General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win with am

How to win with am in General Discussion

    I just wanna get my am path done, I don't care how many games I would ruin, but honestly how the fuck do I win with am.


      Maybe greaves rush is the way to go.


        ban him xd


          u keep trying hard. Thats all


            dont fight, split push, win.

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              ALL YOU NEED TO DO for the first 30 minutes is farm farm farm farm farm farm farm farm farm farm farm farm with MAP AWARENESS
              Stay alive, don't go YOLO manfight a horde because you think you're fat and throw all the fucking effort your team sustain a 4v5 the whole fucking game for you.
              End the game quickly because picking AM is a sin. Yes, because your 4v5 teammates can't catch up with the net worth as you stole them all.


                when ur early game dont just stay i one lane and hope for best
                try split push farm go woods tp fights buy treads headdress raindrop destroy tower 1s pick up bounty runes just move around map dont just stand top and wait 30 sec creep

                Negative Mental Attitude

                  Am is Fucking trash fam. Every game i played in 7.00 onward the team that has him gets stomped out


                    Cuz u fucking suck. A good am can shrek. A bad am will make everyone think am is dogshit. Although he doesnt suit this early aggression meta he isnt that bad of a hero.

                    Negative Mental Attitude

                      I literally never pick anti mage

                      Every time the enemy team picks am its literally a free win because instead of a safelane carry they have a Creep with spells

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                        Because the player is bad doesnt mean am is bad
                        Though he isnt good


                          Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient


                            Antimage today is better than he was 1-1,5 years ago but he is still not good. There is little reason to pick this hero over other carries.


                              Luna won late game vs him


                                luna does not win late vs am what the fuck?


                                  luna does a ton of nuke dmg and needs mana am can just blink out of her ult too..... trust me its not a good matchup unless there is a huge net worth gap


                                    he is awful early I must agree, I remember ti3 finals when lumi said: when the team really needs a win they pick up an anti mage..sad story for such a fun hero, luna hater here xd


                                      AM sucks against Luna because Luna groups up and takes your rax at 20 minutes, if you manage to survive this period AM is fine as you shrug off eclipse, Luna has mediocre single target physical damage and you can just jump on Luna and bash her every fight.

                                      basement :)

                                        AM sucks against Luna because Luna groups up and takes your rax at 20 minutes

                                        That only happens in your bracket though.


                                          luna is pretty strong late game. i dont see why luna would lose to am late game? esp with satanic and butterfly, andu know how AMs hate to get mkb


                                            To beat AM lategame you need a strong physical dps core that can deal with bash, Luna lategame only has +38 damage, 5 second bkb, AM can go butter himself and bash generally smashes most ranged carries.


                                            My most recent example in ranked where I managed to avoid losing in the first 20 minutes, game dragged on and I ended up being too mobile for the Luna to handle.

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                                              How can luna deal with AM lategame without hex or shit
                                              Although luna shits on AM before he comes online


                                                Her bouncy bouncy ☺️ Kills support from behind and when you are sieging any support that come close will die


                                                  Am with the same items/networth is much stronger. At this point luna has 1 entire skill that does nothing, and glaives does almost nothing in a 1v1. Am with abyssal stuns luna till bkb runs out then bloodthorns if she has butterfly.


                                                    id hate to go against troll as luna tho. but usually am doesnt wanna jump in and manfight a carry? he wants to ideally blow someone up with mana void and dont think going on luna would be ideal. how many games in a luna vs am would an am just man fight a luna? im thinking luna will clear am's illusions faster than he clears hers.

                                                    i think in that game if luna wasnt forced to go linkens and went skadi instead, it might've helped

                                                    Este comentário foi editado
                                                    basement :)

                                                      How can a AM + Tinker combo be consistently beat?


                                                        By ending the game quickly obviously
                                                        Tinker and AM needs alot of space


                                                          Or pick some meme initiatiors like slardar


                                                            Am doesnt have to clear illusions, he doesnt take magic dmg, and just stuns luna through bkb and then bursts her with mana void.