have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?
but realistically, doesnt matter what you pick up to 6k, you can literally do any hero and still win almost any match if you can actually play the game properly.
even with shitty feedy teammates: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3070601482
higher chance the feeding machine will be in the opposite team. Just pick heroes you like
Oh wait you dont have to be good to get out of 2k
All you have to do is smurf and calibrate 3.5k and ruin bws' games
Legit 2k player here coming from sub 1k mmr and 2.8k now. I'm from the cancerous land that is SEA. You can pretty much find the answers to everything you asked and we have same region. Also I'm not a 5k player with 4000 games played taking a shit on you by telling you to "just get good" or "destroy ancient" linking a replay that will prove absolutely nothing(different mmr regions have different environments, 4k will have supports and will be a lot better in terms of team play and coordination, still that doesn't mean if you jump there you will do great because your suports are alot better than 2k supports. The opposition will be just as strong and your lack of mechanics will make you suffer and you won't be able to keep up with the pace of the game). By that logic everyone sub 7k is absolute trash and should watch some 9k replays to git gud. There is a fucking reason there are levels to this and no one comes out with straight 5k, most make their way from the ground up. Learn mechanics and get better at farming. These 2 alone are guaranteed to take you to 3k. I never watched a single fucking replay and I'm almost 3k coming from 1k. But if you got time to watch replays who am I to stop you.
Also about the feeding thing, you won't have a feeder in your team in every single game and you don't have to hit 3k with 100% win rate. Accept the fact that you will get teamed with retards from time to time and be happy if your win rate is around 55%+(since you are not a 7k player boosting 2k, you won't have 90% win rate. As a legit 2k player that wr shows that you are improving slowly but surely ).
Bro just focus in pushing/split pushing or the so called rat. Check this acc. Its 2k flat when i first played on last monday and its been 4days i already gain 500mmr. Basically you need heroes like am or invo For what i've been observed in 2ks player, they dont wanna push if theres a free chance they wanna farm all the time.. You can outplayed them with that strat and climb your mmr to 3k! Also if u mid buy your own wards sents and obs. Its a simple tip to win mid bcs there's no good support at 2k
lmao, you don't neeed to watch a single replay to get to 3k because 3k has no skill
all you need to do is farm fast
Learn mechanics and get better at farming. These 2 alone are guaranteed to take you to 3k.
i have 57% winrate on anti mage and 567 average mmr, maybe i should spam him?
edit: maybe i need to farm more
I gained a big chunk of my mmr by running Solo mid anti mage (92% win rate). However solo mid AM could backfire if you don't know the mid lane mechanics to the point that you are absolutely confident(2ks are very very quick to report others to LP especially if you do something unorthodox like that and end up failing). IMO its the best hero to climb mmr in 2k, allows you to flash farm and split push, 2 things 2ks don't know how to deal with apparently.
(Keep in mind I stopped running him mid after 2.6k)There are a lot of things you need to learn before you try that. I like to run AM mid because I just hate to lane with 2k supports but thats just me. Among many things that you need to learn about mid lane, Creep agro and lane control are the 2 biggest things you need to know to run AM mid effectively. I can pretty much zone them out by being extremely aggressive early on and keeping them low on mana (you will be surprised how retarded their use of shrine is and how awful they are at utilizing resources properly) when they actually start getting levels for spells that can kill or make my lane harder. Also most of the lower 2ks go extremely passive when you play extremely aggressive (this only happens if you are doing it right way, you should know your limits as well as the capabilities of the enemy hero, also creep agro is a big part of doing this properly you can make setups where your creeps and you are hitting him doing massive damage while his creeps are not hitting you, doing this allows you to make great exchanges early on forcing them to waste their resources making your laning easier. Aggression has to be controlled otherwise you will feed doing some retarded sh*t). What is the most common hero you see get picked on mid lane at 2k and how many times do you see supports making rotations to help out mid? For me I can farm faster with AM on mid lane compared to safe lane with a support who has no idea what he is doing and tells me "s t f u don't teach me" if I ask him to pull or do anything useful.
do alchemist mid jones, that's best for that playstyle, pushes more reliably.
just use the standard build, you get 6 slotted by 20 minutes and end the game for 20-25
Thanks for the suggestion, I had my eye on alchemist for awhile I will give it a try see how it works for me.
Jon jones
I am pretty gud at alch i believe. I can give you guide for first 10min to get a constant 13min rad
nah, an underfarmed apparition does jack shit nothing to an alchemist.
what can a 20 minute apparition with tranquils and a set of wards do to a alchemist with 20 minute armlet radi bots manta octa?
this patch is amazing for farming, last alche game on my 3k smurf i got to 800 gpm in the first 11 minutes, and you can do that in any game in 2k.
i got no kills, all i did is simple lane + jungle farm
you can get radi talon treads pms talon soulring in the first 13 minutes in any game.
you don't need to snowball, you just need to farm up and walk up their high ground and end the game
i just figured quite an op alche farming build: pms>talon>quelling>treads>armlet
you can literally last hit a creep from half hp, that'd speed your jungle farm up by 1 quadrillion gpm
each hit does 200+ damage with acid, pretty much clear 1-2 camps between each wave without missing anything.
Im too lazy to write the full guide but i can give you the main idea
Do double stack every odd timing. Farm the easier camp and leave the hard camp (if you have can get bounty rune go to secondary jungle camp if not get the primery one) at the next odd minute double stack(anc and hard camp) farm the hard camp. Usually you get armlet before or at you farm the triple stack hard camp and with armlet you farm the double stack ancient camp.
Try this shit on empty lobby 1st. Havent use this farming pattern since 7.00 because i havent figure it out yet. But now you shall be my successor. I miss my 6.xx farming pattern :(
hey cookie i just finished a arc warden match safelane
is that good enough?
You have 92% winrate on AM mid? I have 100% AM winrate solo safelane first pick
But that doesn't mean people should follow me, just follow your heart and spam heroes that fits your likings
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how to climb to 2k to 3k if there's a high chance of a feeder in my team? which heroes should i spam?