General Discussion

General Discussionit's something

it's something in General Discussion

    aight guys i know that i am 3k shit lord but i have something in mind that i would like to share :
    iron talon and qp stacks
    for 700 gold you can farm like a beast on heroes with good attack speed like maybe jugg i have been :thinking: can i start going jugg mid and get : PMS-talon-boots-bottle-qb-aquila and farm like crazy fast like farm lane with max crit and go jungle farm like 2 camps and stack big camp from there i go phase up qb to battle fury to blink and farm with god mode on.
    just a thought

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      Or you just don't miss cs in lane and get early yasha if you wish to farm good?
      (I miss cs too tough rofl)


        you dont get what i'm sayin ?


          ^there is no reason to farm like a god in the current teamfighting and team pushing meta. Its much better to just take outer towers with healing ward and then farm the enemy jungle. Even then if u want to farm u only rlly need a fast yasha, which allows u to move from camp to camp fast and gives effecient dmg and stats.


            ^TRU DAT

            Current meta right now is heavy team fighting and early taking of objectives not farming, if you will do that there will be a big chance that will backfire on you and your opponents will be able to overwhelm your team if they know how to early push and you wont be able to farm your jungle anymore because they have taken over your jungles.


              Lmao I wouldn't even consider getting talon these days unless it's on super fast farming heroes like naga or alche, but even then quelling seems enough


                :thinking: If they take over your jungle, can you take theirs, including their towers? :thinking:
                Antimage mindset :thinking:

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                    Dont ever buy bf on jugg again. Yasha to manta and mjonir/diffu is a better


                      talon on slark is still ok isnt it


                        i had jugg in my team talon quel he rekt the game


                          I buy echo sabre mael on fv on offlane and still carry


                            u guys ignored the main idea that qb and talon stacks the bf was an extra maybe i can get quill and talon with legion and start my jungling journey or maybe even try AM mid with talon qb then go for moijlnir manta hell yeah attack speed also work on illu (the am thing was also an extra)

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                              the idea that i am trying to deliver here THAT QB AND TALON STACK SO WHY NOT TO GET THEM BOTH FOR FUCKING 700 GOLD ON SOME HEROES (SOME WITH HIGH AS) AND FARM FAST AS HELL


                                700 is a lot. How much faster does it make you tho?

                                Savvy Cat


                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                    Battle Fury is still a legit item for Jugg. People only start building yasha > manta > maelstrom because thats what pros build.

                                    Battle Fury advantage over rush Yasha > Manta (or diffu?) is that Jugg can farm VERY fast. He can even take ancients in a sec. Also, crits are very painful coz of the bonus +65 damage. The only disadvantage is that, youll be slightly late for clash coz a battle fury wont do good in a team fight compare to yasha or diffusal.

                                    Anyway, quelling blade is enough. Iron Talon is a waste of slot and gold.


                                      @CUTNPASTE Offlaners need Iron Talon especially if they're getting zoned out of lane so they will need to be able to fast farm the offlane Neut camps.

                                      If they take over your jungle, can you take theirs, including their towers?

                                      Well if you can comeback then its possible ofc.

                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                        I buy that 2 for jungle- It didn't boost my speed,it's a bad idea.
                                        and in lane better just keep que and buy other item.

                                        Unless you are below VHS,everything work tere


                                          Battle Fury is still a legit item for Jugg.

                                          Ultra situational


                                            Building BF means wasting your power spike to afk farm and get into the lategame which is not what jugg wants
                                            You cant fight well with BF
                                            You can fight well with manta
                                            You also farm fast with manta