General Discussion

General DiscussionAny of you guys like Hearthstone?

Any of you guys like Hearthstone? in General Discussion

    Give me your thoughts on the game.

    I started playing just earlier this week

    [K]nighttime ඞ

      I really like it but you came at a bad time. Since the last expansion the game is full of people who climb the ladder with face warrior and you lose in turn 5

      btw if you play on eu feel free to add me if you want



        Dude its a fine game, but the new player experience is abyssmal. Ive played against pirate unfun dag decks at rank 20, and new player decks dont even stand a ghost of a chance against cancer of that tier.
        Btw im on na
        SOLIDPYTHON #1899


          I bought the most recent single player expansion. Used the cards to make a menagerie deck that got me to rank 15. I'll save up all the gold I get so I can use it when the next adventure comes out and save a little $. Hopefully I can get enough gold by then since adventures are p expensive


            Try Duelyst


              The fact that u hit rank 15 with a random deck against pirate warriors is admirable. Im rank 13, but i dropped from 12 after hitting 4 pirate decks in a row


                I used to play it a lot.


                  Just play arena until you build a decent deck. That's how I got my friend to stick with the game.


                    i thought the game is rng bullshit lol , but idk man


                      People say that and it is true, but the game still warrants skill, tho a much different kind than dota. And ye arena is fun but also filled with complete bullshit decks. Fucking abyssal every single time to punish any play i make. I feel like every single warlock deck in arena has like 3 of em fucks sake

                      basement :)

                        I played it from 2015 to late 2016, hitting legend multiple times and peaking at legend 6. I quit the game to play Dota after getting sick of the rng. Arena is much easier. I averaged 7 wins per run.


                          What did you hit legend with? Also rn the rng isnt abt card rng, thats at some of the lowest its been. The worst part is draw rng, u lose so many games to cancer opening hands like buccaneer into war axe into frothing into korkron and ridiculous shit like that.


                            If I could make $100,000 on RNG and call myself an elite eSports player, I would play it.

                            Anyway, nah... I don't even know why it's considered an "eSport"...

                            Yugioh is better

                            Este comentário foi editado
                            basement :)

                              What did you hit legend with



                                Yugioh is for gay nerds. And yes although everyone who enters the hearthstone world championships is talented the one who won (pavel) was just the most absurdly lucky of em all.


                                  Oh yeah rip zoo now the deck is somehow not aggro enough, which is fucking sickening


                                    And ffs if u suck at the game u wont go far, it has rng but that doesnt make it a skilless game

                                    Yuyuko Saigyouji

                                      Played and reached rank 10. But facing pure legendaries decks with actually no legendaries is boring. With the last changes, they killed the decks with no legendaries and you can only reach rank 10 with a lot of legendaries or the best luck ever.

                                      Sorry for my bad english.


                                        Dude. U only need one legendary to reach legend. Patches. The decks with a lot of legendaries tend to take skill to pilot, and rnt always good.

                                        [K]nighttime ඞ

                                          There are some top tier decks right now that can live without a lot of legendarys. Pirate warrior( exept for patches), midrange shaman (thalnos would be cool but you can be replaced)


                                            i might consider playing this card game since u can play it even with high ping LUL


                                              Link to the best deck?


                                                I watched some esl and the deck that's banned like 100% of the time is aggro shaman (miracle rogue and pirate also banned often since they get 2 bans)

                                                That's def my least fav to play against


                                                  Yeah i'm hovering around rank 3. Not the right time to start but a fun game overall.


                                                    The new player experience is garbage. Btw i disenchanted millhouse, nozdormu, shifter zerus, and knuckles (all unpacked ffs) for aya and white eyes. Its not the best deck but its so much fun no regrets


                                                      triplesteal halt mal deine fresse du blödes drecksschwanzgesicht. keiner will deinen dummern arschkommentare hören. bitte lass dich vergewaltigen und danach bring dich selber um, danke!

                                                      Yung Beethoven

                                                        If you ever have played magic the gathering then you kinda feel that hs is too dull.
                                                        or at least i feel this way


                                                          I played mtg as a kid, but I've heard no good things about the magic online

                                                          HS online is set up very well


                                                            youre right yugioh is better


                                                              I played it for two years and was legend and shit, but I ultimately stopped playing and deleted it.
                                                              It's honestly a waste of fucking time. It soaks in much money to get you to a somewhat competetive level and after you reached that it's not really fun at all since the RNG factor is too big to make the game competetive. No matter how good you are, you can't win against a bad player in like 90% of the games and that - in my opinion - is just a really bad game design.


                                                                It gets old fast.
                                                                And 90% pay 2 win

                                                                Este comentário foi editado
                                                                Ryan Gosling Fan

                                                                  Hearth stone is pay to win dont play it.


                                                                    why hearthstone is bad in my opinion:
                                                                    1- it's pay to have fun mostly. aggro decks are strong but they are boring. aggro always go all-in no desicion making, draw decides everygame.

                                                                    2- no diversity in decks. there are really a few decks that everyone playing. same stupid netdecks. every class that i face i can guess their full 30 cards and thats bullshit. and it's all becus of poor card design. so inbalance.

                                                                    3. match-ups decides the winner. aggro beats control, control beats midrange and midrange beats aggro.


                                                                      ^well you are completely wrong about your 3rd point lmao. Probably rank 15 player.
                                                                      Matchups decide the winner but not how you portrayed it.

                                                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                                                        No control warrior used to shred combo cuz they wud armor up past their kill range. Imo i agree with almost everything u guys said just not on the same scale. It was rlly rlly bad in GvG times but card rng has decreased a lot, instead replaced by cancer draw rng curvestone. I still play it cuz i literally have nothing else to play and for the memes.


                                                                          Like rng in cards isnt even close to deciding 90% of matches anymore, but curving out with buccaneer > war axe > frothing > korkorn > arcanite reaper or some shit = instant win many of the time.


                                                                            Most of my arena runs are like 5-10 without any legendarys so its not about $.


                                                                              Yugioh is better

                                                                              Yugioh was great several years ago. Ever since they introduced E-drags though the balance went to shit. Then with the whole pendulum thing coming out it just made almost every older deck obsolete. You cannot compete at all unless you have a crapton of money to put into buying things like Big-eye and whatever the meta is now. You could always play on Duelling Network or the Devpro app but the game just isn't the same. Unless you're using a meta deck you have 0 chance.

                                                                              Never played Hearthstone but know some friends who have been playing for a long time.


                                                                                Yeah hearthstone is fcuking garbage now. I used to have a full deck of zoo snd i hit legend with it. Ever since secret paladin come and they nerf it with having wild and custom. The game become more and more pay to win a lot of my decks(patron warrior, zoo,tempo mage) become fucking useless. I hate how they make the game even more pay to win with 2 more expension.
                                                                                And yugioh and pretty much ded. I used to have a very strong elemantal deck and its very fun to play with but now its garbage too


                                                                                  Hearthstone isnt pay to win, ive been playing completely f2p and im doing fine. And fucks sake reaching legend with zoo is like reaching legend with pirate warrior rn. And how tf do u just suddenly hate the game cuz ur decks were nerfed, all the ones u mentioned were completely busted. If i got anything out of this ur some whiny boy who abuses OP decks and throws a fit cuz they release more content. This game is shitty cuz its filled with some excruciatingly tilting rng that rlly makes u want to kys, but its not pay to win.


                                                                                    hey since people are talking about hearthstone, what can people say about the steam equivalent "shadowverse"? im dling it right now completely blind (havent read anything about it) so idk what to expect


                                                                                      i used to have a tune up deck and even simulated it in one of those online yugioh simulators and it was rly fun

                                                                                      too bad almost no one plays yugioh now at least in our area


                                                                                        YUGIOH DA BEST


                                                                                          Sure daddy you havent seen ppl below 5 or at legend yet. Zoo is one of the hardest deck to master -trump like on turn 3 use nerubian egg or imp gang boss. Shit like that really matter and i was fighting a ton of freeze mage and that deck is fucking cancer. Right now i am making jadi druid and have an av of 5 arena win when i used to have 7 feelsbadman


                                                                                            i have codes from my twitch prime that i've been looking to give away.


                                                                                              If the codes are for in game content then I'd def use them! 👌

                                                                                              My battlenet account is "Jesse#11730"

                                                                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                                Zoo is one of the hardest decks to master Kappa
                                                                                                If anything patron warrior, current reno lock, r the hardest decks. U literally just spend all ur mana every turn as zoo and win. SeemsGood. Even the cancer freeze mages ur complaining abt is a harder deck than zoo.


                                                                                                  HS - usless shit. Over time, you will probably improve your deck, but your experience and skill not much affect it. A simple waste of time.


                                                                                                    Wow I didn't even know people replied to my comment about Yugioh lol. WTF is EDrags rofl

                                                                                                    I stopped understanding how to play when the black cards came out. I remember when the synchros were the thing and the cards were going back into decks into hands into the graveyard and shit.


                                                                                                      I actually stopped Yugioh for a long time and came back shortly after the XZ (black cards) were introduced, so I missed the time when synchros were at their peak. Game was still fun and fairly balanced when I returned but over time it honestly just became pay to win. So many anti-fun decks were introduced and unless you were willing to spend stupid amounts of money every month you wouldn't be able to keep up. So I stopped playing and actually started Dota shortly after.

                                                                                                      WTF is EDrags rofl

                                                                                                      Be happy you never played in the period where that deck ruled supreme. It was the height of imbalance. They could search whatever card they needed from the deck, all the dragons could summon themselves from the hand or graveyard, and while summoning themselves they would trigger the abilities of the other dragons which would do more stuff. You could wipe their field clean and even if they had no cards in their hand the next turn there would be 4 dragons on their field ready to ruin your day. They all eventually got put on the banlist because even the newer OP decks were outmatched by them.