General Discussion

General Discussionhow to get a good grade in dotabuff?

how to get a good grade in dotabuff? in General Discussion

    yo guys this is my smurf account i've played nearly 70 games in it mostlly vhs,but whatever i do my grade dosn't change can anyone tell me how tto change it?


      I have the same issue lolz, i havent played that much though. probably mine wont change either if ur doesnt. FML


        study a week before
        if u dont udnerstand consider asking the instructor after the class

        but rly all u have to do is pay attention. but for that u need motivation


          study a week before
          if u dont udnerstand consider asking the instructor after the class
          but rly all u have to do is pay attention. but for that u need motivation

          Not Saske

            study a week before
            if u dont understand consider asking the instructor after the class
            but rly all u have to do is pay dotabuff+. but for that u need money

            Este comentário foi editado

              study a week before
              if u dont udnerstand consider asking the instructor after the class
              but rly all u have to do is pay attention. but for that u need motivation


                study a week before
                if u dont understand consider asking the instructor after the class
                but rly all u have to do is paypal. but for that u need pals.

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  study a week before
                  if u dont understand consider asking the instructor after the class
                  but rly all u have to do is pay dotabuff+. but for that u need money

                  Story Time

                    study a kek before
                    if u dont understand consider masking the instructor alter the class
                    but rly all u half to do is repay opendota+. but for that u need monkey

                    Livin' Real Good

                      Don't worry about it, I had an A+ grade in December, literally a month ago. (for about as year) Then when the Dotabuff+ that a friend bought me wore off, all of a sudden it's a B only after a few matches, even when I don't play much Dota anymore. I think it's just some gimmick to make OCD people buy Dotabuff+. All of your matches are there, don't worry about it, they just don't have true sight, or whatever other little extra data plus gives.

                      Este comentário foi editado

                        yorkey,well i dont think thats the case,anyways i played a few game and now its C ,i think if you play better your grade gets better.


                          you could start with reading the description of this feature, cz it looks like u dont know whats the meaning ot this "grade"


                            description ??? u just need to read fucking 2 words that are above ur "grade"

                            DATA QUALITY


                              let me explain it for u: dotabuff thinks ure a bad player, because the data u feed the system is awful

                              casual gamer



                                  really ,are you kidding me??i was lazy tthats why i didnt enter the exact name,i thought 'yall whould be able to understand it,anyways tryharder thanks i get it now -_-


                                    The grade means how much your match being analysed. If you got A+, all of your match being analysed for some period of time, and this can be done by buying dotabuff+ or partying with friends that have dotabuff+. F grade just means none of your match analysed because you got either no dotabuff+ or no one in your team has it


                                      This is a troll acc and it got a C. Dotabuff grades are worthless lmfao


                                        Well cuz your stupid so you don't get good grades. You must study hard and attend cooky dota university


                                          i'm getting my new faster internet today or tomorrow 80/40 MbPS, i might stream some for a test

                                          i hate tomorrow's date.


                                            Cookie has a date
                                            What the fuck


                                              a date as a calendar date