General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed your guidance guys :/

Need your guidance guys :/ in General Discussion
white cat<3

    i've been stucking between 4.2-4.3 for 1 month and no idea of how to get out from this hell
    i can't play mid well so i played mostly offlane and somtime roaming supp,carry but still stuck in here
    so if any of you know how to escape this hell drop out some advice i will surely appreciate it :D


      My 700 mmr knowledge says play ur best hero until u git gud. Or ur best position.

      white cat<3

        i've try hero spamming i spam zues offlane and got 4K in 1 month
        now i tried necro offlane and roaming riki but cant get out from here :/


          Keep in mind that everyone has a ceiling. You may have reached it.

          Ceilings are not the highest that you can ever go. Ceilings exist to be broken. The way you play right now is only as good as 4300 MMR. It's not an issue of you being bad, it's an issue of you not changing. You have to adapt. If you want to climb MMR truly, you have to carve out a new player and break that ceiling. What that new player is/does is not something I can tell you. You know what you do and what you don't do. Perhaps you could take more risks, risks that can benefit you heavily. And when you inevitably get on the wrong side of that risk, think of what YOU could have done differently so that you benefit from that risk.

          That's it.


            You're doing something wrong with Necro.
            I've tried offlaning him and got 70% wr at 40 games.

            I play pretty much only offlane/jungle and have a comparable rating.
            I am on a break from actively playing ranked atm, but you can still check my db and maybe borrow something.

            Offlane/jungle got me +2000 pts and I am sure will give me much more.

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              go learn tinker u sick 3k fucks


                If u can get 4k with offlane zeus u shud be able to break with offlane necro. This means its a more general problem imo rather than a problem with your specific hero play.

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                white cat<3

                  @Rodrak nice words dude thanks
                  @4K anger management i've got like 63% winrate on offlane necro but i even when i pick nec offlane there another carry picker who duel lane with me and make the laning phase go hard
                  @dental tech ya i will try it

                  white cat<3

                    @daddy ya i think so


                      If you spammed trash hero on their non optimal role and still manages to gain MMR, you should be able to grind with meta hero on their optimal role
                      Maybe try practicing necro first or find out what you're doing wrong?


                        What rodrak said is true and applies to every other bracket


                          it gets worse


                            "You have to adapt. If you want to climb MMR truly, you have to" whatever. just pick broken ass heroes and you'll climb mmr. necro offlane is your friend. you can also try centaur and underlord off, or luna if the other 4 people on your team dont all type "carry or feed".


                              improve until you feel that bracket is so easy to win, ive been stuck on 4.7-4.9 too for almost 2months after that i just reach 5k flat with streak wins i just feel i improve a bit and i think because i cant get out of 4k because i always think 4.9 they are all good so i cant break through that bracket but after i play on that bracket for 2 months i feel like that 4.9 bracket is easy just keep on your mind on how to improve im not a pro player but thats what i do everytime i play dota

                              white cat<3

                                thanks for ur advices guys really appreciate those :D