General Discussion

General DiscussionForcestaff BS back?

Forcestaff BS back? in General Discussion

    With the bonus rupture dmg talent u can make rupture + forcestaff a 500 ish pure dmg nuke. With bloodrage that becomes abt a 700 pure dmg nuke. U can also make pike for the stats to justify keeping the force staff. Maybe you can go treads/phase helm sb/yasha/bkb force


      The build seems iffy but the idea seems a lot better with the new talent. Maybe the dagon build applies here. The orchid pop dmg is also nice.


        dude isnt it a lvl 25 talent?

        Arturo b

          it is level 20 talent

          1-IceTea 🌟

            Look at OP profile he haven't play Dota for 4 month!!!
            He theory crafted so much that he forget anything but theory crafter!!!

            PS : We still love you no worry

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              Even in fucking 3k, everyone has a brain to just TP out of rupture.

              Honestly, I like it when the enemy picks BS. Everyone has a TP. No excuse to not defend towers.

              casual gamer

                lost a game because bs had aghs and i couldnt save people from rupture hook because iwas VS :[


                casual gamer

                  his new talent tree seems imba as fuck. 75 pure damage extra to rite, amped by bloodrage

                  lvl 4 rupture

                  and spammable bloodrite

                  u can do exactly what the enemy bs did in that stupid game, go midas (force) agh aether and just spam out ur spells and rekt carries like ls and jug


                    So what if its a level 20 talent? The item is still gr8 before it, and much better after it. If u want to cancel tp's the u can buy a euls.


                      If tp's worry u so much go phase force euls bkb aghs
                      Throw in late game right click transition like ac, mjollnir, butterfly, skadi, pike upgrade, bloodthorn, silver edge etc


                        i'm seeing it in some games and it works, but it's not a build to always go for, it's situational


                          Its core on a more utility/pos 3 or 4 blood seeker like how jerax played him.


                            I always loved force stuff on BS and now its even better cause later you can go into pike for that extra stats!

                            And what TPs? You either way go EUL for that bloodrite ez setup with it...

                            Este comentário foi editado

                              Euls isnt every game. Imo if ur gonna transition into carry then a basher into abyssal is better, but if ur playing a pos 3 or 4 bs then its gr8. Bs also doesnt have a gr8 mana item besides echo sabre maybe

                              Story Time

                                can drums be a mana item for bs? just asking, never played bs before


                                  I mean drums isnt bad. But idk if its rlly that optimal or good.

                                  Story Time

                                    if bs is a strong 4th position, then drums is kindof ok i guess, but need testing


                                      Drums are good IMO, you get aura and active for your team, hmm maybe viable.. Should try.

                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                        Seems better to get a ganking item like sb, or something. Idk drums just seem underwhelming

                                        basement :)

                                          He still seems to be the same hero until level 20. Rarely anyone gets hit by the Blood Rite and if they did, they probably have no teleport, which means they are already dead. Plus, he must be ran safe lane or in the jungle.


                                            Barely anyone gets hit by blood rite? R they placing it on you while ur running? If u commit on someone an bloodseeker bloodrites, then he either forces a long silence on you or forces you out, both if which are good.

                                            basement :)

                                              They generally choose to run out of it, which makes the extra damage pointless. If they do get hit, they are in a situation where they are almost certainly dead regardless of the extra damage, making it also pointless.

                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                That doesnt make any sense, just cuz their certainly dead doesnt make dmg worse, it means they die faster, and it makes it harder for them to potentially survive

                                                basement :)

                                                  +35 attack speed will also cause them to die faster, and it will usually have effect. Look at the statistics:

                                                  Este comentário foi editado

                                                    Attack speed is obv better on a more safelane oriented bs, but we r talking abt utility pos 3-4 bs.

                                                    basement :)

                                                      Where would he go during the lane phase? He has weak laning and no gank potential pre-6, which also makes it harder to get level 20+ without secured farm.

                                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                                        J u n g l e ?


                                                          Wtf r u high? When was bs a weak laner lmao. He isnt an ursa but its so fucking hard to zone a bs out of lane without aggro trilaning. And he can gank with any stun into bloodrite pre 6.


                                                            You jungle and pop out to gank, collect runes, steal enemy jungle, gank, repeat, take outer towers, etc.

                                                            basement :)

                                                              If he is position 3 or 4, he is going either off lane or roaming. What I meant was, he cannot fulfil those roles well. If he were to roam, he can only gank the safe lane because they are usually the only ones with long stuns.

                                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                                Isn't jungle is considered as pos 4?

                                                                basement :)

                                                                  If he is jungling, he has secured farm, meaning he can just take the attack speed.


                                                                    Wtf secured farm isnt the same as farming all game and transitioning to carry. Thats like saying fucking chen has secured farm so he shud carry. Ur jungling but that doesnt mean ur not active. And tbh you can have a pos 3 bs jungle the offlane camps and rotate to lane to lh under tower and shit while a pos 4 saps xp and goes aggressive when you rotate in or something.

                                                                    basement :)

                                                                      List the item and skill builds and game plans for this position 3 or 4 BS.


                                                                        Something like treads/phase helm force euls/sb bkb
                                                                        Initiation and bkb r rlly the only things u will usually need every game, and the rest is situational, u can go right click or utility ranging from aghs and lotus to dagon to ac to abyssal etc. if u have an sb then upgrade it. Just disrupt the enemies lanes as much as possible and take their jungle camps and runes. Gank a lot. Make space. General utility shit.


                                                                          I mean you can buy almost every single item in the game as bs.

                                                                          basement :)

                                                                            Skill build? Mention the position 3 or 4 BS specifically. Disregard right click BS. Also, be more specific. What is the jungling path? When will he gank usually?

                                                                            Este comentário foi editado

                                                                              The difference in damage with +14% rupture is so miniscule that I'm pretty sure you get +10 stats almost any day.

                                                                              Unless of course you aren't the main carry BS and just get aghs or something. That's still pretty debatable.


                                                                                ^thats the point. With force and the talent u can deal big nukes


                                                                                  Skill build, pretty sure u get two points in bloodrage for 100% uptime, then max bloodrite, then bloodrage, with a thirst value point at lvl 2. By 6 u shud be 2-1-2-1


                                                                                    Idk jungling paths just fucking do the camps. And rotate when the lane is pushed. Gank when you need to, u need lvl 4 to begin tho because thats when u get bloodrite, although u can take it at 3 if u want to gank earlier and take second bloodrage point at 4.


                                                                                      Btw 14% is literally lvl 4 on rupture, each lvl scales by 15%.


                                                                                        Not sure if this support dude is actually interested or trolling around raj :thinking:


                                                                                          Idc they are still legit questions. It wud be the worst troll ever.


                                                                                            if u pick bs, pls just go aghs


                                                                                              Thats not fucking always the case. You dont aghs on safe carry bs. You dont aghs when they have am and no one else you want to rupture.


                                                                                                I think lvl 3 venge ult with aether can save you from rupture.


                                                                                                  The range should be enough


                                                                                                    I mean i guess but not a lot of venge's i see buy aether. Idk.


                                                                                                      funny discussion by noob bs players :)