General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy so many idiots in dota2

Why so many idiots in dota2 in General Discussion
ILC - Lethal Ninja

    Why insists that my Riki must be a supporting hero? Why Riki cannot farm in offlane, why being noob deserves a report and get into low priority. Really valve design such that Riki = support hero? This report system is sucky to max. Really idiot tech people in valve that design this system. Have some brain. And you design Riki as carry and not support. So when people
    Play the way they want, why should they be banished to low priority because of report??


      u get to lpq when u make others' game experience worse in any way
      you being right or wrong doesnt matter, you annoy other people, and instead of having fun when playing, they feel angry
      and thats what gets u in lp


        hmm really makes you think :thinking:


          I think valve should auto-lp anyone who says/does one of the following:
          1) that's not even my real account
          2) who cares? it's my party MMR
          3) "something" or feed
          4) courier dying consecutively under your command


            You should have played support. Dont be a stubborn


              riki is better as a roaming support. This doesnt mean that you arent going to build damage and deal damage. it just means your not sitting in lane killing creeps. And you might be responsible for a couple of wards or carrying dust which really wont impact you if it helps you get kills which is how you get farm.


                A good roaming Riki can win all 3 lanes. Offline Riki will at best draw one lane.


                  I usually report if someone does some unorthodox build like carry phoenix and we lose because in my eyes they threw with a build they knew wasn't optimal

                  ILC - Lethal Ninja

                    So I must play following the trend? Really? I play to please the other 4 team mates? Omg what's wrong with this valve? Is dota 2 a game we play to please the play of the other four teammates? Really?

                    ILC - Lethal Ninja

                      How to enjoy my game when I'm forced to play the way what other expect me to play? I roam. I get wards, and I can't get runes and can't get a creeps. Just see at those games I played. How many creeps I get in average game? I need a bit
                      Of farm. I need some
                      Experience. People don't understand. I played 2300 games as Riki, I understand how Riki works to win game. When whole team wants to farm
                      Only and get me buy wards and sent, and accusing me of useless, really is that how valve design riki?? Please makes Riki a support hero then. Don't give this riki physical damage. Give him more support spell.
                      Wth brainless game designer for the report system


                        stop worrying about what your team thinks about you. Mute them and play. If you're actually right, you'll win


                          You don't necessarily have to play support Riki. Just most ppl expect Riki to roam and not sit in lane. It's scarier when a Riki is off the map

                          ILC - Lethal Ninja

                            And as a result they report me and I get into lp. I only play Riki and that's the only thing I enjoy in dota 2.
                            And yet every time i pick Riki, people scold 3k scrub, gg, idiot pick, useless pick etc. and expect me to buy wards and sentry? Some expect me not to take a single creeps from lane and take jungle creeps, and not to take rune. Want me to play the position 5 low life support. Really is this how dota works


                              if that's your attitude in game I'm not surprised people flame you


                                Being a support has nothing to do with "physical/magical" damage.
                                It has more to do with positioning and farm ability. Due to Riki's natural squishyness (literally no way to get great stats without getting stupid fat early), and terrible Attack Damage (unless you are backstabbing), you won't farm quickly.

                                How much pressure a roaming riki can put on the mid / safe lanes - is absolutely ridiculous. If you are just sitting with an offlaner, I'd probably report you too. The offlane wasn't designed for a squishy hero who can last hit 1 or 2 every minute, and barely deny farm. It was created to deny farm and experience to the enemy carry.

                                IMHO, there are tons better offlaners out there, and Riki classifies much better as a support - than carry. Granted, he sure as hell can turn into a carry late game. I almost always start out as a support, and after 20 minutes, just get a diffusal and rape their supports. But you still buy wards 'n shit.
                                I flame all of my friends who still buy treads on the hero. SMH.

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                                ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                  "Being a support has nothing to do with "physical/magical" damage.
                                  It has more to do with positioning and farm ability. Due to Riki's natural squishyness (literally no way to get great stats without getting stupid fat early), and terrible Attack Damage (unless you are backstabbing), you won't farm quickly.
                                  How much pressure a roaming riki can put on the mid / safe lanes - is absolutely ridiculous. If you are just sitting with an offlaner, I'd probably report you too. The offlane wasn't designed for a squishy hero who can last hit 1 or 2 every minute, and barely deny farm. It was created to deny farm and experience to the enemy carry.
                                  IMHO, there are tons better offlaners out there, and Riki classifies much better as a support - than carry. Granted, he sure as hell can turn into a carry late game. I almost always start out as a support, and after 20 minutes, just get a diffusal and rape their supports. But you still buy wards 'n shit.
                                  I flame all of my friends who still buy treads on the hero. SMH." That's your way of plying this hero but must I follow the way you play? And just because I don't follow this common way of playing this hero, people report me and I can get into lp? Really


                                    It has more to do with how useful / toxic you are to a team.
                                    Remember, you can't be reported until AFTER the game. If you are toxic, and saying shit like "shutup noob, i f**ked your family" then yes, you will get reported - which tbh, from this post, I believe you got LP for this, more than for just playing Riki.

                                    This game, a Tinker last picks into the Jungle (after we had a Doom, and 3 other carries). I flamed him at first for the retarded pick He didn't say a word, played well, left farm for the rest of the team, and made a great positive impact on the game. At the end of the game, he didn't get reported.

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                                      look at all these saying roaming is better when the best riki player does it in the offlane. :thinking:


                                        And RTZ can play Tinker jungle - doesn't mean everyone else should do it.

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                                          Atleast address me man.

                                          I checked your wordcloud too. Your two most used words are end and report. Not very positive stuff lad

                                          when the best riki player does it in the offlane.

                                          because the dotabuff ranking system is completely accurate

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                                            its not dotabuff ranking based its opendota :P


                                              I had a jungle void running around creating space with vlad 10 minutes in


                                                Listen riki cant sit in the offlane and take farm because any support with half a brain will fucking kill you. U also farm the jungle at an abyssmal rate, and ur only way of acquiring gold is killing things. Whether that means grabbing some safelane farm then leaving the lane for the supports or roaming lvl 1 or aggro dual/tri laning is up to you, but if ur doing a passive offlane with riki ur playing suboptimally. It has nothing to do with whether everyone plays it that way. I mean echo sabre is really popular on wk and batrlefury is still bought on jugf (according to dbuff item popularities) but that doesnt at all mean that those r good items. If this is regular pubs then its fine, but if this is ranked how can u be surprised.


                                                  I'd like to hear the open dota no.1 Riki players thought on this. Frank ?

                                                  Mohammed El Sayed

                                                    ILC - EVIL DENTIST
                                                    You're going to LP because report system allows that. It has nothing with punishment. It's a free videogame so what do you expect from it? Comparing to normal games Dota 2 is very bad. Badly coded reporting system is just one of aspects of this game. There are a lot of things that also are bad, for example:

                                                    1. Developers almost completely ignore community, making some resources like useless, not providing special tools like bugtrackers to it and almost never replying.

                                                    2. Ignoring community that makes money, giving unbalanced gameplay. For example Spirit Breaker that bashed Morpling off and AFTER THAT Valve changed his Greater Bash chance to PRD. But what about MILLIONS matches before? Nobody gave a shit to the people that have bought hats and other cosmetics and suffered by SB with his 170% GB chance. He was fixed after single babycryer on some tournament that SPENDS money. There're a lot of similar situatuations like I described above.

                                                    3. Players are beta testers. It looks like there's very simple beta testing branch is in Valve, reporting just critical bugs. But some gameplay issues like overpowered Tinker, bugged right-click attacking after using Manta (or similar skills), bugged UI in some aspect ratios and resolutions, a lot of crashes, etc.

                                                    But it's excuse for that - the game is free to play. And just don't play if you don't like and don't sponsor greedy company.


                                                      ^ lmao ur fucking brain dead. Of course theyre going to fix a mistake after it becomes popular. Of course theyre gonna try to make money. This is CAPITALISM. Plus the change to PRD is good why are you whining? This whole thing makes no sense. Also idk wtf ur talking abt valve mostly just listens to reddit but they still do listen to something, even if its the delusional retards on reddit.


                                                        idk if its gonna be the support killing riki and not the other way around if hes gotten some experience and like at least a few last hits. however i think against some cores riki indeed cant offlane like lets say PA in example i think is a really hard matchup for him.

                                                        but still i guess most of the time it might even be better to play roaming if you know you will not be able to get anything from the offlane xd

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                                                          Literally any carry and trade with riki. He loses almost every 1v1 passive lane.

                                                          ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                            If you look at the games I played, look at those stats, go check my game play, you see if I have been roaming? And I didn't swear vulgarity. End is just frustration on team who can't play as a team or selfish like expect me to get all the wards and sentry. I'm ranked 23 in opendota Riki ranking. I'm sure i know what I'm doing. I just don't like the way this report systems work and put me to LP just because I didn't play the way other expected of a Riki and reported me. This just sucks. I'm almost in lp once a month even since I go to 4.5k bracket. People especially those in 5k think they know how to play Riki better than me and start curse and swear. Just because I take some creeps from lane, omg? There are 5 creeps each wave and I take 1-2 will really make our gaming experience worse? Damn it. There are even players to expect me not taking runes. Omg. Hello, the last time I checked there is no name written on the runes. Damn stupid report system

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                                                              Tbh the fact that ur still here whining and shit makes me think all this "im not toxic i swear" comments seem like bull shit.

                                                              ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                                the fact I'm in lp is because others people think I'm toxic. So how is your comment relavant

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                                                                  Exactly, all ur doing is being toxic whining abt how u get into lp, i can only imagine ur attitude in a game. If u talked like this i wud report u myself, regardless of ur play.
                                                                  You basically sound like a total whiny ass douche.

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                                                                    1/9 riki zdonk wannabe :(

                                                                    ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                                      I'm not posting this to get your sympathy. You can report players like me all you want. I refuse to be submissive in my game play. Who are you to tell me how to play? My mom?

                                                                      ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                                        Who is this donkey you talking about? I'm evil dentist. Dentist is real life. I'm not playing dota full time. I don't need to get your recognition as a good player


                                                                          whats scary daddy is if you dont know if the offlane riki is still leeching experience or he has tp'ed to kill a lane.


                                                                            Wake up. You are exactly what makes the Dota community toxic. You are playing a game with 4 other strangers and playing as a team isn't the same as 5 people playing the game at the same time. You are 20% of the team, you aren't their captain.

                                                                            Secondly, you think you solve conflict by seeing who can (metaphorically) shout louder. Yeah, cos that's how you persuade someone in a discussion.

                                                                            LP is the best place for you to learn these social skills.


                                                                              You can diffuse a lot of situations just by inviting people to report you if you lose.


                                                                                From what i can say is that, be flexible. I know it's hard to adapt sometimes. I believe it when you said that riki is a carry. I don't prefer riki being a support either. Sometimes we just need to do the things we hate the most. Seeing all the carry in our team, being a supp riki is not that bad since current meta allows it. Try something new. Later in next match you will be more ready, more experience, and more stronger.

                                                                                Mohammed El Sayed

                                                                                  You're blind and can't get the point and/or can't read, retarded kid.

                                                                                  ILC - EVIL DENTIST
                                                                                  As I said nothing you can do with the system because you have no tools to do that. It's a FREE videogame. The only advantage of the dota comparing to normal games - it worths nothing. You can try to communicate with devs but it's waste of time. I reported few bugs and they were fixed after 2 years and nobody replied... nice. has nothing with development. And this is why dota 2 loses to LoL in terms of community and flexibility.

                                                                                  Just buy somthing good for you (but indie projects, they are all shit :)) and play. If Valve don't want to get your money, don't sponsor them.


                                                                                    ^lmao LoL's community is the only one more toxic than dota. And youre calling me retarded when ur the edgy kid using a fucking islamic guy as ur profile. Even if you are actually a muslim, then why tf wud u put ur name as ur steam name? Retarded either way.


                                                                                      You think a dev will hear any one complaint in a massive heap of traffic that comes valves way. They hear big cry's like a youtube video that gets popular or a large reddit thread.


                                                                                        well yeah there are a lot of idiots though. like pick necro support and go 0/12 15 minutes in xD

                                                                                        ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                                                          Mohammed El Sayed

                                                                                          You are right. I'm clearing the lp matches.. And will continue to play riki the way I want.. For your info, I never spend a cent in this game.. clearly they wont reply my complaint against the report system. And looking at the latest patch, dev is clearly hate riki player like me, buff bh so much to counter riki.


                                                                                            Bh doesnt counter riki. You dont pick riki for perma invis, u pick him for S M O K E S C R E E N which rekts bh. And slardar too.


                                                                                              Ur actually so naive and brain dead its fucking stupid. Cuck and roll and spoderman r geniuses in front of ur retardation.


                                                                                                You are one of them OP xD


                                                                                                  Old riki spammers played riki as offlane hero before kuroky made him popular as position 4 roamer. There was a time ppl considered riki hero who shouldnt be played ranked at all. So for this type of people who could pull some weird successful sh1t on offlane that was his normal position. When someone spam offlane riki, he remember timings, can actually deny tons of CS and know power spikes of the hero. I understand totally OP point of view. Meta shifted people expect from us now to play pos 4 rikor but its totally different game which some spammers might feel uncomfortable with.

                                                                                                  In short version: Roaming without confidence in getting kill, scouting puts old riki spammers into discomfort due to feeling of missing diffusal power spike.

                                                                                                  PS. I play him pos 4 now as well since i was losing winnable game due to team being tilted at pos 3 riki from beggining of game.

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                                                                                                    call zdonfrank

                                                                                                    Kaiki Deishu

                                                                                                      Its a matter of perspective, if you just want to enjoy and have fun then do whatever you want or if you want to win games then you have to learn how to compromise.

                                                                                                      Yeah it sometimes sucks but you really have to compromise if you want to win games and in the current way of the game right now Riki's effectiveness is much more greater if he is a roaming support on early game than sitting in lane and farm.