what do you do if they trilane you with pudge, slark cm?
Tusk cant iron talon jungle well.
Do you roam?
I got trilane againts Pudge + ogre as sups, fucking cancer lane, use shards to block your creep wave, you can get around 6-10 secs of block on dire offlane, you just use on t1-and trees, but you can just leave the lane, pop a smoke, and go hide in the trees near the side shop, they will usually leave the lane, cause they will think you are jungling, and them you get 1v1 against the enemy carry, if so, you won the lane.
Until they come back, you will get enough xp, to use you shards to farm the ranged creeps, and get a few last hits safely from the back.
You can roam, but you need at least lvl 2-3 to do something good, you can go mid to but depends of the enemy mid.
Thinking about him lately as well i think he is really good atm but ppl didnt realizes yet but best pos mid or roam he cant beat beat good safelane as axe, fv, cent etc can
You have 7 matches as tusk....... you dont even have a 100% WR outta those 7 (71%)
I wud roam early with him but he is pretty versatile. I think u either become a huge aura carrier or u have to transition to semi carry items like sb, and shivas and ac and shit thats high enough impact late game.
played on some smurfs, and he is doing good, aroun 70%+ winrate, in around 20 games, and in party is always a win.
Plus after 7.0 i have 100% winrate in this acc.
@ cookie, is it basically veno gales and ursa swats?
What about against a tough trilane, cm, wd and jug for example?
they will get fucked, they dont have any escape, other than slows, if they have a wd, picking a double offlane will just fuck you up.
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Low MMR, and the hero can build into any shit you want, i put him in a solo offlane, and build.
Stick - Blight Stone- Arcanes - Drums - Medalion into Crest until mid game, its easy to control the fights with your skill set, and those itens.
After that you can build a lot of items, tusk is now for having lots of item builds.
You can build into a Defensive Aura Carrier, with Pipe , Vlads and Crimson Guard.
Or you can build the Old Core tusk, SB + Deso, still works.
Items that you can build to :
Early Game - Mid Game: Urn, Bottle, OoV, Meka, Force, Blink.
Late Game : Assault, Silver Edge, Tarrasque, Guardian Greaves.
If you want to climb from 1-3k, heros that control teamfights are a good option, practice tusk.
i played on some smurfs, and he is doing good, aroun 70%+ winrate, in around 20 games, and in party is always a win.
Edit Talents, for the offlane tusk the best alternative is
10: XP gain;
15: Snowball Dmg (clear waves with very ez);
20: 12% magic resist or 6 armor depends of the enemy lineup;
25: and hp is almost always better, but if the enemy carry isnt very tanky, and you go for the SB deso build, go for the crit.