General Discussion

General Discussion2.5K SEA TRENCH

2.5K SEA TRENCH in General Discussion

    So today I finally reached 2.5k after my 1.8k games.Took me one month to reach cuz I have some other things to do.So yeah congrats to me.Just wanted to ask what its like around 2.5k> && 3k<.


      Its amazing you get nice cooperative people who can play the game


        no difference tbh, when i played on my 2k acc (now 3k)
        The only significant thing ive noticed is that people get more delusional and toxic around the 2.8-2.9 range


          Filled with smurf and an asshole with a god complex disorder.


            me too
            i was 1500 mmr now im 2500 after 4 months ( but i didnt play regularly but have 85 winrate on solo ranked from 1500 to 2500
            2 k is definitely toxic bracket but games go easy when u good invoker and rekt thr shit out of them


              There's no trench anywhere, toxic people exist everywhere. You need to be the one who makes your team non toxic by communication and morale boosting.




                  any tips I stuck at 1.9-2.1k


                    ^spam mid heroes that you're good at.Try Swagfiend.

                    Man..So the level of toxic increases as my mmr gets high.

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                      @bws not actually in my 1.9k-2.2k games I don't communicate with team I play sf mid then buy wards when im pushing sentries things like that.Doing the objective then win.

                      Bobby knuckles

                        In my personal experience games were extremely toxic going towards 2.5k, pinoys especially would start literally throwing the game if you took their bounty rune(or over some petty shit). But once I hit 2.5k I was getting mid lane in most of my games and people would actually listen to what I was saying from time to time. Games were still toxic but it was generally better than sub 2.5k in terms of team play. Went from 2.5k - 3k in a single long win streak.

                        In my experience players were more cooperative after 2.5k. I have played 1 game in 3k so far and our treant just decided to go afk but I can't say much about that mmr region by just 1 game(I lost the game and broke my glorious win streak).

                        (There will be games where you will meet an asshole that will have 300 avg gpm and just won't move from mid lane, I went solo off in all those scenarios and completely destroyed their safelane. Carry was dying trying to farm and then their supports commit a lot of resources to the lane and they end up dying as well. Especially that bristle game they commit 3 heroes bot I killed all 3 lol. Just something for you to think about, especially if you are already good at certain offlaners. It's extremely easy to completely destroy safe lane in 2k. They commit everything to the lane while it creates a lot of space for your mid lane and safe lane, if you kill them and they fail to get the lane back (in most cases)they will give up mentally and you can easily take the game from there.)

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                          3k is abit cooperative and very chill, I had no problems climbing out but around 3.5 shit is like Chernobyl
                          So much smurfs there


                            Be disciplined


                              ^imma hit 3k maybe in one month and a half it's almost finals in my school got a lot of failed subjects.Btw is dat the indonesian married guy?


                                @Jon Jones thanks for that inisghtful comment bro.Is supporting around 2.5k+ a common issue?

                                Bobby knuckles

                                  Well I do remember buying my own wards and sentries for mid lane(it was very rare that an actual support did it for me). I was always the player who had by far the most impact in all of my games and being in that position after 2.5k I noticed people start to actually listen to you. If you keep asking them to push they will push with you, if you keep asking them to buy dust and you miss 2-3 kills they will start carrying dust, just general things like that. (Even tho they still suck big time and there are major holes in their game-play that you can exploit to easily make your way to 3k)They actually pay attention and want to win whereas sub 2.5k is just a bunch of apes who don't give a fuck, they will miss every kill and never buy dust, they will die 10 times trying to farm jungle and when every time you explicitly tell them its warded and not to go there they will go there the 11th time and get fucked over then bitch about it in chat. So yea in general sub 2.5k in my experience was a fucking shit fest where you actually have to ward and deward, carry dust and dive fights to save team mates when they make retarded initiation. Nothing bothers me more than having 6 slots and forced to carry dust along with everything. These are some of the sub 2.5k issues that dumb down in terms of their frequency and severity when you get past 2.5k.

                                  (This is all just my personal experience)

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    there are supports in the game, they are just as bad as supporting as you are at carrying

                                    have a combination of both and voila! you get a won game

                                    Bobby knuckles

                                      ^ I had a stroke trying to read that stupid shit.

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        glad to see youre fine now


                                          I would rather have an ok jungler than an incompetent support

                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            id have an okay support over an incompetent jungler any day as well

                                            but if left to choose id go with an incompetent support rather than go with an incompetent jungler


                                              ^is it because the incompetent support will at least buy the courier?

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                ^indeed youre right

                                                also because if there are 5 cores in the game, then i will propose a fair rule. the one who dies first gets the cour. idk why but when i say this teammates agree immediately, never seen anyone who went back on his word

                                                edit: the support cant flash farm as well, so in the race for farm at least we will have one less competitor in the team lmao

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                                                  After lingering for a long time in 2k bracket, I recently(Feb) climbed to 3k from 2.2k in a month so I think I can share my experience.

                                                  The state in SEA server
                                                  >2.5k you will find some stable games till 2.8k
                                                  >2.8k toxicity increases as some players here are frustrated from getting so close to 3k and losing. They think they can do no wrong and will blame others for their mistakes and ruin the game. They also want to win in the end but, they are stubborn.

                                                  And in some rare games you will get cancers- I mean so bad they make you want to stop playing Dota. The problem with these games is they impact your next games and their toxicity is contagious. If you lose that game you can become like that player if it sets off a losing streak. The solution is to simply mute that person and try your best. And always remember- you are not going to win every game. So chin up and move on. Take a break if you feel tilted. Always stop after a loss and think -Am I in the right mindset to play the next game?- if not stop playing or if you really want to play switch to unranked games. It keeps the tilt in check.

                                                  To climb:

                                                  1. Improve mechanics:

                                                  The biggest problem of 2k players- myself included- is bad mechanics. Last hitting is not up to mark. Get better at last hitting. On my road to 3k I started doing these

                                                  2. Pick your comfort heroes:

                                                  Pick the ones you know what you're doing with. I spammed Weaver for the most part. Find your good heroes and stick with them. That means no more "I saw Miracle go mid against Invoker with AM so I'll do that". That is viable but it takes practice and good creep equilibrium management. You can't just do it and win the first time you play it. Try that by all means but maybe in a chill game. You are highly likely to get reported if you fail. I tried Lich carry when 7.00 was new. My record was 5W - 3L and in 2 of those lost games I got flamed like never before. It was fun anyway so no regrets.

                                                  3. Learn to pick the right heroes and counter pick:

                                                  The team should be balanced. For example: Disables against escape heroes, AoE dmg against illusion heroes. Or if the other team lacks disables you can pick heroes with high mobility, illusion heroes of they lack AoE. Applies to both cores and supports.

                                                  4. Map awareness:

                                                  This is not absolutely necessary to get to 3k but still a good habit. If you look at the map from the start and not just your lane you can figure out how your enemy moves around the map. Every player has some habits and will move around the map that way. This is useful for both support/core. If you are a support/roamer you will know which spots to ward or where to gank. For cores you can figure out which spots you can farm without getting punished.

                                                  In the long run you should not try to rush it. Many players will tell you to "spam invoker and win" or something like that. But, if you really want to improve as a player I think you should pick whats best for the situation. This will lower your win rate in most cases. Even so, you will get to know many different hero match-ups firsthand and your overall gameplay will improve. Maybe you will find new heroes that you can play. It will improve the depth of your knowledge of dotes and will be helpful later.

                                                  After reaching 3k I decided to try new heroes and started losing more than I was winning. And this sent me on a downward spiral. I learned Invoker in that time and 1 more thing- you have to try harder to win at higher MMRs. Simple as it may be, MMR is not just a number. It might not matter for Dendi but for 2k plebs like you and me it does. There will be skill difference from 2.5k to 3k and there are some more things you need to do to win at 3k than at 2.5k. If you relax and revert back to your bad habits you will lose.

                                                  Last but not least NEVER GIVE UP. Always try to stay calm and find ways to win. Even if you are behind 2 sets of rax the enemy team can overextend and throw their lead- remember that this is 2k- anything can happen.

                                                  TL; DR:

                                                  GIT GUD XD

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                                                    I would rather have an incompetent jungler over an incompetent support to be honest
                                                    Most junglers usually know they fukd up and fucks off the jungle when I tell them to do so
                                                    While this little xp sucking piece of shit
                                                    "Carry fast farm"
                                                    *steals cs*
                                                    *do nothing but ks*
                                                    *no fucking detection against 10 riki*
                                                    *feeds without any relevant meaning*
                                                    "Noob carry gg"
                                                    And if we win the game they just go like "COMMEND ME" like they did some gh- bullshit and were the only reason the game was won

                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      you know what you get when you have an incompetent jungler? five incompetent cores trying to cheat each other out of farm

                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                        how with an incompetent support i only have 4 incompetent cores trying to outfarm each other, while the last one cant catch up and becomes a ward bitch


                                                          Hmm, most games i played in the 2k bracket, the team that has the most cores usually wins though


                                                            Supports become ward bitch but the carries still won't read the goddamn map anyway, and people like me already got used to not having any wards and still manages to find farm safely without them
                                                            What does a 30 min blink/SB LC offer? A quick to execute long ass duration bkb piercing disabling setup
                                                            What does a 30 min lvl 2 dagon lion offer? Changing your kill into an assist


                                                              @bws both are bad but incompetent support is more common and they will fuck up your lane as you said.

                                                              Some don't like to leave the lane till the tier 1 is gone.

                                                              Nevermind that the mid needs help and he's basically just sitting in the lane against a solo offlaner.

                                                              Single pulls on small camp are common, stacking is rare, stealing CS is a right because they don't do the right pulls and have no gold but they need it to buy wards which you are asking for.

                                                              They are just players who were forced to pick support and don't want to do it or don't know how to do it.


                                                                Sooner or later they'd be able to eat the space I left out for them and utilize them to some extend because their item builds are quite straightforward and they dont bother building weird af shits
                                                                What about the agh rushing lion? Nahhh he'll just go for his 16th death


                                                                  Next level meme stuffs are people who jungle with non jungle heroes
                                                                  I mean, not uncommon ones like void, AM, etc
                                                                  I mean, real insane inefficient stuffs ike drow
                                                                  I knew it was going to be a hard game but at least I got the chance to giggle on their creativity for the entire match


                                                                    Thank gaben cliff jungling is dead


                                                                      im 4k player , and playing my first account in 2,5k account. the main thing u can abuse in 2k and winning the games is they fighting alot . If you feel u are really good player and playing in not in your mmr range ( like me om 4k playing2,5k) . I pick lc rush phase boots and start killing their safelane since they lane mechanis is suck. and get ahead and snowball / even when my team sucks i can carry all of them in my back, even if my support didnt buy dust or ward ill just buy it and put it on backpack.

                                                                      Bad english tq


                                                                        CM rushing BKB and only buy 5/4 wards while I had to buy 10/37 wards just to cover his own ass from a predatory slark and to not get rp'ed during the team fight. Fast forward to when she finally get BKB and we get to see her only cast an ulti for 1 sec then get bashed to death.

                                                                        I would rather have an incompetent jungler or core rather than having an incompetent support even if I'm also incompetent too.

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                                                                          I can support some retard to some extend but my supporting skills isn't exactly good enough to reliably win the game singlehandedly
                                                                          I would only support when I got lazy and want some casual dota while still having some chance to win xd

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                                                                            I just lost my match with invoker due to a 390 gpm pudge with 88 avg last hits going 1-15.


                                                                              solution to problem:

                                                                              stop the "me only carry" mentality. everyone learn at least the basics of supporting. it will make you a better carry as well.


                                                                                That's a real dilemma. Incompetent jungler or incompetent support. As a safelAner nothing infuriates me more than an incompetent support. Still at least one will buy wards. Unless you're saying incompetent supports don't buy wards. Then it's much better to just have another core in the game.


                                                                                  In 2k there is going to be at least one player in the game who has no idea what he is doing. And there is low chance you can spot him before the laning starts. So you just gotta roll with it. Assuming you are not that guy, in the long run you have a higher chance of him being in the opposite team than yours. There will be rare cases where the game is full of retards but, in the words of the beautiful flower n0tail -

                                                                                  "When game is going full retard, you can only go with it. If you start going against it, if you start going half retard- you're fucking done for".


                                                                                    Update : I'm back at the trench again because a silencer went full carry and doesnt know how to press "R".