General Discussion

General Discussionit's so annoying to constantly have higher average mmr on your team

it's so annoying to constantly have higher average mmr on your team in General Discussion

    Honestly the skill disparity is not that great, but everytime you win you end up with lik 15-18 mmr, then you lose one for 35 and you are back where you started.


      7K problems.


        That's been happening more to me as well. I haven't lost 35 mmr though, but it's been like +17 and -29


          yeah I don't mind it happening occasionally, but I had like 6-7 games in a row like that, I keep winning more than losing, but progression isnt going that well

          1-IceTea 🌟


            casual gamer

              dodge them


                Can't dodge anymore sadly. Anyway I'm used to it by now, still aids but at least I've come to peace with being highest by large margins every game. I've found that if you add other decent players and only queue when they are all searching it mitigates this problem somewhat.

                casual gamer

                  dude i take a screenshot and immediately dc. i can do this every game. if the match is extremely shitty (certain individuals on my team or high mmr discrepancy meaning i will lose 35/win 15 i dodge, otherwise i reconnect

                  casual gamer



                      How does screenshotting help? I find that by the time I load in the game has already started. Maybe you load faster than me or you've found some hidden technique.

                      casual gamer

                        the last guy to load in starts the game, i dc with console the second i connect and i am never last to connect


                          ^ that might be the most valuable advice I ever got here, thanks good sir


                            nic engris

                            Player 404335202

                              @JDF8 why do u disconnect ? I m not high mmr but can u explain it ?

                              casual gamer

                                i dc so i can look at the screenshot at my leisure

                                if i stay connected everyone connects and the game begins= i cant dodge


                                  Huh, good advice. Now I just need to buy a laptop worth more than 180 dollars, and maybe younger than 4 years old. Maybe I'll stop being last to connect.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    still you can't do this indefinitely right? Cus first dodge is like a 5 minute queue disable, then 30, then a few hours right?

                                    casual gamer

                                      ye twice a day