General Discussion

General DiscussionRoaming Earth Spirit in 2,5k Solo-Ranked

Roaming Earth Spirit in 2,5k Solo-Ranked in General Discussion

    Hey guys,

    i played ES more then 100 times and can play him pretty good.
    Some tips for me while i play him in my 2,5k dogshit soloranked games?
    Play him also on 3.8-4k Partyranked sucssesfull.

    I think i could play him every game i play. He's a strong ganker/roamer/crowdcontroller.

    I know the combos i can do and i itemize him like OG.Jerax. I go gank with lvl 2 with roll and stun, mostly middle.
    Most of the time my team sucks balls when i'm roling in and loses the game in lategame. What can i do?

    Greetings Nero

    PS: Antworten auch gerne auf deutsch.

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    Arturo b

      well, there is nothing much u can do late game. it's all depend on your carry
      if u want to win try to convince your team to end early, maybe 20-30 min game
      also ask your one of your teammates to be your ganking buddy early game and rekt your opponent


        You go roam on lv 1 i believe and your starting item always should be oov


          I always go for Tangos, OOV, Smoke, ward and courier for starting items.


            ur tood but that hero wont grind ur mmr fast and alot

            if u do want to get 4k u must learn tinker
            end of discussion

            casual gamer

              make plays with ur aghs to have high impact in the lategame

              or something


                kill, rape, murder

                Oldman Vet

                  I do play earth spirit, the best thing for me is to have secondary support to back you up.. something like a set for u would be great like ( rubick, sd, cm, lion, shaman and the likes)
                  But if ure playing solo support which is common in 2k brackets.. playing es would be hard.. ure going to suffer in exp if your gank isnt successful... gonna rely on your skills and team cooperation... much better if u can throw combo while rolling, much precise and hard to react on those..

                  Impulsive 3k addict.

                    IMO dont play earth spirit in 2.5k Earth spirit is a roaming support than wins 2k everybody is trash and enemy slark will get 50 mins of freefarm no matter what happens. Wait until 3.7k to start playing earth spirit, when you have allies worth supporting. sure you could get a decent winrate with him, but even a grandmaster ES might only get 65% winrate playing him as pos 4 in 2k because his team wouldn't even listen to him.

                    You can get 90% winrate on heroes in 2.5-3.5k if you are grandmaster. Playing ES with noob allies is just a super innefficient way of laddering.

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                      Thanks for all answers, i will spam a shit hero to climb MMR i think :D