General Discussion

General DiscussionPLZ >4k Players help me!!!

PLZ >4k Players help me!!! in General Discussion
AntiSocial Keyboard Warrior

    i have problem, its general but its hard to out from my mmr. i like watching gameplay pro player in YT, watching tutorial, playing with >3k mmr. but why if i play solo mmr, my team so fucking hard and always to war before they have enough item. they pick 4 carry late game and i pick solo supp. and they always blame me. they want me to be everything, wherever, and always help they in gank 5 vs 2. so, whats wrong with my mmr? if i pick carry, my team is full of carry and they always pick late game carry. PLZ HELP ME!!!


      My tips:pick carry farm and dont fight till 30 min

      1-IceTea 🌟

        Tip : go jungle farm


          Or just pick a roamer


            ppl dont pick 5 man carry all the time in 3k wtf stop being delusional


              nvm ur not even 3k L M A O

              casual gamer

                only try to learn not game for mmr

                casual gamer

                  i can try just for mmr and go up like 300 mmr without learning just with tryhard picks and pma, but actual improvement is the only way to shift an entire bracket


                    Be efficient
                    Stop dragging the game unecessarily
                    Stop wasting your time to find kills that won't be there
                    Stop wasting your time afk farming or pushing 3 different lanes when the enemy team is teamwiped
                    Stop afk farming on your power spike
                    Don't fight when your hero is not on optimal fighting form
                    Don't be a pu55y if you know you'll win the teamfight
                    Don't be a rambo if you know you won't


                      4 man core with 1 support wannabe can still be considered as 5 man core lineup xd


                        People in sub 2k don't know how to capitalize on enemies' weakpoint, efficiency, or how to close the game out

                        casual gamer

                          People in sub 6k don't know how to capitalize on enemies' weakpoint, efficiency, or how to close the game out


                            People on 4k+ know that they shouldn't run around like a headless chicken for 20 minutes tho

                            Este comentário foi editado
                            Techies Player

                              Just keep playing, pick impactful heroes. I'm not very good myself but the more impact you have on a game the more you are responsible for the end result. Even if you lose you can at least say you lost because you played badly, not that your team was horrible.


                                Even if you lose you can at least say you lost because you played badly, not that your team was horrible.

                                This is a very good way to approach the game

                                AntiSocial Keyboard Warrior

                                  this my last match

                                  im i wrong or my team so difficult to understand?

                                  plz check and comment what ever i wrong


                                    Your team had an actual draft while the enemy team was a dumbass 4 carry 1 slave lineup
                                    Your gpm is horrendous even for a support
                                    Go core or go support, don't do them half assed
                                    Core = know how to farm and please, take towers and shit
                                    Support = wards, don't single pull easy camp unless you want to push, secure all 3 lanes by rotations, dont afk sucking xp behind your carry, harass the enemy offlaner without drawing random aggro, DONT FUCKING CONTEST FOR LAST HITS, DONT AUTOATTACK THE CREEPWAVE, DONT DRAW CREEP AGGRO RANDOMLY JDHSJHDJSNDBJSHDBD

                                    AntiSocial Keyboard Warrior

                                      so many fault i make XP
                                      actually its my 1st time play with wr after so long not to use wr hehe

                                      but im in position on solo lane, and no one in my team help me or say missing. they always war, and lose. the enemy team always rotate and gank me in my weak position as support. my team tell me to push the towers with my ulti, while me in build as supp is hard thing.

                                      so, how the best moves i must doing if my team need me to be pusher, ganker, supp at the same time?

                                      AntiSocial Keyboard Warrior

                                        oh ya, and the point is i want to be good supp in 1,5k mmr, so i began to frequent as a supp, not core hehe

                                        Este comentário foi editado

                                          You don't need teammates to win or take the most out of your lane
                                          Don't blame teammates if they don't report missing, read the map on your own, nobody reports missing heroes in 5k
                                          You help your teammates to win teamfight, cast stuffs, stay back, make your team fight in favorable position by vision or controlling their most important heroes in teamfight, THEN you can push even if you're a support


                                            Communication and PMA helps
                                            Tell your team to not take stupid ass fights (example=going highgrounds against sniper without any significant lead or aegis or an actual initiator)

                                            AntiSocial Keyboard Warrior

                                              in 1,5k mmr, sea server, as a solo supp its a hard thing XD


                                                mute them all, trust me, i am not that good anyway, but still muting cancer seems legit.