General Discussion

General DiscussionI am losing with Juggernaut. Help.

I am losing with Juggernaut. Help. in General Discussion

    I get party in my queue and players in my team doesn't help most of the time. I try to be kind of reliable and I just leave fight sometimes , they think I am not helping. I am constantly losing. I want to improve and how to overcome 2 stacks ? Please be nice and any advices. I don't have any friends, so please don't tell to play in a party.


      There's is no cure for having a party in your team. Just al the best luck.


        Dude you're playing pub games on a smurf account
        You should expect shitload of cancer


          Be nice to the people you meet and try to cooperate, positive mental attitude
          If they're toxic af/stubborn just mute them

          1-IceTea 🌟

            Solo win it like how I did.


            Highest hero damage ×2+ compair to 2nd highest teammate
            Highest heal ×3+ compair to 2nd highest teammate
            Highest building dmg ×5+ compair to 2nd highest teammate

            And I don't build BKB because I want to tank all skill with my body.
            If Dotabuff have the damage taken figures I will be top a few times higher then all my teammate.

            Tank all,kill all,push all by myself wewewe

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              Tank all skill with my body. Lmao


                If you show how you solo carry games i have a lot of solo carry games too. Point being is you need to farm at mid game


                  juggernaut power spike is somewhere betwen mid and late game.. also he depends on good farming and team cooperation to work.. by 24min u should have 2 major items, boots and something else (aquila, vlad, dominator) and be pushing HG with u teamates using heal ward.. otherwise the hero is weak.. if u dont have friends to play, heroes like Sven, Ursa, Slark, Lifestealer and even luna, Shadow fiend and sniper will work better for u..

                  avoid picking juggernaut, drow, medusa, spectre on that conditions..

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                    A jugg can easily solo carry games. I suggest you see pros play and compare with on your own game and takes note what they did and you did not. I also suggest 1st picking jugg and mark mid because you will get the best laning phase at mid. If some other retarded person takes mid with their stupid invoker go to safelane then

                    casual gamer

                      get a ton of items and split push as much as possible without dying. if you stay ahead on jugg you can kill 1-2 people in omni and then manfight everyone else to death with healing ward


                        I had a game where im so far ehead that 3 guy try to gank me but all get killed by my omni. Who gank whom


                          your items could be a problem. never build ags on a jugg, it is too much of a risk. it always tilts me when i see my carry jugg with a 4.2k item wiht so much risk. manta is good but should come after Battlefury and with the BF buff it should be your 1st big farming item as it is with AM espcially since you are going phase boots. blink is good as it allows you to jump onto the supports and use your ult to quickly remove an enemy from a fight. always carry a tp as jugg in your item slots unless its on
                          CD because it will save your life. tp to a tower if you can to continue farming (bind mid, bot and top lane) but if not just double tap to survive. Bloodthorne works really well with jugg eg. stops storm from jumping or mirana leap etc. diffusal is situation imo.

                          Player 404335202

                            Wtf dude u played 3 matches of him and won 2


                              Pick another hero


                                when playing carry dont rely on your team, always be watching the map and dont farm when its too dark, if you need vision buy a ward and place it near you where u think they might gank from, 65 gold is 1 hard camp creep so dont be shy. use scan if you feel they are about to gank or too many enemies are off the map.

                                when you see a fight is breaking out and you want to tp in 1st check any status and items and levels. it may take awhile to get used to but eventually u will get the hang of it, it really helps. join if you feel u can 100% get a kill or 2, otherwise just leave them and farm, always put your GPM over everything else in the early game and pushing in mid game. when you see the other team is grouping up alot (patch 7.00 thank you very much for that) then find a way to split push safely and if you feel the next wave might kill you then dont do it, rather head into jungle or tp to the opposite side of the map.

                                jugg is a good hard carry and is really good in 1v1 against another carry in the fight but if your mid laner isnt taking care of the supports then u do as it will make or break a team fight. supports play a massive role in the game, they control the map and help their carries win fights, wihtout them the carry loses most of his power so go after them as soon as the fight starts then move onto the cores.


                                  This ppl who comment triggered my so hard.
                                  Let me make this clear:
                                  Battlefury never build this again
                                  Agh same as bf
                                  Shiva plz man
                                  Hex game winning if you know when to buy it
                                  Manta almost always as your 1 big item
                                  Hotd this is what ppl call item preferences, i would go this because i could do some microing.
                                  Mjonir vs diffu
                                  Mjonir if you think you will win late game against some hero or if enemy dusa only have dlance and you already got manta hotd mjonir
                                  Diffusal this item is great on high skill game where ppl buy euls and ghost scepter and you need to end the game fast
                                  Abbysal i rlly love this item after mjonir
                                  Blink if you need to jump on ld or sniper.
                                  Playstyle: i would never buy blink because i will use spin as a gap closing skill. Further more i would never join fights when its to far to join even with tp on so what i do is split push and if they tp i will just counter with spin+tp. Also i would buy silver edge only if i go with that solo pickoff game.
                                  Tdlr do split push and farm and go for hotd(optional) manta mjonir before
                                  With hotd 32min at most
                                  Without hotd around 28 min at most


                                    i had a game as Lion where their Tide would solo ravage me just to kill me and they would win the fight because i couldnt get any of my spells off. and when i play storm i always go to the back lines 1st. but as a mid thats what you should do but you cant rely on other people in this game most of the time.

                                    if your team is angry at you for farminbg and not fighting then they dont understand the role of a carry, just mute them and do what you must. i play spectre alot on my accounts and i have had plenty of games where i farm for 30mins with complaints im not helping then when i join the fights fat as possible i get well played and gg wp spec when we win so dont stress too much. they wont complain or report you when you win or lose with 650gpm


                                      gap close with spin? you new to dota?


                                        no BF on a farming hard carry with phase boots that gets cleave during his ult? hex on your AGI carry when you have a mid player and offlaner? Hotd and satry creep got nerfed. diffusal is situational like i said. mjollnir is ok but bloodthorn will do better vs certain heroes like invoker or storm or potm. abysall is good if you dont go into hotd bcoz if you do then satanic will be better.

                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                          Hahaha fx my Jugg always rush BF and agh follow up and I won 69% of my matches with that build hahaha

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                                          casual gamer

                                            trench trench trench trench trench


                                              Play very very aggressive :)
                                              74% win on 150 matches!
                                              I prefer manta, basher


                                                @fx(tilted) i agree with bf.. not every game is the same, but mostly jugg should win the game before reach late game, but..
                                                "i will use spin as a gap closing skill"
                                                wtf dude? a good team will smash u during that 5secs spins..

                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                  ^good team lulul,I solo kill any jugg on spin so easily.


                                                    ^i mean, with only one player on the team focusing during spin (with enough physical dps) is enough to bring him down
                                                    even in lane phase (when bladefury is lethal) is easy to kill him if he start spining to early

                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                      Jugg is actually a good pubstomping hero
                                                      Spectre is too, but then again you won't shitstomp people with VG BM build


                                                        cutnpaste/jdf said this before
                                                        fighting = manta diffu blink
                                                        farming = manta mjo skadi

                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                          Ya alot of player are noob even lower middle 4K they still spin and chase my Ursa,turn back and 6 hit end
                                                          jugg life
                                                          sad life for jugg
                                                          good life for me

                                                          Bosnian Blade

                                                            stop playing juggernaut


                                                              loosing as jugernaut?????
                                                              sry no help for u


                                                                Maybe improve your itemization?

                                                                Aside from manta being the obvious choice & mjolnir being more efficient that bf, there isn't really a "one item build to rule them all".

                                                                It really depends on the matchup.

                                                                Get diffusal. If you think you can snowball w/ it. Can also be used to save yourself(or teammate) or kite.

                                                                Or BKB + Skadi if you really need to be the one to manfight.

                                                                Or Blink + Abyssal for initiation.

                                                                There are also games where you'll need MKB. When no one can hex or if there is one but isn't reliable.

                                                                If itemization isn't your problem, maybe it's knowing what to do @ certain points in the game. Know when to retreat or push. Play for objectives, not for kills.

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                                                                Fortino Samano

                                                                  I manage to lose with 60k dmg and 790 gpm. Everything is possible....

                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                    blinks good for farm / split push too

                                                                    blinks just real good in general