General Discussion

General Discussionis it really unavoidable to get reported?

is it really unavoidable to get reported? in General Discussion
white boy summer

    when i was 1k, and decided to take the game more seriously, i was winning like 70% of my games and all the coduct summaries of 25 games said that i wasnt reported once and i had like 5-6 commends every 25 games. in 2k, reports started to show up even though i have a positive winrate, and a lot less would commend me. now the summary says i got reported 5 times and noone commended me, even though i had like 60-70% winrate for those 25 games, and i wouldnt feed even if we are losing, and i dont really flame (unnecesarily, but i would flame the guy who feeds af and the whole team reports him). my teammates are often cocky about everything even if we are winning, they would yell retard and report when somebody dies after the whole team died anyways. i just dunno but those reports im getting don't look fancy but i dunno if i really am the problem there

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      Welcome to the SecRekt club. Enjoy your stay and pray to Lord Gaben that you don't visit the holy Low Priority ground often


        Be nice, you play support when your team needs it, don't flame and you can never go to LP.


          i sugest u learn tinker thats all i can say
          i was for long time 2800 to 3300 and didnt know what to do
          then i learned tinked and got very fast 4200 and that was the time i never fell back to 3k anymore and learned more about dota but im stil super scrub

          white boy summer

            yeah everyone's saying spam tinker but i fucking hate him. it's not a problem about being unable to grind up, cuz i still can win a lot, it's just that the players would report me for no reason that i know of. i have oly encountered lpq once since i rejoined the game in october, i just dont wanna get back there anymore. and there was that guy who fell from 7.1k to 4.8 (he has an ama post on reddit) and he said that he would get to lowprio w/o reason


              I had a jungle alch, I was a safelane am with a venge support, vs a duel offlane sand king and some other hero I cannot remember.
              This was a 5th pick jungle alch. Bounty rune spawns and I take it. All of a sudden the alch is flaming me saying I fucked up his jungle, the venge is saying that was fucked up of me. I tell them alch will have a free jungle and he has the shrine if needed, I'll be in lane fighting for cs.
              After that both of them said I'm an idiot and they would report me. Then I just muted them. I ended up carrying the team with a 700+ gpm and most tower damage on team by far.
              At the end of the game I unmute the venge and alch and they are in all chat spamming report AM for being a dick.
              Sometimes low skill players don't comprehend the game, and think that only their gameplay matters over everybody else's.


                I'm in the 2k mmr range and I don't have problem with report yet. But that's maybe because I play support 70% of the time.

                @"Why Pudge"
                I guess he leveled up Greevil's Greed first and wanted a quick Armlet. He lost 200 gold, I assume that's a medium camp for an alch.
                It's something but it's not the end of the world, he should have asked the rune instead of flaming.

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                white boy summer

                  well, i didnt have a problem at flat 2k either, the problem is i have to fight every russian invoker picker for mid, i dont want my game be fucked up by someone who is taking invoker just so he cant be contested but knows the shit about the game. it happened a ton against me too and i always wreck em


                    the only time I get reported in 2k was when I was losing a lot trying to play zett. there really isn't any excuse (at least in Europe) for getting reports in 2k.

                    @why pudge taking a rune from alch early game is retarded in any situation. just admit you did it because you were triggered by the also retarded) last pick alch jungle. you guys deserved each other.

                    white boy summer

                      oh boy if you think eu is the masterrace and you only get reports for what you did wrong... eu still has them russians who would yell at you for no reason at all (and mostly get reported because you survived a gank)


                        It's more important WHEN you place rather than WHERE you play.


                          Midnight game is the best try them. Or maybe yr bad enough for 2k

                          The Medic Guy

                            you mean how not to get "poisoned" in a toxic community?
                            yes there is a way.
                            be nice all the time, drop your ego, lick their balls, and be their slave.