General Discussion

General DiscussionArc warden playable?

Arc warden playable? in General Discussion
Bill Cutting

    Hey guys so I've been watching a lot of Alexthefool stream and the hero seems playable.

    What is the best micro mechanic to learn the hero, do u use tab or set a hotkey for tempest or both?

    The hero doesn't seem so bad now.

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      u need a hotkey for the tempest and for both of them
      when i used to play him u also needed a key for necros but i guess its irrelevant now

      this heros difficulty is extremely overrated, he's not heavy on the micro side it's just that u need to learn to not panic when ure in a teamfight and remember to keep the original hero as far from harm as possible and ure gucci


        alex's profile with arc is the incarnate of the color RED

        Mask of Maldness

          Ya him losing is a bit discouraging but I'm gonna be playing at 2k level not 7k.

          He just seems fun I don't play dota to tryhard, purely enjoyment


            arc warden id love <3
            rat all the way lel

            all role player

              Alexthefool > cookie


                bws > cookie