General Discussion

General Discussionwhen should i buy midas on any hero?

when should i buy midas on any hero? in General Discussion
i follow Jesus.

    please help me i'm a very lowskilled scrublord and i need help to spam slark and shit, i've seen people buying midas on some weird safelaners (spectre, dk, etc) and i'm bamboozled.

    1-IceTea 🌟

      Go to item on butabuffand city midas it tell better


        Dont midas unless you need levels. You usually build midas on offlane, item independent cores and level dependent supports with no innate farming (pheonix, nyx, aa, warlock, slardar, sb etc)

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          When you can get it w/o sacrificing too much before 8mins.

          but of course don't bother getting it on tinker.:/


            I think even on high tempo heroes like lifestealer even if u can get an early midas isnt it better to just buy that armlet instead?

            1-IceTea 🌟

              I actually build midas on tinker before

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                supports when you need to survive lategame

                offlanes- when you want to transition into a carry
                pos 1/2- when given super freefarm(sub 5 min)
                or if it's your hero's core item(invoker, arc)
                or if you had a really bad lane and need to come back


                  When pro teams get a GREAT early lead, I often see 2 or 3 Midas' on the team (pos 3-5).
                  If you are ahead, that Midas can guarantee your lead, I suppose. Especially if you are using heroes like Omni, Warlock, or maybe Disruptor.

                  casual gamer

                    dont get midas unless ur playing with/against high ground defenders like tinker sniper etc

                    the best way to guarantee a lead is to WIN FIGHTS AND KEEP PEOPLE FROM DYING by buying items like force and glimmer

                    some heroes have midas as core or semi core item, invoker arc warlock etc.

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                      i also think most important thing is killing heroes

                      u can have 300 cs in 28 min as carry but if u have 2 kills and 1 assist its worse than have 190 cs in 28 min and
                      have 10 -1

                      when u early kill enemie alot and its 9 1 most likely they will just gg ff push midd


                        4 cases. Rules, which I use for myself.

                        1. When you're far ahead of the enemy, but they have a strong highground defense, at the same time you have a comparable or stronger lategame. In this case, you buy Midas on whichever hero you'd like to.

                        2. When you've lost your lane, but your lategame is comparable/stronger. In this case, you buy Midas to comeback the lost EXP and GPM.

                        3. When both teams have a comparable lategame, but very low-tempo heroes, so you're sure the game's gonna be at least 40 mins long from the very start. In this case, you buy Midas, because it is profitable and efficient to do so.

                        4. When you play certain heroes, you buy Midas in most cases:

                        -Special cases of core heroes: Invoker and Arc Warden + optionally Alchemist.
                        -Special cases of greedy supports, who benefit heavily from farm and levels compared to most other supports: AA, CM, Warlock and Treant, it's OK to rush Midas on these supports IMO.
                        -Special cases of roamers, who may later transition into semicarries: Mirana, SB, Riki, Slardar.
                        -Special cases of especiallly greedy offlaners: Lone Druid, Brood, Enchantress - on these Midas is almost core.

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                        i follow Jesus.

                          thanks boisss <3

                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            don't fucking get midas on alchemist or riki what the fuck


                              Cm and tree midas is dumb because they want items that help them abuse their early power. They dont stay relevant for a long time unlike aa and warlock whos ultis r highly impactful.

                              casual gamer

                                tree midas so good wut???


                                  Mirana midas is also dumb because she wants aghs as fast as possible, and even midas is a delay on that. After aghs she can use it to farm so again no need for midas.

                                  casual gamer

                                    its ya boi skinny midas


                                      I mean why wud u midas on tree when u can buy more impactful items? Idk there r so many good utility items that id rather have over free levels on a hero who doesnt scale extremely well.

                                      casual gamer

                                        becaue i want aghs but i cant farm and im already good very early without anything but boots oov and i scale very well with aghs and lvl 4 invis and lvl 2/3 ult but the hero has no native xp gain at all.

                                        yes you can get hotd / vlad / medallion / blink / force if u want to fight and win but some games u cant do that or u know u can win fights even with midas


                                          If you are invoker. Or if u are AA or a support and u think the game is going late


                                            Ye aghs rush tree works with midas like aa and warlock. I just dont see tree as an aghs rush hero cuz he is so active like bh around the map. Id rather boost that then rush aghs but obv its situational. Player preference and shit.

                                            casual gamer

                                              i really dont think u need items to roam as tree. ur huge base damage and the prenerf 30% slow at lvl 2 is the main attraction, from then on ur basically just punching people while ur teammates do all the real damage



                                                When I play Treant, I just go dual offlane and buy OOV+tangos+faerie, optionally an obs ward.
                                                Then I go brown boots+straight Midas, then Arcanes+Aghs ,then Octa/Pipe, but the game usually ends in a victory.
                                                You don't need anything but boots+oov to be effective.

                                                Tree is superstrong lategame. I don't know what you're talking about, then you say that he's an early game hero.

                                                The sole reason he's 55% avg winrate is because you're ultra effective both in lane, midgame and lategame.

                                                You think Warlock's golems are effective late game? Lul.
                                                Think about a less than 60 sec cd AOE disable, which pierces BKB, prevents blinks and whateverthefuck, alongside dealing 800 magic damage to every target caught and being a 4.5 sec disable.

                                                You seriously think this is not a well-scaling gamebreaking, straight broken ultimate? LOL
                                                2.2 seconds bash is also BKB-piercing. His stats also scale. Free wards and potentionally global ultimate is also a menace lategame.
                                                Living armor is broken too. There's not a single stage of the game, where healing your own buildings is useless.

                                                Treant is an Enigma-tier monster lategame, if you manage to farm Aghs+Octa+Refresher+Blink.

                                                This is easily achievable by buying a Midas. Neither does it affect your early game efficiency. You literally don't need anything, besides brown boot and oov as Tree in early to mid game, as I repeat.

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                                                  Almost anyone playing against tree wont pop bkb until u pop ulti, but if u can force their bkb's then its insane. Id rather just end before late game because as tree, you can. Plus idk if its always smart to trust ur teammates to deal dmg.


                                                    I get Aghs at min 15-17 as roaming Mirana with Midas. You don't lose anything, as your primary utility early to mid comes from landing arrows. You also farm fast by arrowing the big creeps, whenever possible. Not buying a Midas on such a greedy roamer would mean, that you either will steal farm from your cores or that you'll be broke as fuck with just Aghs at min 30.

                                                    I don't want just Aghs on Potm. I want fucking Aghs+Blink+Ethereal at the bare minimum and I get these by purchasing Midas.


                                                      I wait for the enemies to pop BKBs and then use my ulti. What are they gonna do? Not use BKBs at all?
                                                      Most of the time they pop them, because there are other disables/sources of magic damage. They simply don't have a choice.
                                                      Either you use BKB and get rooted or you don't use it and still lose, because not using it at all would be retarded.

                                                      Also, not everyone has the ability, nor wants to build a BKB. This may be a slot for a more important item. Wasting that slot of your enemy is what also makes you efficient anyway.

                                                      And suppose you hit a 3-4 man root, which isn't hard. Suppose 1 has BKB and dispels the root. So?
                                                      It's like buying a BKB against Naga ult. One who popped BKB is left isolated and free to focus down fast. You don't see games, where people build 5 BKBs to counter one hero.
                                                      At least 2 supports are usually completely helpless and furthermore, you solo kill them with Octa+Refresher by just casting two ulties and hitting them.

                                                      Hope I made some sense.
                                                      Treant is broken is you lane him in dual-offlane as a semisupport.
                                                      You are almost never the primary support in the game.

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                                                        the simplistic way to put it, quoting RTZ

                                                        'If 2k gold won't change the game, you buy midas. If it does, you don't'

                                                        - Earthshaker, 2k gold gets his blink. You don't buy midas.
                                                        - Chen, 2k gold gets his mek. You don't buy midas
                                                        - Batrider, 2k gold gets his blink etc etc.

                                                        - OD, 2k gold could be a forcestaff, if that forcestaff will change the game then you skip midas, if it doesn't You got midas.

                                                        Same can be said about anyone.

                                                        Mirana - 2k gold could be drums or pointbooster aquilla, would pointbooster aquilla change the game (if your pushing towers and needing to fight, then yes, if you're all jungle farming and dodging fights then no)


                                                          @4k Anger Management Practice
                                                          Lol treant's ulti is weak in the late game because there's this item called manta style (oh and also lotus orb). Treant is nowhere near enigma's power in the late game due to the fact that his ulti can be dispelled and that you can still cast spells while rooted. If you are behind in a game, you should never buy midas on treant because you're gonna be fucking useless for 20 minutes. Only if your laning phase went well and you're ahead in the game then you should buy midas to snowball. Ags on treant is super overrated. The only point of the ags is to provide vision (as a support; as a core it has the added utility of increasing your gpm). But at the cost of 4.2k there are better heroes to pick like beastmaster and night stalker if you want good map control.
                                                          The strength of treant is in the early game where he can gank and where living armour is very powerful. Living armour alone can help your mid lane win.

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                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                            always reporting midas aghs tree if we lose


                                                              I win, so idc.
                                                              Everyone, who reports me wastes their report.
                                                              1 LPQ in 6 months or so.

                                                              As long as something wins, it may even be a fucking rapier rush on Techies.

                                                              I never lecture guys ingame myself either. Especially if I know that I am a super bad player on a hero I am trying to lecture them on.

                                                              The only way you can objectively say that someone builds dogshit items or plays some hero wrong for a person's particular rating is if you open matches->%heroname% and see <50% over more than 10 games played.

                                                              So, to sum this up.

                                                              I build Radiance on fucking solo offlane Abaddon in 4k and win 8/10 games that way statistically ever since 7.00. Do I need to give a fuck about criticism of a guy, who buys Aether Lens on him or some other dogshit pointless item and loses way more often on a comparable/lower rating? No, I don't.

                                                              Do I need to care about a guy, who advices me to buy Blade Mail on Timber, because he's sure it's a good item and my build is bad? No, I don't. Because I know Blade Mail Timber is garbage on my rating and lower. My winrate proves that my statement is more likely to be true.

                                                              Do I need to care about someone, who legitimately thinks Midas into Aghs Tree is bad ingame? No, I don't, because that build objectively wins games according to my experience and statistics on my rating.

                                                              Plus, my 5.3k bud also agrees it's the go-to build.

                                                              So yea, no offense, but that's just the way I think. Blabbering and reporting whoever you want doesn't outweight the facts and statistics.

                                                              Out of all heroes in Dota, Tree has the highest winrate with Midas. Just a fact.

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                                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                I played yesterday,used 2 report before my last match que and I got back 2 of my report because they are sent to LP lol.

                                                                Checked is this Veno
                                                                And this Veno
                                                                Sad life both Veno player go to LP weeeee

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