General Discussion

General DiscussionJuggernaut and some other questions

Juggernaut and some other questions in General Discussion

    Does the abyssal blade's bash proc pierce through BKB?
    Does the abyssal blade's bash proc have 2 sec cooldown like basher?
    Any way to build jugg without rushing manta as first big item? And what's the pros and cons of said build?
    At what point you can slip in some rightclick during omnislash? (Attack speed number? I read it somewhere before that once you get enough AS you can add some rightclicks during omnislash, maybe it's false, can anyone confirm this?)



      one syllable anglo-saxon

        yes u can autoattack during omni

        (don;t bump a thread u created 20 mins ago??????)



          Idk , but im sure yes

          Hotd first then manta, feels like manta is too good to skip on jug. Mb u can go hotd yasha mael first but it is a greedy move .


          doc joferlyn simp

            1) Yes


            3)Manta is too good an item since Diffusal can't be self-targeted now. Much of your midgame presence (your main strength vs other carries) comes from your active abilities. Get silenced you're useless, maybe you can take out a support with right clicks but that's a big maybe.

            4)If Juggernaut's AS is lower than 0.5~ or so (time it takes for each slash to happen) then yes he can attack targets with normal right clicks in between the slashes.


              Bash goes through bkb.

              Abyssal has cd like basher.

              On mid jugg you can be a bit more flexible but I think for safelane jugg phase+aquila+helm+hotd is mandatory every game.

              You rightclick in omnislash, that is why the mom build took off a while ago, it is also why mjollnir has had a sudden surge in popularity, personally I still prefer manta+diffusal but that's just my playstyle.


                I asked at what point (amount of attack speed required) jugg can start autoattacking during omnislash, or his agi growth is good enough so that most of the time it can be done in the mid game?

                Este comentário foi editado
                doc joferlyn simp

                  If Juggernaut's AS is lower than 0.5~ or so

                  Idk more or less 0.5 AS, could be wrong though.


                    omnislash is just like normal attack but dealing around extra 200 damge. Imagine your jugg hitting a hero for omni duration its the amount of the attack at omni. Basically you just start hitting when you cast omni. Im thinking and going for yasha to mael to manta. Pros you farm a lot faster but the cons is you cant fight or even push tower as much as manta


                      Oh and get 175 blade fury damage because in late game you need to have blade fury to close the gap if you dont have blink. Tnx rtz


                        Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient ?

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          Why can't you fight with Mael? Mael ups your attacks during Omni it's like having a Zeus spam Arc Lightning on the enemy team. The build you mentioned is basically the default one.

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            How does getting more damage allow you to cover more ground during Bladefury? I can see that working against a cheeky NP microing his Treants but even then you've got Phase active.


                              Personally i go phase into aquila into maelstrom if I'm having a good game if i have to fight earlier you just have to go default and go manta first . Most people go hotd because its really strong this patch but i suck at micro and can't micro the healing ward and a creep as well . The main benefit of having manta is the utility it gives you , against slow moving stuns that can be dispelled you can dodge , against treant multi you can manta out and save your blade fury for when you need it more. Plus it helps man fighting early on too since early your so squishy.


                                i like how this became a "what i build on jugg" thread xD

                                Este comentário foi editado
                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  You do know you can command creeps to follow you by with M + click on your hero right? Ice Ogre can auto cast his Lich shield as well.


                                    hi guys i build battlefury aghs refresher on jugg btw hahAA


                                      ^ its legit


                                        ofcourse it is. i build it

                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          Would you have laughed when, together with MoM, that was the default build for Juggernaut at one time?


                                            Manta is better in most cases because the dispel.


                                              you get manta because sny sucks


                                                does google work at all? what are those questions you can find every answer on the dota 2 wiki

                                                since no one did i will provide you with some clarifications

                                                If Juggernaut's attack time is lower than 0.4, he can perform at least one attack between each slash.

                                                jugg builds manta first only if the enemy team has disjiontable proj or silences you should always start with aquila and if enemy had no silences or heroes that will build orchids you can fit in maelstrom or diffusial in your build then with diffusial you proceed to manta blink basher/skadi/butterfly and pretend that you are antimage (don't forget to blink during omnislash) and with maelstrom you can skip manta in favor of tons of different items it depends on your game evaluation


                                                  also hotd is the new trend but just don't

                                                  he is gonna get nerfed next patch and you probably have enough troubles controlling one unit if you have questions like that


                                                    I've used to play Jug long ago and would win lots of games.

                                                    My build was unorthodox, but efficient, everyone was building BF at that time with him and losing.

                                                    I'd go PMS+Aquila+Drums+S&Y+BKB/Butterfly and end the game usually.

                                                    But I can't recall the last time I've played a carry in non-LPQ.

                                                    I also remember MoM Jug, which was a meta quite a while ago, I think it could be viable again.

                                                    Try experimenting with something like MoM+straight up Basher.

                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                      Jug will get buffed, not nerfed.

                                                      He's crap in prodota atm, despite being picked often.

                                                      46% winrate at 50 games picked at DAC is not impressive and nerf-worthy at all.

                                                      He's not that strong in pubs either.

                                                      Also, they have an arcana coming up for and these stats make them happy.

                                                      They will BUFF Jug into a meta cancer with the Arcana release, screencap this. They have every reason to, besides just hyping up the arcana.

                                                      HotD will get nerfed as an item though.

                                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                                        hmm really makes you think :thinking:


                                                          I asked at what point (amount of attack speed required) jugg can start autoattacking during omnislash, or his agi growth is good enough so that most of the time it can be done in the mid game?

                                                          To clear this up - there is no specific threshold for this, Jug does it from the very start. At level one, you have 3 slashes with your ultimate, each taking 0.4s, amounting to an Omnislash duration of 1.2s. If you have an attack time of like 1s you will get one auto-attack between the second and third slash. As your attack speed and ult level get higher, you will get more auto-attacks during your Omnislash, of course.


                                                            1- yes
                                                            3-manta is ok, try maelstrom or dominator if manta u dont like manta at first
                                                            4- HE ALWAYS rightclick during omni, since lvl 6.. dont believe? go to test scenario, jugger vs oracle, use edict (oracle w) on jugg, and then use omnislash.. almost no dmg..


                                                              One extra thing: The stun from the abyssal bash goes through BKB but the damage does not since its magic damage. So they will get stunned but they wont take the bonus damage you normally deal when bashing.