General Discussion

General DiscussionTreant Protector.

Treant Protector. in General Discussion
doc joferlyn simp

    Can any of y'all tell me how Treant is right now? Still great?

    If he is, or maybe even if he isn't, how would one go playing him every 3/5 games? Hero seems to have so much interesting mechanics, learning and spamming him might actually be fun. Won't hurt to have some MMR along the way.

    Also give carry guides ty. Shitposting is welcome as long as it is funny.

    casual gamer


      ill outline how i play him in a few hours at the latest

      Măcel Marcel

        Very strong hero.You should pick him in dual offlane and play him as pos 4.

        doc joferlyn simp

          Thanks JD. Looking forward to that.

          doc joferlyn simp

            Yeah I've started watching gameplays I always thought Treant should be in the safelane; now that I think of it putting him in the babysitting duty makes no sense since he has now reliable stuns and a meh slow.

            Watching this for now:


              Play him as pos 4, pos 5 also works.

              cant recommend carry treant because you will get reported 100%.

              best is in a trilane.
              first skill you should get Q. starting items courier, observer and sentry, and and orb of venom.

              if you feel confident try to snatch the enemy bounty rune buy going invis at the nearby tree and stunning them at 1 sec before the runes spawns.

              in lane you should stay invis in trees, whenever you can hit the enemy hero without drawing creep aggro do it. you can harrass the living hell out of most offlaners.

              If you have an enemy jungler go and invade his jungle. a LC or LS are often low health. you can go invis from high ground, stun them and use leech seed and kill them very easy. definetly do this if you have an enemy jungler he will tilt 100%

              second skill depends. i prefeer leech seed to harrass even better and increase kill potential.
              living armour can be a gift from heaven for your mid, and can turn small fights into kills.
              you should also deny creeps a lot. afaik treant has the highest base damage at lvl of all heros. which means that you can deny creeps easly and the enemy carry cant do much.

              do a lot of pulling, with the high damage you can land easy last hits on your creeps and neutral creeps.

              you can apply living armour by clicking on the hero icons on top of the screen.

              as soon as you get lvl 6 you have to get a kill somewhere. smoke, go mid and invis at trees. pop ult and kill enemy mid.

              I dont like rushing aghs. if the gamw goes well get a hand of midas first. also getting a eusl scepter first is good when you have for example and axe in enemy team.

              Only rush aghs if you are on the loosing side. if you ward all your jungle sieging can become a bug pain. enchant the trees near your barracks, should open up comeback possibilties easily.

              I got dotabuff only recently, i actually have about 130 games with treant and a 75% winrate, longest winstreak in ranked was 8 games if i remember correct...most games before patch 7.00 when he was considered underwhelming

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                Completely aids to play against since ult cuts thru bkb


                  imba hero man, imba !!! ez x D i saw people get 8k with this hero x D

                  casual gamer

                    To start I tp to the enemy mid's rune, this ensures that i arrive before anyone can scout me and have ample time to invis. I bash the enemy mid and steal his bounty, this causes him to miss his block and ferry his salve extremely late, which usually results in him performing below average for the first couple of waves. Check the items of every hero near you. Often a support will come with detection, checking items is the difference between feeding fb like a fool and making them waste 100-200 gold planting sentries on runes

                    From there, your options depend on what your lanes are. Some mids can be ganked (sf, invoker), ideally by using branches to extend your invis. I do this rarely

                    Often, the easy play is simply to invis behind mid's t1 and wait for the courier. As radiant tree I have to smoke and walk all the way around after stealing mid's bounty, because you have to approach from the left side to maintain invis and not get spotted out by the t2. As dire tree I have to smoke also, but only so that i can invis on a low-ground tree without getting spotted.

                    Usually, however, the play is simply to go straight to the safelane or offlane and immediately attempt to kill someone. You just have to be aware of who else is in the lane. With a hero like weaver, slark, or even slardar it is quite simple to go aggressive and kill. Sometimes i have to wear them down by bashing from invis, but a carry is almost guaranteed to stubbornly stay in lane even at ~65% hp.

                    When you hit lvl 2 you are ultra strong. 22% slow + oov (i buy oov at the start of every game) means that you can continue hitting people with your monster base damage and kill a ton of heroes. Sometimes i will catch a support hero like venge in their jungle getting a rune or pulling and can reduce them to 20% hp before they return to the safety of their tower. If you wait and the offlaner comes it's extremely easy to kill low armor supports, even fast people like kotl are very easy to chase with leech seed

                    Once the early laning phase is done the game gets a bit awkward in my opinion. If you are getting kills you simply continue pressuring lanes and pick up an early raindrop to start abusing living armor. Otherwise your #1 priority is getting xp, you want lvl 6 by 10 mins with the tome at least and very often i end up falling behind if I can't kill things.

                    In terms of item builds I always buy tranquils, and people often go midas -> aghs or vlad drum aura type items with solar crest. Honestly though the most important thing is the early game, knowing what lanes you can and cannot pressure and when to show up to the lanes


           (courier snipe -> aggro duo top)
           (courier snipe -> duo bot) i played v poorly after about 10 mins imo this game
           (fail to kill courier, rotate bot-> top)


                      wow i never thought about it and kept buying arcane boots. i guess with the +2 mana regen talent and a raindrop you dont need it anymore...
                      I always bought drums, because the bracer early extends the time where you hit like a truck even further, but getting a solar crest seems so much better, especially since its so cheap now and drums got slightly nerfed.

                      vlads i buy often, but what do you think about MoM? I used to buy it sometimes before patch 7.00

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        What about Midas? Treant can't seem to farm all that well, and I'm pretty sure his Aghanim's upgrade is equivalent to map hacks. What do you guys think about it?

                        casual gamer

                          midas is good, sometimes you can buy an aura item instead and end the game because you are massively ahead though

                          im not a fan of mom :v

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            Is Midas a "win-more" kind of item for Treant or something to make sure you've got GPM secured even though you are behind.

                            Also is Vlad's better than HotD for all intent and purpose of pushing?


                              I have mixed feelings about midas.

                              it surely is quiet valuable to get armlet of haste because you hit faster with your insane damage...

                              but often i can only afford midas if we win early game hard, and then the midas delays the aghs to the point where rax already have fallen and what difference does and aghs do then...

                              and if we loose early game it might be better to rush cheap items like drums/vlads/solar creat

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                              doc joferlyn simp

                                Wait I just thought about it why do people want to rush Agh's on Treant ASAP? Is this just for the free vision and ability to clear every creep in the map when done right?

                                I just looked into the games JD linked and it's got me thinking. Is Tranq + Soul Ring and okay build? Or is that too much mana regeneration?

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                                Cripple Ninja

                                  umm.. midas no better mobility item like blink or eul
                                  HotD is better than anything


                                    because they are greedy scrub supports that dont want to buy wards

                                    HotD might be cool. but make the neutral follow your carry not yourself eggsdee

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                                      is it even worth supporting decently in your bracket?


                                        dude i had a 8-win streak spamming treant support in 1k ofc its worth it

                                        casual gamer

                                          midas is what u buy if you know the game will go on past 30 mins and u dont need teamfight item (blink, force). against many hero like ursa, sven i will rush force or against ta, ursa i will rush solar crest

                                          hotd is better than vlad if your micro is good and your team doesnt have an hotd, usually my teammate has an hotd as well

                                          i dont bother with soul ring, tranq raindrop sticks enough until lvl 10 and then im fine. maybe if u match leech seed second u need soul ring or arcane but otherwise i dont see why ud need soul ring (maybe with agh bc u will run out of mana eventually, i havent had many agh games with tranq and not arcane)


                                            Those are incredibly useful tips, thanks JD


                                              I like phase boots rather than tranquils because they let you move between trees better without losing invisibility #NSlife

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                is it even worth supporting decently in your bracket?

                                                On the contrary, having supports is what wins the game imo, because the carries here are starting to play okay-ish by my standards. Maybe I could do a better job but selfishness never got anyone in a good place.

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  Wow Renshin you are still alive?