General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I keep improving so I can reach 6k

How do I keep improving so I can reach 6k in General Discussion

    Is the best way to analyze my replays, watch better players, both or just play the game? I want to reach 6k, but I'm not as good as the other 6ks I meet, in order for me to reach and stay in 6k I'll need to be as good as them if not better.

    bum farto

      It's Australia, as long as you play better than a low 5K player you will win as there are not enough high level players in Australia to allow you to have 6ks every game.


        Here are my tips as a 6k Aus player:

        -Reduce your hero pool, I find if you spam just a few strong heroes for the meta your mmr generally increases, later on once you have higher mmr you can work on expanding your hero pool.

        -You have to lead your 4ks, most of them aren't too terrible mechanically they just make awful decisions and have very little idea of how to win Dota 2 games, you need to be their brain and do all the thinking for them so they can just play their little hero arena.

        -Replay analysis, don't bother with your own it's pretty much always a waste of time, instead watch perspectives of players with higher mmr on heroes you want to learn/play better and analyse their decisions as if you were playing the hero, whenever your decision differs to theirs you need to pause and reason out why the other better player is making a different and presumably superior decision to you.

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