General Discussion

General DiscussionMidone 9k EU

Midone 9k EU in General Discussion

    > 7k SEA goes to EU becomes 9k

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      LUL Our SEA pride


        But EU has more 9ks than SEA surely that means it is a harder server????!!?!?!?!?


          eu has way bigger player base thus more higher skilled player so he doesnt have to carry low mmrs


            i read that 3k eu is aprox 6-7k sea, what about that?

            doc joferlyn simp

              ^You've got anything to show for that?


                Wasn't it the same for rtz?


                  ^ yes. Also in na there are less players > higher que time and lower avg > harder games


                    Im sure there are more ppl that are not 9k in their region but they would be on eu for example ddz or 747

                    Este comentário foi editado

                      midone easy 2k mmr raise in eu, same like forev, 7k in sea now 9k in eu.

                      so we can confirm 6k sea = 8k eu.


                        ^hahahaha nice try frank


                          he was 8k in sea alr tho
                          like 8.2 or someth


                            I'm sure there's some inflation on larger servers, how much it actually is depends a lot on playstyle I think.


                              its not precisely the inflation, its just a consequence of a greater number of high rated players
                              its kinda hard to go past 8k if the highest player u get matched with are barely 5k, these kind of games cant be balanced by just adjusting the average mmr.


                                Yes I think this has been misunderstood and misused a lot. I believe inflation = everyone gains a certain amount of mmr so that the average also moves up, and not just the extreme end. for example, you would observe inflation if there is an unusually disproportionate number of crap low mmr players in EU for some reason (more than other servers, and assuming the no. of players in other brackets remain the same across servers). So 3k eu would be 2k other servers, 4k eu would be 3k other servers.

                                The other case would be there are just more players in general so that the extreme ends become more populated, but the distribution of skill isn't necessarily different. The average stays the same (eg 2.5k) because the proportion of shit players is the same, although there are more of them. However the ends become more populated and the best players are able to achieve a higher rating as explained above, due to there being more high average matches.

                                Player 345068850

                                  His the first to be 9k in sea

                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                    ^We never had 9k in SEA, if there was one, he would be celebrated like godz

                                    Player 345068850

                                      But isnt he from SEA?


                                        Technically no one in SEA has gotten 9k.same as NA?


                                          Only eu and china

                                          Polyana <3

                                            dolbaebi ebanie


                                              inflated. get on with it.

                                              if eu is not easy, midone wont get 70% winrate on his ranked.

                                              casual gamer

                                                playing against more skilled opponents means he wins more games and gains mmr it is simple guys come on


                                                  Ye i mean there r plenty of players in both na and sea who can be argued to be just as if not more skilled than eu players, but are less mmr.

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    however theres also people who have 6k7k but im surprised they can tie their fucking shoes


                                                      OTW to EU for my 5k dream

                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                        Ez #No.1
                                                        Midone stragglers in SEA is real,went EU~oops sorry didn't mean to overpass your mmr in your place

                                                        Este comentário foi editado
                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                          So that you know what will happen if u put 8K (not even No.1) SEA player on EU!

                                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                                            Do u guys think playing in pro environment just makes you a better pub player?

                                                            It seems a lot of the unknown ppl without exceptionally high mmr and get into pro teams, suddenly become high mmr.

                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                              Ya I guess so,let's form a team together,with player that not playing Shadowverse and become blue star together without them!


                                                                lol, there is no higher level than midone players in sea anyway


                                                                  ddz meracle NaNa and a handful of players were all higher than midone in sea


                                                                    Now all 2k in sea will read this post and think their 5k lmao


                                                                      i meant actual more skilled players, not some pub scrubs who are only best at carrying noobs when playing against noobs, in contrast to tier1 competitive dota players.


                                                                        what i don't get about this stupid argument, you're arguing around the far extremities of mmr which will always be highly fluctuating, not just in dota but in any sport.

                                                                        also, what is this argument about? you're not the ones playing in these 7-8k avg matches.

                                                                        region difference is neglectable at the average mmr


                                                                          idk if anyone would say that ddz meracle nana and a handful of other players are indeed better than what midone is.


                                                                            the leader board players mmr fluctuates ALOT


                                                                              the only one who's quite stable is miracle?

                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                low mmr is where its at short queues and easy games :thinking:

                                                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                  We will see in TI 7,btw when TI 7 start I am excited it will be the first TI that I will be watching that not from yt