General Discussion

General Discussiontop notch safelane carries xd

top notch safelane carries xd in General Discussion

    jugg? sure
    TB? SURE
    i think this 2 are the safest safelane carry that has manta style core and do much xd


      I started to play TB after the very introduction of 7.00. I f.cking love the hero. I bought the arcana just because of it.
      But I don't think he's one of the better choices right now. The hero can be easily kited in laning stage and can not fight without Metamorphosis right now.
      I think the best safelane carries right now are melee ones just because Magnus got back into meta. Having Magnus at TB's side creates a conflict unless Magnus gets an Aghs.
      LS, Jugger, LC, WK, Spectre and Troll are the best carries IMHO.


        im sure tb is one of the most scariest carry u would face on if he get a full ass heavy farm within 20 minutes


          Yeah. Not saying TB is a shitty carry. But he needs a proper team which wouldn't be available in the pubs most of the time so he can farm efficiently. I mean if TB manages to get PT+Aquila+Poor Man+D. Lance+Manta by the 18 or 19 min mark, it's gg. TB won that game.
          But LS, Jugger, LC, WK and Troll, all these heroes can fight in early game and put pressure to enemy team / enemy carry.

          Also, I'd like to remind you that although TB is a great late-game force, one of his strong sides was his ability early push. With new tower armor mechanics, early push as a whole team isn't a good idea. TB, alone, would hit harder to towers right now but TB without having backup pushing is a horrible idea.


            but wiht right team heroes that can tb have, other enemy is done, same goes with me i have a shitty ass team even if i get good farm with tb, i still lose..


              Phantom lancer


                ^ ^ gg xd LuL

                CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                  Having Magnus at TB's side creates a conflict unless Magnus gets an Aghs.

                  bruh terrorblade usually gets stat items which makes terrorblade hit very hard with empower. you havent seen an empowered morphling before have you?

                  Este comentário foi editado

                    A lvl.3 meta and lvl.3 skill 2 can easily drain that tier 1 tower with drums.


                      " bruh terrorblade usually gets stat items which makes terrorblade hit very hard with empower. you havent seen an empowered morphling before have you? "
                      You didn't get the point. Why bother to respond mate? If TB has Magnus by his side and he's empowered, using Metamorphosis make TB lose his cleave for more damage. And since Metamorphosis is TB's main source of damage, that situation creates a conflict. Simple. No TB will try to play without Metamorphosis just because there's Magnus in his team.
                      And Magnus building Aghs isn't a popular choice. Otherwise, when I play TB I'd kill to have an Aghs Magnus by my side. xD

                      BTW; this Drums on TB fella is just sad. A week ago, when I said TB is highly cooldown dependent hero he got cancer because TB can have 10 sec cd on Sunder. Unreal stuff.

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                      casual gamer

                        tb doesnt need a proper team or whatever imo hes a real 1v9 type


                          tb has 11 armor at lvl 1 and he seige very good
                          hes not op carry
                          tinker lina any nuker rekt the shit out of him
                          jugg is imo beter

                          Este comentário foi editado

                            Right now Jugg seems to be a really safe pick as POS 1 since he can be online early and he doesn't really need that much farm unlike others like Spec, AM and other POS 1 carries which is what is needed in the the current fast paced meta, Weaver is also good.