General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed 5k+ Tips On Lone Druid

Need 5k+ Tips On Lone Druid in General Discussion

    started to playing this hero , havent touch him since dota 1 i mean ever ever!

    i need the following

    1) Goals of early / mid game
    2) better Position for him
    3) starting itembuild / and progress build too
    4) any other tips



      *not dying/getting towers (both are quite easy)
      *2 branches, tangos, stour and later oov for the bear. blightstone is situational. further - dragon lance (upgrade when needed), mjollnir, skadi, bkb, deso is ok, daedalus is situational.
      *if u r looking to tryhard, there's a trick with upgrading the bear refreshing roots cd - this shit's fucking cancerous, i think it's not fixed yet cz it was a thing since forever.

      Optimus Drip

        1: To destroy the enemy ancient hehe DESTROY. pound that thing into the dirt
        2: I suppose doggy style is ok for him. he looks pretty old. if we get the bear in there IDK, the bear should proudly be doing the bear's share of the work. we should discuss this point at length actually. def need some 5k+ advice on this point
        3: I suppose two condoms and see how things progress from there. latex suits should be later on for sure. you don't just start out with those
        4: Well there is at least two tips. the bear's and his. Unless his spirit bear is a female. then we have to revisit every point thus far

        Este comentário foi editado

          Well, tips 1-4000 should be on general gameplay mechanics (ie, not just the hero).
          Tips 4001-4200 should be on micro-ing the bear, when, what, where and why.

          I can't honestly think of 800 more tips you'd need eto get good.

          Optimus Drip

            hey, snu, ill race you to 3600 mmr

            Optimus Drip

              i beat you


                Wanna race to 1 mmr? Hehe blunt beat me


                  why normal skill coments show off here


                    get some gyros, equip it on the bear, ez

                    Impulsive 3k addict.

                      Hes not super good at low mmr. Hes a bit of an early all in. If its YOU whos 5k, then wait till he gets nerfed and just counter him. Most 5ks should have plans to deal with ld this late in the meta, and youd still have to land an early all in with pubbies.


                        Ld early game hero ?
                        bro just dwlete coment kill uself and dont coment nothing
                        ps ; ur 2k mmr 3020 mmr doesnt mean ur 3k
                        go burn to the last ash i gona piss on ur grave later when i finish beer


                          ld is super strong after after level 4, so you could consider him an early game hero which scales throughout the entire game? lul


                            thanks i will read all comments soon !!

                            @Chris greek gyros = best item on ld

                            Impulsive 3k addict.

                              Yeah he sucks here. You have to buy your own sents, you cant deny enemy blinks, enemies will 2v1 your lane and STILL win other lanes, nobody can do a push ever, enemy will have 3 late carries, I could go on. A majority of what makes ld strong is invalidated in 3k.

                              though I spam him pos 3.

                              Este comentário foi editado

                                ^he isnt a pos 3 anymore, he is a pos 1, 2.


                                  @tripple what do u mean? resummon bear? after root or level up ? lol thats sick


                                    He means if u level up the bear the cd of entangling roots refreshes.


                                      u dont need to re-summon it. when u level it up, he technically re-summons by itself with root cd refreshed. with bear lvl3, you just do not get a 4th point in Q immediatly when u r lvl 7; instead u keep it and wait for the root to proc.


                                        btw lots of pros go maelstrom before dragon lance


                                          dagon lance?


                                            I think they go mael for farming because he is quite good at late game and he is pretty fucking elusive for sniper


                                              got it thats what i was thinking too! thanks guys


                                                i can give you normal skill tips brew


                                                  I tried Mr.Bear but shit happened T.T


                                                    i would love that @enax

                                                    im thirsty for tips N' Tricks from the normal skill abyss

                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                      Best time to start ld after nerfs lul