I usually add echo sabre on heros who have slower attack speed or some kind of bash usage (and need some mana regen ofcourse). Every time I would play spectre and even had spare time to consider to buy this item, I would be saving for something better. Just my 2 cents.
It doesnt work on illusion
Have one or two of them your mana would be enough
Dagger slow and phase boots is enough for you to not get kited
You get agi and AS stuffs later on, while heroes like LS or sven which are good echo carriers can just add up raw damage
basically you want echo sabre on heroes with high burst in short time (sven-ls-tiny) or those who have passive benefit from double hit early on in the game (slark-mk-sb)
spectre don't have that passive that scale the more she hit nor that she can farm it fast so you might find it useless in close matches
by getting that echo you will do better in early game BUT by saving money and getting manta you have a super strong power spike and you actually destroy back lines in fights (2 passive procs in 5 sec CD or 3 passive proc every second)
Its a meh item for Spec and it won't benefit her at all, pretty much what CUTNPASTE answered.
Matrice used to swear by echo sabre when it first came out. I think it's good actually, you may want to skip aquila though if you do it. It'll fix your regen issues and has nice stats to boot, the double attack is fine for your main spectre.
Echo fits well with HoTD/VG I think
It makes VG as first or second big item not that bad at least imo
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Seems good on paper as an early game item - health, damage, mana regen, a slow and easy build up.
Is the problem that it doesn't help farming like a yasha or radiance?