General Discussion

General Discussionscripter in 5k, 6k hours played, still needed script hack, rofl

scripter in 5k, 6k hours played, still needed script hack, rofl in General Discussion

    today while watching my friend's game, i saw a tinker that used script for his dagon. his dagon requires no fucking pointer and auto target all dying heroes that could be killed with dagon.

    you can watch urself in game, near the end game, he just refreshes himself, and the dagon automatically targeted dying heroes when his cursor was pointing at himself or the blink spot he wanted to go. he used on dagon only though, not on his laser.

    pathetic 5k shitter trying to reach 6k with script hacks.


    his id here

    cant believe many kids out there are still relying on hacks to win when the only way to improve is to play without any hacks.

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      , rofl

      Ghastly Wail

        As far as i know W33 uses poof scrips.
        Good to see the difference between pub and tournament meepo from W33

        QTG 幸せ

          Umm i ve watched the last 10 mins of the game and im not sure about dagon script but i think this guy uses ahk scripts or smth for sure

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            @ascalon, its the the macro script, but the actual script hack with lua like ensage or other shit the chinese is using.

            dagon auto target dying hero, auto hex etc.



              Look for his dagon use. he never point his cursor to most of his targets when he used dagon. the most obvious one was the mid t2 fight in radiant near the mid camp in vision cliff.

              the realm's delight

                As far as i know W33 uses poof scrips.


                casual gamer

                  man thats just shameful

                  how can u need assistance at clicking dagon on people


                    that's just sad


                      young boy following his dreams

                      The DarKNovA

                        It would be such a happy day if all kind of hack and script users would be just banned from the game for good.


                          Of all scripts its dagon? How fucking hard is it to dagon someone?

                          The DarKNovA

                            He probably wants that sweet frag.
                            And one less thing to take up your attention. Also pretty good when someone who could 1/2 hit you jumps at you with 1 Dagon hp.

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                              report him, get him banned. i reported someone for the same thing a few months backs.

                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                At least his profile picture is much cuter then ur dog XD

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                                  he has 388 games on tinker and he still needed dagon script with lua hack to win, just rofl.



                                    needless to say, most of his tinker matches hv dagon, when its no longer meta anymore, but he still uses it as he uses script hack, lmao


                                      Out of all possibilities he could do with scripts
                                      He choses to autodagon


                                        Cud have auto hexed. Which is maybe 8 thousand times better.

                                        casual gamer

                                          autohex when peopel blink into <300 range is so retardedly good on tinker too rofl

                                          ud never die to duel/call/whatever ever

                                          dagons literally just removing 1% of effort

                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                            dagon gives you auto confirmed kill, so why not?

                                            casual gamer

                                              i can just click on people idk its not some crazy tough thing to do


                                                Well report the guy. Unlike other stupid stuff, this does occasionally get the attention of whoever regulates Dota stuff.

                                                I know some guy of the vrokstack of ancient dotabuff got his account permabanned for using some external software on Dota2.


                                                  with the script, margin of error is almost zero.