General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is going on...?

What is going on...? in General Discussion

    I am a 2k player queued with a 4k on my team and a 6.7k on the other team. Not only did the 4k player intentionally ruin the game for me (in more ways than I can mention, but for example, take the mid lane, tell doom to farm in the safe lane where I was pushed, leading me to jungle) but also, their 6.7k who obviously had a better chance at winning against us scrubs just ran down the mid lane and fed. I checked his profile and I can't find details on his match history but he has an average 148 GPM and 60 XPM. How does someone reach 6k like that? Is he an account buyer? How does someone even have any fun ruining the game for others? What has humanity come to? Are we destined to live in hatred and self-destruction?

    Thoughts. :)


      just clearing low prio with 2 accounts


        I see you have a 9% winrate on your most played hero with over 200 matches. I have no respect for you.


          queue into yourself on the other team
          feed yourself with your bot
          clear lp