fight because my position get exposed and thus vulnerable to any kind of blink dagger or sb carrier or invisibility hero even if I'm staying in the back line and I want to know an answer if shooting an enemy through their fog of war or from the highground will reveal you immediately?

    TLDR: Does attacking enemy from the place that they cannot see will reveal the attacker immediately?


      No it doesn't
      If it does sniper wouldn't be a hero


        If an enemy unit in the Fog of War attacks or targets a spell on a friendly unit, a 100 radius small area around them is revealed for 2 seconds. (


          really makes you think :thinking:

          white boy summer

            have you never played mid? it's basic that the shooting enemy will be seen otherwise you would never see the ranged creep from lowground

            white boy summer

              also if u have the hg advantage and u stay in the ass of the ranged creep you will be seen no matter if u attack or not, since it reveals a 100 range which could expose you


                My tip to not get engaged on (blink, etc.) is wait for your teammates to engage first. That way, they're too focused on killing your allies while you get free hits on them.

                Also, I found that the best way to deal with heroes that can just blink on you or sneak up behind you is by getting a Pike, you just need to have a quick reaction time.

                fear is the mind killer

                  What is that topic i mean is basic dota xd. Sure it does

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    The fog of war,is no match for mist of fateeee

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      If an enemy unit in the Fog of War attacks or targets a spell on a friendly unit, a 100 radius small area around them is revealed for 2 seconds.
