General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed advice on how to climb solo mmr fast

Need advice on how to climb solo mmr fast in General Discussion

    Can u guys give me advice on how to climb out from my normal skill mmr ? . I know im not a skilled player but i really want to get out of this deep trench . TY n have a nice day



        Git gud
        Watch/read guides
        Think about the game
        Be open minded
        Expect the best out of yourself every game, and do your best to reach it
        Only play when you're fit/good mood
        Stop playing when you're tilted
        It's not that quick and simple, yes, the world is not a fairy tale


          Think WHY high level players do certain things instead of WHAT they do


            spam 2-3 heroes per role that you are really good at. restrict yourself fromnot picking those.
            OFFLANE. Cent, Abba, Underlord
            Carry, Jugg, Naix, Weaver,
            Support, Ogre, VS, SB,
            Mid, TA, SF
            that is what works for me


              Spamming works but I prefer letting people play with their preferences

              1-IceTea 🌟

                Go Jungle and git gud


                  make new acc,and play ..i had 3k mmr on this acc,and allways losing cuz rustards,now i am2.5k ...i make new acc,and played on hight skill,but now cuz is max 3.5mmr on calib thets very suxks,i paly my frst mach at 4.2 ,then3.8 3.6 now is 3.5 .. all wins with good KAD ofc :D


                    There is nothing really to say but GITGUD.