General Discussion

General DiscussionTalking about Matchmaking system

Talking about Matchmaking system in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    Ok guys I'm going to talk about the matchmaking system.

    There was a dunning kruger guy who began to talk about the matchmaking and He basicially triggered me, so I decided to stream a short session and talk about this abomanation of a video he made.


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    Story Time

      u seem to have free time...

      Giff me Wingman

        yeah, i have free until the 30th. The its back to academy. Watching yuyu hakusho


          i don't think people care about a 4k guy's opinion

          Jay the Bird

            ^ boosted 4k*

            Giff me Wingman

              boosted 3k


                I'm boosted 2k haHAA


                  Do you think about TNJinzo guy? Who made a video talking about some irelevant shit how MMR is unfair, blablabla, while being boosted to 5.1k by some player?

                  Giff me Wingman

                    YuP. fucking animal got boosted, talked about it and how matchmaking is not unfair.

                    Uploaded stream to youtube.


                      Gimme a youtube link.

                      I agree with you. Good thing you actually did this, because it needed to be done. As you said, fucking delusional animal.

                      Literally lost ALL credibility from me when I realised he's boosted.

                      Giff me Wingman

                        its literally on first post LoL


                          watching it now. Didn't see you edited the first post.


                            Added you on steam, aswell. Big respect that you did this for this piece of shit.


                              Dang, we're getting upvoted.. time to make this dunning krugger guy suicide.. 4head


                                tebra sto to . . ..


                                  O cemu ti? Pa vidis da je covek boostovan sa 3.8 na 5.1k i pravi se da je pametan. Koji ce kurac takvi ljudi u Dota zajednici.

                                  Vec imamo dovoljno idiota, jos treba nekog ko je fake 5k da shvataju ozbiljno?

                                  Giff me Wingman

                                    Well he is a fucking retard, so spread the word. I'm really tired of people like him. The funny part is, the most dunning kruger people can be find in high 3k - high 4ks.

                                    It's an observation I made by playing on different MMR ranges.

                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      It's an observation I made by playing on different MMR ranges.

                                      such as high 3k-high 4ks


                                        Funny that you of all people made this. Blunt from Denmark. You and "Jinzo" have quite a lot in common, hahahhaaahh.

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                                        Giff me Wingman

                                          sexy pic, i'd rate 7/8. Gj boi



                                            ye fuk wat my mmr oO 6k acc buy, 5k boost or my rel mmr 4k?????? EEEEE Lets go with middel!!! Lets ~~ say 5k >_<


                                            Giff me Wingman

                                              LuL I'm so happy that u care so much for me <3
                                              u so cute my darling <3


                                                No probbies <3

                                                the realm's delight

                                                  jens savage???

                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                    Anyone up for some D4RK M00N?


                                                      Up for D4RK M00N! 5K+ required

                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                        Why would u exclude urself? u so mean to yourself. You dirty boy


                                                          he took examples from the far edges of mmr (super low and super high)

                                                          that has an insane amount of issues, one of the biggest being sample size.

                                                          but if we look at the average mmr, this system just works.

                                                          it's like that sniper guy i argued about drow eblade, and one 10k matches player with 1-2k mmr on antimage eblade.

                                                          the winrate is 90%, but the sample size is almost nothing.

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                                                              it's not good either

                                                              nor is it a thing to go for every game.

                                                              the argument was on getting it every single game instead of a hot/butter etc.

                                                              i can find a game in 300 that it'll work amazingly, but that doesn't make it good.

                                                              how good is an item depends on the items you compare it to on that hero.

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                                                                Lol I actually watched the Jinzo video this morning because it popped up on recommended videos. He seems like the typical conspiracy theorist who will take a tiny bit of half-truth and base his entire argument on that. The way he spoke, you would think that Miracle and Sumail are single-handedly destroying the accuracy of MMR and Bootsters and Account Buyers are in every single game making your matches pointless.

                                                                Sure, the case where an 8K gets matched with a batch of 6Ks does slightly skew the MMR scale but this is such a rare event that its barely worth bringing up.
                                                                Boosters and Account Buying also leads to MMR inflation but once again they're such a small group of people that it barely matters. And MMR inflation doesn't mean that MMR is broken anyway, it just means that over time the skill of players in different brackets changes but their skill relative to other brackets is still the same.

                                                                Planning on watching your whole video tomorrow Blunt, only had time today to skim through it, but anyone who disagrees with the nonsense Jinzo was spouting is cool with me.


                                                                  i see 1 account buyer in 300+ games

                                                                  and last time i've seen one was on the enemy team.

                                                                  and even once during the early arc era, i had 2 on my team and i still won.

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                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                    blunt told me im good enough to be 9k in the video kreygasm

                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                      i think am eblade is more than a 00.33% game purchase, it pops linkens for abyssal, amps mana void and gives a ton of stats


                                                                        whats up with this danish kid who has no blue star?

                                                                        need help getting boosted to blue star again?


                                                                          wait im confused. this boosted danish guy is bitching about a guy who got boosted or something?


                                                                            ^You got it right sir!