Didn't read it because it's Raj post.
Anyway I give you the link on my most recent game go watch it and you will have the idea.
IMO offlane LC is more like utility and lockdown, you dont really have that much space to farm items you said as in safe lane or mid so you need that initiation item as fast as posible to make things happen around the map, depends on the matchups but Blink most of the times Id say. After that BM if they have heavy right click or burst and BKB if they can lock/stun you down in duel..
Something ns the line of PMS>Wand/Blight Stone>Phase Boots>Dagger/SB>BM/BKB>Silver Edge
I would go for Deso if you are much ahead yeah!
Thing is whats the point of locking someone down if u have no dmg. I guess if u have say a qop or ember with a lot of early damage, then its easy. Also im pretty sure safelane legion is bad and mid legion is situational at best, she does rekt some melee mids.
Also licetea i said OFFLANE legion and u have never heard of lanes so im not looking at ur retarded jungle legion.
Daddy , last played match 5months ago?
Do you have a secret smurf which you will calibrate directly at 7k?
desos really good at hitting buildings and doing damage in duel. u just need to identify when u dont need fast bkb/shadow and then deso is good imo
Why armlet before blink?
So much more ganking potential with blink, I still rush it even when I play mid LC
deso is unnecessary
build silver edge (blink included)
bcoz u have win damage bonus from duel
look my winrate at this hero
and here's my guide
1. go jungle till u have blink
2. you need boots of course
3. blademail
4. silver edge
5. assault cuiras/taras/bkb
or you can change number 2 and 3 with phase boots and armlet
note: LC is strenght hero i do believe she need strenght items
Go offlane, start with ring of basilus, max q.
Treads > Blink > Armlet/blademail > Maelstorm > BKB/Basher/AC >mjolnir > Luxury
Why tf wud u start with basi over pms? And why wud u jungle legion when she is such a strong laner? Also the reasoning behind deso is that its dmg but also survivability in duel, as u lifesteal an assload.
Also is abyssal okay against slark? I was debating whether or not to just go sb and gank a lot but i figured that abyssal can pop linkens and it gives disable outside of duel. That game was carried from the offlane tho tbh.
whats with the lcs in my games building phase before blink
are they braindamaged
no 80% of legions i play with/against get phase before blink and they're not even offlane 90% of the time
Offlane legion shud get phase first, but i feel like jungle legion shud rush blink to make up for their lack of contribution early.
offlane legion is shit, go jungle, treads in 4 min, shadow blade in 11 min, 14 min blade mail also, on 30 min you have buriza, echo sabre and mkb, ez gg
^or u can dick the enemy carry cuz no one can trade hits with u, and farm everything u just said faster because lane > jungle in terms of farm and xp.
dont listen to this asshats, your startting items should be stout, RoP, tango and x2 branch or x2 faerie fire. If you can hardly lane upgrade RoP to Iron talon, if its easy lane get Basi. Please maxed out odds and press first before your passive. If you get Iron talon your next item should be blink/sb then your preferred boots, If you went for basi go phase then blink/sb or if you are man enough get phase then armlet then your mobility item.
Blademail is a situational item if your enemy are glasscannons like exort invoker, juggernaut and sniper.
Deso is a mustve if youre against tanky lineups like Centaur, Axe and Omniknight.
Only get silver edge against timber, abbadon(if he is core) and PA
I like pms instead of that, but u can always upgrade to pms at side shop so it seems good. I go passive lvl 1 for trading hits, and then max oo.
if you rush blink, you cannot win a duel alone, and are weak in the lane. thats why people go armlet first, so you can actually win the duel if say you are left 1v1 against the enemy carry. say you have blink and are 1v1, you cant win the duel if you even try, so you kinda suck.
who started this pms lc bullshit, i remember timber pms is a thing because he gains massive armor so it works but lc barely have any armor
Because pms makes u so tanky, its 500 gold for abt 1 armor 6 attack speed and dmg block that makes it very hard to zone. A lot of strength heroes build it now, dk, ul, cent, axe, etc.
made me realise legion is almost like tinker. you need to blink-armlet-blademail-presstheattack-duel so fucking fast man.
well yes but you still have to do that fast. Its my major problem with the hero I cant press the buttons fast enough to get a good initiation and half the time i blink and then miss the duel cause I dont react fast enough.
I havent bought armlet on the hero yet (last match 5 months ago 4Head) but ive been handling pta and blademail find, armlet shudnt be a problem.
usually i dont build armlet. When i do i turn it on a few seconds before going in if I see a possible initiation.
you can armlet before blink too, but its all about efficiency. more than half the time my enemy got sb or blink or a stun so timing is crucial as well. especially if you dont have the time to plan your duel as you suddenly see an enemy.
Offlane lc I don't play often, but spam q to deal damage, get cs if you can, and get an iron talon to jungle when wave is pushed out. Lc is a strong offlaner thanks his heal that removes debuffs.
As for blink I'd usually rush it but say you already have good lock down on your team already then you can go armlet or blade mail first.
Focus on grouping up with a teammate and killing their mid/ safelane when you can. Ask for some deep wards and have a tp ready. Simple hero with a simple concept
pro tip: you can press-blademail-odds-blink-duel.
u should blink before odds hit target.
I like getting blight stone when I'm ahead or when I can get away with taking their safelane t1 tower.
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For offlane legion i was thinking something like phase windlace armlet blink blademail etc
Usually u need damage to secure duels and offlane legion takes more oo anyway so with phase she shud be able to reach her target, thats why i think armlet first is good. U still need blink fast once u have dmg, and then blademail. I used to go early blademail, but no one right clicked hard enough in the early game for it to return much in duels. If ur ahead i guess u can skip blademail for sb or deso or smth. Also whats ur opinion on deso legion, i used to get it a lot.