General Discussion

General DiscussionTechies

Techies in General Discussion

    Can we just agree to report every techies player? Especially in ranked.


      :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage:

      Este comentário foi editado

        Of course no ! I play it a lot ! I have 53% win rate with techies . Specialy those buffs in patch 7 made him extremly well in teamfights !
        I also admit that many techies players are not that much good at this hero ! But that doesn't mean that hero is shit ! 9 out of 10 every morphiling i see in games are as bad as shit ! But that doesn't mean that i should bann all of them :) instead of banning them just co-operate with them ! Techies used to be one of the strongest nukers in the game before patch 7 and he is even stronger now with a very great silence !

        Johnny Rico

          Rated 'K' for Kevin the Delusional.

          casual gamer

            i already do


              Learn how to counter techies
              <Techies spammer>


                the question is rather, is there a single player who doesn't report a techies ?


                  i dont think you should get low priority for picking a hero

                  Bill Cutting

                    Ruins every game, I report every time

                    Over 9,000ping

                      If it's unranked, reporting someone for picking someone they want to play is childish, in which case, a lot of people who play video games are probably children and just want to have fun, but there are a lot of op heroes (pudge, axe, ect.), and if they do get lp just because they pick a certain hero, I think that's just ridiculous and a waste of a report. IMO

                      The DarKNovA

                        I hate it as all hell, it can draw the most obvious quick game into a never-ending snorefest, or worse, with incapable mates, or just poor team communication turn a 30 minutes loss game to a 120 minutes win game for his team, but no, that is still no reason to report them.


                          I get it, we shouldn't report techies players, we need to gas them, like hitler gassed to Jews.

                          Over 9,000ping

                            That's not funny m8.


                              It's not suppose to be funny. If we kill all the techies players, the world would be a better place.

                              Over 9,000ping

                                You know what is funny? How hitler blew his brains out.


                                  Actually he took poison.


                                    hitler is still alive everythings a lie


                                      I turn on an auto clicker and feed my hero and cour down mid and walk away from my computer for 30 minutes or so.
                                      Done it 4 times this patch for techies pickers

                                      casual gamer

                                        if u pick techies u will get lpq its inevitable at least in high mmr

                                        if u want to not get lpq dont pick techies its that simple


                                          Techies has a 53% wr in the meta and his avg game time is only 2 mins longer than the next hero

                                          Yet the babyrage




                                              Tbh techies is no longer as much of a mine every tower passively he can actually be active with blast off


                                                But i can masturbate in that 2 mins gap

                                                casual gamer

                                                  i dont care about statistic if someone pick techies i will report them

                                                  i almost never see anyone pick techies in rmm, when they do (1/100 game) i get my report back immediately

                                                  Over 9,000ping

                                                    Techies is a good hero, you're probably just 12.

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      its a good hero just cancer

                                                      and yes i am in elementary school learning about math and english


                                                        so people hate techies after all! this makes me happy

                                                        casual gamer

                                                          i mean i like running around hitting mines for 50 gold

                                                            Este comentário foi editado
                                                              Cancer Malaria

                                                                depends if we won the game, no need to report but if we lose all rages and blame goes to techies hahahaha 1k minded

                                                                Over 9,000ping

                                                                  WHAT TF WOULD YOU EVEN REPORT THEM FOR? COMMUNICATION ABUSE?


                                                                    All three, and comment "moron"


                                                                      Fucking copying my thread

                                                                      Catsys Rivers

                                                                        Ability abuse. He abuses me with his abilities. :(


                                                                          Dota is a very versatil game ! You can build so many different strategies to win ! You can go for split push , fighting, delay the game , fast ending etc . So there should be a way to counter each strategy ! There should be a way to stop a team to out push you with a hero like Tinker , Prophet ! There should be a way to stop a team to end the game fast before you carry farms ! Techies is that way ! I play techies a lot ! I pick it ranks ! I rank up with techies ! Techies is not about delaying the game ! Unless your team have much more carrys than the enemy you you should not try to delay the game ! Techies is a very good anti-pusher/pusher ! The hero is great , but most of techies players don't use it correctly ! Delaying the game is their first and eorst mistake !

                                                                          Optimus Drip

                                                                            His level 20 talent is -60 seconds respawn time. if you arnt ratting as techies. ur doing it wrong this patch.