General Discussion

General Discussionwhats everyones problem with lina

whats everyones problem with lina in General Discussion
    if my teammates were actually competent with their heroes we might have managed to win this game.


      You lost to a brown boots MoM BF void rofl


        Lina is meh right now, not exactly an optimal 1v9 hero
        Also why are you relying on your teammates


          if you notice the build I wasnt relying on my teamates. I'm just saying that eventually lina cant overcome a spectre troll and lifestealer by herself. I'm thinking I needed to go bloodthorn, I was too focused on surviving that I really didnt deal much damage. Not that it would have made much difference when the enemy scales better than you and the majority know what theyre doing with their heroes


            also the storm went dagon 1 into a 35 min bloodstone tinker went bots into aether into dagon and a brood who didnt finish an entire item without buying part of the next item.

            Catsys Rivers

              No MKB.


                Lina so shit.

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  LUL That build is so dreamy on Lina

                  Lina really needs to depend on teammates to land all her skills, she works like a Sniper. So building her bulky won't solve the problem still. She doesn't rely on right-clicks that much early game so building right-click items is a waste of her early potential.

                  If you're not relying on your teammate, how you constantly land stun without a single set up item?
                  Yeah, your teammates are incompetent, but you could really do better just by using a decent build.

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    Lina is viable now, I believe
                    Also I have a new problem with core Lina

                    Lvl 15 Talent:
                    +125 cast range/+40 damage

                    Somebody help


                      Yeh its mostly cuz ur build is dogshit. U dont buy skadi or satanic or mjollnir, one of those becomes aghs, the other two becomes octarine or hex or shivas or atos or silver edge or bloodthorn or blink. I wud go phase > euls > sb > aghs > silver edge > shivas > mkb/octa and then ditch the euls late game for bloodthorn or refresher.


                        Core lina takes dmg every time. The cast range is for supports who want to cast spells at a safer distance.


                          Core lina is one of my most played heroes, but i have an abyssmal winrate cuz i was so shit at building her and playing dota in general, somehow more shit than i am now. My second to last lina game i managed to make a dank comeback.

                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            op's build is not that bad, wouldn't linken's be so expensive i'd get it right after dl or pike if i absolutely need it
                            u definitely needed to up pike, and u shouldntve went mjollnir and satanic
                            i'd go sb after linken's then upgraded se before/after skadi and then bthorn

                            u definitely don't REQUIRE setup as core, initiating with abysmal eul's cast range(since u don't even take cast range talent anymore) when u're 1k hp is not a good idea anyway and the only reason to go eul's is because there are no comparable items in similar price range that give u that much manaregen + help u with survivability somewhat

                            @op try phase blight lance into eul's solar/pike -> pike/solar
                            solar's been tremendously buffed last 2 patches, it's dirt cheap and while it doesn't rly solve any of ur problems it makes them much softer
                            and it's super good with or against -armor heroes which are in literally every single game now(slardar, weaver, sf, venge)

                            skillbuild's q/w-e-q-w/q-q-r-q-max e-max w(taking resp time in the process)
                            don't max w second on core esp. when u go phase, with maxed e u need 100 mana to clear a jungle camp, with maxed w u need 275 mana to clear a jungle camp + u can't farm most ancients


                              What was the Linken's purpose in this actual match in your mind? I am curious.


                                linkens was to block the single target spells that can fuck me over because in this game i needed the ability to get distance plus the regen from it is nice. I got maelstrom early to help farm and because it will give a good amount of attack speed later. skadi is a must I feel on a semi carry lina just because you need the hp and tankiness so much. I think I definitely shouldnt have gone sataninc, I think I should have gone bloodthorn, because I needed the damage.

                                and for those saying the build sucked. i would say your wrong and say that a semi carry lina is probably better than a caster lina right now.


                                  Wrong, pos 4 is where shes at best ATM..

                                  Este comentário foi editado

                                    if u had proper hero u would have won, think about it.


                                      it was all random I didnt just pick lina into this


                                        Maybe dont play that trash mode...?


                                          I happen to like all random because sometimes i like to not have to choose a hero to play and also most of the time I can outplay everyone else because I actually have a concept of what to do with my hero from watching pro games.

                                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                                            Dude, that's a full hard carry build, it's like something you will see on a Medusa.

                                            You went for Dragon Lance first to get around 250 HP and a few AGI and an excessive attack range that won't come in handy in first 15 mins as your mana replenish real quick so you only join very few fights which a Lina should
                                            When you could've buy Drums which gives mana regen and ms allowing you to move around the map longer
                                            or a Veil for the armor and stats which is far superior for an INT hero, 25% extra magic damage as well

                                            I've been trying Lina a lot on smurfs coz she's the closest definition to the illusive term Semi-carry
                                            And only managed to figure out two paths:
                                            1. Veil and Shadow Blade---Void Stone---Hex
                                            2. Drums and Euls---Aether Lens---Hex

                                            The 1. build failed because I used up all my mana and fountain heal a lot so you can add in Euls or Drums in between for the regen(but that would delay the Shadow Blade)
                                            But it's fun executing as much lethal Laguna blades as possible


                                              considering our heroes going hard carry i think was fine. especially because the brood sucked and didnt go right click anyway. So now because I think that going a hard carry build was the right idea I want your opinion on what items should I have gone for a hard carry build. Right now after looking back im thinking I go either lance or veil into maelstrom >linkens > skadi > bloodthorn > mjol > whatever the game calls for.


                                                Veil lina is bad. The lance is okay, but the linkens seems unnecessary, when they have so much physical id rather take a shivas. Aghs is good against lifestealer and gives great stats. Satanic is unnecessary and even skadi is not needed, as octarine also gives a lot of hp but helps u keep ur fiery soul stacks up.


                                                  Mjollnir is okay, but core lina, especially in this game, doesnt want to farm, and there are better fighting alternatives.


                                                    look at my last lion game, nuff said


                                                      This isnt lion