General Discussion

General DiscussionEmber Spirit: Radiance or Maelstrom (Mjollnir)

Ember Spirit: Radiance or Maelstrom (Mjollnir) in General Discussion
Farm then Carry

    So ember spirit is a hero that really appeals to me, especially since magic damage ember became a thing.
    In which case should I get a radiance or a maelstrom? What are the differences between the two?

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      the case is that you almost never buy mjollnir

      Farm then Carry

        That's why I'm asking, I want to know when to use mjollnir or radiance.


          after veil best thing is radi or blink mjolnir at last


            Arin is saying that because maelstrom is good but mjolnir is bad


              radiance burn stacks with flame guard.. mjolnir is better for chi chi chi
              maelstrom is easier to build (if u game is going bad)
              also u should get both

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                Ember doesn't need attack speed
                Maelstrom is enough and you should leave it that way until you're 5 or 6 slotted
                Unless you have some cancer frontliner like centaur I don't see any point of getting a fast mjo


                  Mjo is good if you have a hero that can walk highground hitting t3. Imagine a luna walking your highground with mjo lotus and linkens effect. Seemsbalanceman


                    Radiance is better but the build up is bad and maelstrom you can get earlier.


                      Maelstrom is better allows u to play splitpush style a bit faster.

                      fear is the mind killer

                        radi everyday

                        fear is the mind killer

                          maelstrom terrible item


                            Isn't it quite decent if you have teammates who have aoe cc like dark seer, void, etc?


                              Every hero buys maelstrom now anyway. Might as well


                                dagon 5

                                casual gamer

                                  ^^ nice winstreak dude


                                    ^thanks feelsgudman

                                    Farm then Carry

                                      So what I understand;
                                      Maelstrom: if im going for splitpushing or if my team has aoe cc
                                      Radiance: because ggwp


                                        Pretty sure mjollnir > radiance on ember


                                          I don't really understand why people get radiance on ember. Except if for some reason you are able to run at them and keep runnin at ppl in fights. But I just don't understand this item. For farming? Meh. For miss chance ? Meh. Maybe if your alch or naga or spec.

                                          fear is the mind killer

                                            I was confused by OP sorry. Maestrom is great but Mjöllnir is shit. You have no reason to pay for more attack speed, only the proc is good.

                                            Jacked: why people buy Mjolnir? That's the real question. The radiance is more valuable


                                              Mjolnir is better at pushing building, which is one of ember weaknesses, also you can kinda split push with the static, i feel like radiance is overrated because you dont actually spend so much time near to enemies, and with Mjolnir you can deal damage from distance getting procs from fist, also you rarely buy manta on new ember so you cant utilize radiance for splitpush.


                                                Ehh so radiance is an item to get when you're snowballing and want to "balance in all things" your enemies?


                                                  ppl buy mjolnir for lack of better late game items

                                                  fear is the mind killer

                                                    ^^ yes and yes