General Discussion

General DiscussionTinker

Tinker in General Discussion

    When do you go laser+rocket build vs the laser+march build?

    Also, should you get bloodstone after aghs, or after scythe?

    me, government hooker

      i go 2x laser 2x rockets every game almost, then max march
      bloodstone after aghs+lens

      Hatsune Miku

        i thought bloodstone tinker is shit? or am i missing something here

        casual gamer

          you save points and dump them into missile if you can kill someone, but sometimes its not worth it

          i never go more than 2-2-4 or 2-3-4 max, you need 4 march + rearm asap because you have to double march creeps for fast travels

          i usually get scythe after aghs because its safer, hexed people have no way to go on you and you can pick people off guaranteed if they are alone by spam hexing them

          bs gives you more mana but i usually get lvl 3 rearm with aether-aghs-mystic staff, bs is like a farming item that gives you 100% uptime, scythe guarantees you win fights

          it also depends on ur team because if you have no damage you need aghs + damage items kinda but if you have a lot of damage you can even rush scythe after aether and also if the enemy team has 1 guy who is huge sometimes u absolutely need hex before aghs anyway its very situational because if they go bkb you want scythe but if they go manta you can deal with them with just aghs and its semi better in teamfights

          casual gamer

            the noobtube easy build is just bottle boot soul right travel blink aether agh sheep bloodstone

            bs tinkers fine as a last slot item imo, sometimes greaves is arguably better against orchids


              From what i heard u want early march points to farm but u want to max laser first but jd knows infinitely more than me. Idk this was before 7.00 i heard anyway.

              me, government hooker

                i usually get scythe after aghs because its safer, hexed people have no way to go on you and you can pick people off guaranteed if they are alone by spam hexing them

                how do u have mana to do anything without bs and going hex
                i rearm twice use 2 rockets 1 laser mb and its time to go back XD
                do u not skill reamar at 18?

                casual gamer

                  never had mana issues i keep lvl 2 rearm until i have the mystic staff at least and then i have minimal mana issues idk, maybe if you have bs you can spam way more than i do but i really think hex is worth it

                  casual gamer

                    im pretty sure max laser is excessive because you want to hit max missile poitns when you have travels / travels + blink and not laser points until later

                    lasers great in lane but thats it until you have aether unless you super commit


                      Ye rockets r better for pickoffs with that range. And laser maxed by the time u get aghs right?


                        wait you get soul ring before travels?

                        casual gamer

                          yes so i can farm travels

                          how do you farm with march without soul ring smh

                          casual gamer

                            yes daddy and also sometimes i get laser points and sometimes i get talents after max missile it depends on if im going to be casting laser or not (sounds obvious lul)


                              Ye im like complete garbage at tinker lol


                                I have one good game by tp booting onto the slark and ksing with dagon lol.

                                casual gamer

                                  sounds like a solid plan to me


                                    You haven't seen apoop's or my tinker

                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                      GJ JDF8 hit 5555 point,in Thailand it mean hahahaha


                                        What should I ban if I plan on picking tinker


                                          ^Anti mage mostly. Then gap closers like storm, bara and sk i guess


                                            Also pugna and nyx

                                            casual gamer

                                              i ban storm im fine playing against am imo

                                              silencers a good ban as is nyx

                                              u want the enemy team to have no gap closers, or to be reliant on blink daggers

                                              in a pinch its usually easy to bait the enemy team into going on your teammates, then casting spells and immediately blinking (casting laser/sheep gives vision of u so u must immediately blink after if they can say burrowstrike)

                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                u shold avoid heroes like pudge which is rare

                                                Bill Cutting

                                                  @JDF8 I practiced a lot of Tinker but I feel like I struggle to win games with Tinker even tho I have decent kda,gpm, hero damage etc

                                                  Is this a Tinker problem in general?

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                                                    Isnt spec a problem too? Although she is not very common.

                                                    Bill Cutting

                                                      Can't u just TP against spectre though?

                                                      I hate playing against silencer


                                                        bloodstone is good bcus u can always suicide,good item if ur tinker is countered and ur getting stomped.

                                                        casual gamer

                                                          yes when i was a tinker loser (first 80-90 games) i would have ok stats but just too late items and not enough done in fights, u really have to rekt the enemy team hard in a lot of games and learning the positioning took a long time for me

                                                          casual gamer

                                                            at this point i just pick him in every low avg game and it makes it really really easy to win


                                                              Tinker was one of my climbing heroes, hence the crazy kda and decent winrate on him


                                                                thats why im master of tinker (Y)

                                                                ♏mikeeCS ツ

                                                                  I'd love to pick nyx against tinker.
                                                                  And if I was the tinker I hate if enemies pick nyx.


                                                                    should ban pugna,to make sure ure not killing yourself


                                                                      I doubt it
                                                                      Pugna doesn't disable or able to destroy you once he gets close to tinker, if he even managed to get close to him in the first place
                                                                      Or has the ability to meme globally


                                                                        Ever heard of nether ward there?



                                                                          prefer this build, much more effective than qw maxxed , u may lose a kill or two early but u will eventualy win the entire game ez if u know how to farm salza <3


                                                                            It's still easier to play around the spooky skeleton than a monk that blow you up easily once you get caught offguard and has the mobility to do so


                                                                              being inside the trees is enough for me against AM tho,maybe just NS AM things , but tbh i think that nether ward will be devastating if your team cant crush it quickly

                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                am is vulnerable to hex

                                                                                never seen pugna but tinker has sick depush

                                                                                casual gamer

                                                                                  tinker win win win no clockwerk win no storm win win win

                                                                                  the first hero ive played that actually just autowins when last picked

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