General Discussion

General Discussionmax calibration now 3500 [CONFIRMED]

max calibration now 3500 [CONFIRMED] in General Discussion

    actually yeah I coulda raised from 3.5 to like 4.7 in patch 6.88

    but this patch is my worst patch ever. I hate this patch and its meta


      @Endless I am willing to give you my account see you play few games there so then I can watch and learn. I mean like what is the secret to it.

      @D_Reck I have no tragedies in my life thank god. I play this game for fun. Have wife, kids and a good salary job. I have a life and not looking for self esteem in dota mmr numbers

      I am shit at the game though. Thats a fact

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      casual gamer

        id be down to do that later

        theres no huge secret its just that 3ks are bad at lhing and dont know when to play aggressive

        and 6k players love to sit in my lane smoked and gank me. 3ks do this rarely and badly so i can play much more aggressively in lane

        then because i win my lane and get good item timing on tinker i can just run around murdering people and vacuuming all the farm on the map. then i get my team to rosh and we rax = gg


          Climbing the ladder is not hard. But you have to spam some heroes to do so efficiently.
          Anyhow this is the best idea of Valve ever, especially if they remove the party stacks from solo (though I'm afraid that will be back...).


            The next step: reduce it to 3k and then whoever has above 3k reduce their mmr by (X-3k)/half to reduce the inflation of the upper bracket due to rampant smurfing and acc selling while people could calibrate up to 5k and more before that.


              lol it'd be actually lit if valve devided the mmr value to half when miracle reaches 10k


                let me summarize 3.5k bracket to you players will fight over a missed hook and spam legendary motivating words "report pudge noob" for 5min trying to make you angry and eventually commit suicide, your mid will feed couriers and himself if he get ganked more then 2 times by enemy support, your team is down 15-1 in score FFFS will be spammed in chat and every one will be afk.

                casual gamer

                  ^ 5k bracket?????


                    actually this patch intended for new/first time player who playing dota. I think 3500 max is make sense. you know you need 120 games for play ranked games for first time then you need 10more to calibrate it.

                    I do sorry 'bout the english


                      Seems good man,
                      yes account buyers will cost more now, however in theory less of them should exist, just at a higher cost.
                      How badly do you want that VHS account when your a 1k scrub? Gotta pay big bucks now I guess


                        i like to play at 2k and below mmr though. way better than playing at my 5-6k trash tier

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                          WTS 3.3k account 60$

                          Gothisches Weibchen

                            Its not 3.5k just looked at a smurf of a dude i know and he is still vhs


                              Smurf selling and acc buying will decrease, boosters will have their Golden Age now.

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                                Im enjoying this lol sohai smurfs

                                aryaford #TeamOnodera

                                  DUDE, FINALLY . NO MORE LEVEL 21-22 ACCOUNT ! or ACCOUNT BUYER ! Feelsgoodman .


                                    This is actually good for winrate grinders..

                                    The DarKNovA

                                      @Kaizo you're right, my smurf is getting put in 5k-ish avg MMR


                                        "...and have removed IP tracking when determining MMR due to shared computers, Wi-Fi hotspots and ISP network IP pools."


                                          Wen you go to calibration it will start at 3.5k

                                          MAAFKAN MMR

                                            so sad , dont crying


                                              Sad, i want 4k from 2 years ago i was 1k...
                                              and now i stlll 3.5, what happening with the huge wall of this new rule...


                                                This win rate grinding is fun and all, but sometimes I just want to see a higher number. I have 61% ranked win rate. Hoping to grind to 67% before I start having a hard time winning Since it's what I'm stuck with. :p


                                                  Rip grammar


                                                    Bot matches still give exp right? Planning to see how low i can calibrate this acc

                                                    CES (2)

                                                      guys what was the highest calibration before this shit 3.5k max calib?

                                                      Pls reply T_T

                                                      Este comentário foi editado


                                                        shadow feed

                                                          mader fucker shit, i want new acc just for new life,,not for sell, but valve shit gve max 3.5k,,, first game i play with avrg 4.7,, and i hope i get 4.5k,, but valve is shit shit shiiit


                                                            if you belong remotely to 4,5k you will absolutely shitstomp 3ks


                                                              this only means , people who is belong to 3.7-3.9ish brackets will not be creating a new account for em to have 4kish account. its just it doesnt make sense anymore. Valve will just fucked you back to 3.5k much lower . And yes as of people opinion account selling will be much higher than before cause no one will fuck about creating and boosting account for few days for em to reach 4.5ish account. And i fount it pretty hard i got 3,5kish account and its shit man ! but its more cancer patients at my bracket.

                                                              Vem Comigo

                                                                calibration limit should be like 1k and you should gain 10 mmr per win and lose 100 per loss, so everyone bellow 1k is pure shit, and anyone above it is gucci.


                                                                  ^then no one will play rank tho haha unless you are 7k+ You dont give a shit cause everyone is in the same level as yours

                                                                  idk how to play dota

                                                                    I'm playing with 5k on my normal matches and im on vhs. I dont know if I am going to get 3k. I'm not a 3k. I just dont want to play my lowprio. Axaxaxa


                                                                      account buying dead?

                                                                      account buying will be 10 times more now....


                                                                        I play my first ranked at 4.3k. I play antimage and got 15-2-7 kda and an 800gpm. The next day i was shock that I am only averaging 3.5k and I was so upset af. I do not belong to this average they are so noob they picking carry all the way even if no supp so i forced to play support and do my atleast to retain my kda ratio but God! they are so noob as fuck! Valve please fix this i have more 5 calibrating games and i want to go atleast 4k bracket.

                                                                        Ps. I also check my dota buff and i go directly to from veryhigh skill bracket to high skill 😞


                                                                          ^haha nice try

                                                                          NEVER SCARED

                                                                            Axaxaxaxaxa nice losing spree shadow fiend

                                                                            Story Time

                                                                              3.5 is not an average these days, lets call it savage_rage :)


                                                                                poor finish


                                                                                  valve should reset mmr if they are really concern.

                                                                                  start again

                                                                                  alright alright

                                                                                    wish i read this 1 week ago


                                                                                      I saw a lv 79 at 1k lul


                                                                                        I saw 4 lvl 20s on 3.5k
                                                                                        Two supports who didn't even know they shouldn't contest farm or know wards exist
                                                                                        Enigma midas

                                                                                        i need xp u moron

                                                                                        Smh 3.5k is the new 4k cancer


                                                                                          I saw a lvl 90 in 1k who first picked pl and bought vlads what the fuck is your point


                                                                                            So for the player who is really good,they've to begin at 3k5? Lol its pretty unfair,if they want to decrease it,at least the limkt should be at 4k but decreasing 1k mmr is really to fucking new update


                                                                                              I think,dat update might concern those who smurf acc by selecting the "i'm beginner'! It make sense coz a new player cant get more dan 3k5 but people who plays 5k game should get at least 4k3

                                                                                              get higher

                                                                                                nice valve rip me :) bye world

                                                                                                casual gamer

                                                                                                  "unfair" for anyone good you get a nice little 60 game vacation shitting on people born without fingers


                                                                                                    I just played a mmr game and the avg is about 3.8k with Very High Skill in dotabuff