General Discussion

General DiscussionHow could I have won this battlecup game

How could I have won this battlecup game in General Discussion

    I think I might have itemized badly, but we were winning up until the last 2 teamfights because of my splitpushing

    When we tried to break highground they initiated onto us first with BKBs and we got shredded, often my team died instantly and I'd be killed in about 6-7 seconds even with max strength morph

    How do you play around bad teamfight if you have to push highground? I was already super far ahead in farm and didn't want to stall it any longer...

    edit: for those wondering it's only tier 4 but it was still too difficult to rat

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      the itemization all these guys went for is so... weird

      regarding ur one, u shouldnt rly skip manta on morphling, and u also kinda miss the farm. u had few deaths and u could get up to 750-800 gpm even if ur team was not dominating


        Tbh u just never stop split pushing till enemy bkb's become 5 seconds. By then hopefully ur shaker catches up and ur invoker gets better teamfight items, and then u can engage team fights better. Play around big cooldowns like ravage and dk ulti. Abt going highground, you can have like invoker pushing one lane, you push the other, and timbersaw push the third lane creeps.


          Couldn't get pick offs because they were always as 5 and splitpushing was a bitch because of all their magic dmg, they could deal 3k nearly 4k burst really fast as a team

          Also I was solo top vs a tide for most the game and had around ~45 last hits at 10 minutes
          Should I have got more or was it later on that I wasn't farming enough?

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            A lot lot lot more. Ideally. Im not good at it either, but at 10 min u shud have 70-80 lh


              Also they shudnt have enough burst with tide, dk, troll, cm, and potm they have basically one bursty hero. With replicate you should be able to get out every time, they dont have any silence or long duration stun besides arrow and dragon tail. U can replicate out of frost bite and if they commit ravage for you thats not that bad.


                You got solo top vs a tide is a good matchup. Just dont get hit by the anchor smash and you will be alright. I would get around 60-65 lh. Further more if you are breaking hg try to split from your team. For example, invoker go bot to break hg but dont commit yet and you go top. If they go on invoker you kill the rax and invoker will just tornado ice wall ghost walk the enemy. If you get jump on just replicate out and join your invoker to kill rax. If yr team try to break hg and they initiate with bkb try to see if the fight could be won or not. If no you just tp to other pushed lane and take rax while your team is losing the tf.
       Im pretty sure if any of ns player handle my morph they will lose, when mu enemy push mid as 5 i ratted their 4 rax and get mega creep then instantly suicide because i got no tp and i can kill 1 guy while suiciding. Then i bb yo def and we defend it. Then we just farm the entire map get aegis then we try to end, but turns out we cant, get aegis again then we end the game