General Discussion

General DiscussionEmber damage vs magic

Ember damage vs magic in General Discussion

    Hello guys,

    With the latest patch my beloved ember spirit has had a few nerfs but also a few buffs. Now my question is if the minor buffs are enough to get the bf crit ember back?

    I mean I think the old build is much more fun and saver to play. You scale better in the late game and you dont need to use your remnants to burst someone down. I believe their maybe games where you should go veil (when your team is lategame and you need to be active early on) but overall i think BF ember is better.

    What are your thoughts?


      Ember with 3bf is the best 😂


        I'd rather have my ember buying SnY and pipe than that shit

        fear is the mind killer

          Magic is better there's no doubt about it and you can always change items late game

          fear is the mind killer

            also if you think its more fun to play the old build you don't play the hero really well IMO


              i duno why, but i just feel like battlefury is such a shit item in this meta. u need more early game relevant items like veil maels

              fear is the mind killer

                yeah batlle fury deals 0 dmg


                  battlefury ember died when they choosed to fuckup sleight of fist random direction

                  Este comentário foi editado

                    What does the fun factor actually say anything about how good you play the hero?

                    And isnt their anything to say about going veil first and then get a bf?


                      farming for too long will lose you games for someone who cant carry hard like him


                        The Bf don't hit correctly when he uses SoF since the cleave change. Also the directional change was for the best for gameplay, but it makes stacking cleave kinda pointless on him imo

                        fear is the mind killer

                          Because with the magic build you can actually make plays and not just spam a single skill at a safe distance. Wich is the case with the old build late game


                            Wich is also much more safe and also has some great benefits..
                            But oke I understand that it is situational