General Discussion

General Discussionhow do i play offlane 1v1

how do i play offlane 1v1 in General Discussion

    Alice since you are so lazy to read further up in the comments dude, this is what i said

    "basically what Dodong said...

    also watch the best in the field and learn to understand what they are doing and why they are doing it. players such as Bulldog, Universe, Moonander and Moo. im not too familiar with the SEA and China offlaners other than Iceiceice, which is God btw, but watch them, its the best way to learn.

    if you are 1v1 a carry and he is doing his job aka static laning, pulling big camp to keep equilibrium, pre-denying creeps, harassing you when you get close, then just leave the lane if you cannot contest the pulls or get the lane back to your tower. use what u can to get an iron talon and hit the jungle, the shrines and bounties make it much easier now for offlaners.

    if u dont want to do that and have an annoying tanky offlaner such as Centard, clockwork, bristleback or timbersaw and are confident their carry will come to ur lane then a stout shield and 8 tangoes are your best friend. just be annoying as possible and trade becoz an AGI carry wont be able to compete with trading at a low level. force them to use their regen and miss cs and when u hit 6 and get your phase boots, u pick up a smoke and start ganking mid...push down towers and just be generally annoying..."

    1-IceTea 🌟

      Anyone that cant 1v1 win me is noob


        this fool...we gave you advice earlier...use it dont use it...

        goodluck in losing ez 1v1


          reach a certain level? u mean your barely 3k level? lul

          1-IceTea 🌟

            No you won't have any hard lane NC rune and Shrine because I NC and took them all

            What will you do in this situation?

            Este comentário foi editado


              did you play this game before 7.00?

              what did you do pre 7.00 when you had no shrines and runes?


                I was currious so I watch the jugg vs underlord match. It was this one i guess

                I can't help you in how to win 1v1 offlane and I'm only ns but:

                I think you should have right click him instead of trying to run away from the blade fury (he has the same speed than you), i think you would have kill him the first time and if not, well, you're dead anyways so don't be a p*ssy and try:p.
                Also you really need a ward (or you need to play safer) so that you can run away before it's to late.


                  ? what makes u think i dont already do anything youve said


                  these 2 are my main mmr grinding heroes (cent for solo underlord if i really want to tryhard in party bcuz i REALLY refuse to play cent in pt) and i almost never lose in 3k because i know what im fucking doing

                  really ur wasting ur energy telling stuff that i alr know. its not like i claimed that im new to the role in fact its the role i only ever play and honestly with the way youre making things sound i could be the one teaching u how to lane against these scrubs

                  and DUH for your info, ive never lost a 1v1 IN MY MMR, i only ever lose 1v1's when i queue with high 4k friends so i get to face against mid or even high 4k safelaners 1v1 so obviously i would get outclassed



                    youre right

                    but thats only half of the matchup

                    btw i figured it out so dw about it


                      This thread seemsgud
                      I'll stalk this for now


                        this guy is making simple stuff seem complicated rofl its like that meme where there's 3 pics and it slowly turns into an MS paint equivalent

                        "if u last hit creeps u get gold"

                        "if the enemy creep has below 60 health and u have 80 damage it will die and your GPM will be boosted"

                        "if the enemy melee creep has below 60 hp, you can kill it if you have around 80 damage because of the 2 armor it has, however for ranged creeps all right clicks you land on them are not reduced because they have zero armor and thus making them far easier to last hit. if you successfully pull of this maneuver, you will gain some fixed gold that will boost your gold per minute that you will use to buy your core items"



                          if you never lose why are u still 3k?


                            cuz 400 mmr =/= 1000 mmr lululululul u even math


                              Alice is mad run for your laif

                              Este comentário foi editado

                                but you almost 3.6k and u never lose apparently so why still 3k?


                                  I think I have won all my offlane game. I played mirana, axe, slardar I think. What I have learnt from playing offlane was don't ever overcommit. I won all my lanes. You have to choose your offlane hero wisely, felt like offlane was the most important lane in the game. If you win the lane your team is most likely to win. What I did when I offlaned was, I played pretty passive. I will hide in the dark to leech experience if i'm getting harassed too much. If the support is gone I will trade hits I will try to zone their carry or even try to solo kill. Yes, I understand it is pretty hard to play against jugger since he has this crazy bladestorm and high chance crit with amazing attack speed at early stage. If i'm laning against carry like jugger I would stay back and try to last hit or deny if I cant I will just leech experience and go to jungle for few minutes until the wave pushes to my tower. After pushing the lane go back to the jungle and do the same thing. If you see an opportunity to kill their carry or their support use it. Getting a kill in offlane is important but if you lose your lane badly it will make the game go around. Enemy supports will start roaming since you're not a threat to their carry which means your mid or your safe lane is f**ked. Just play as safe as possible.


                                    how does a jugg win against underlord

                                    no rightclick damage, immunity piercing root, 3279950 hp and armor

                                    i have 5 reports to use

                                      If u want I can 1v1 u defensively as a carry and give you some inputs. But honestly if I see the offlaner across the river I will punish them as a support so 1v1s are whatever.

                                      Optimus Drip

                                        Idk. I kinda get what you mean for 3 v 1 being easier.... if they don't zone you at all u get 3 times the experiance. I recome down play midst till u are better at 1 v 1ing. Midst are really assholish to go agsnt compared to safely nest carries in least I'm assuming u are 4k and under like me


                                          Tbh as an offlaner if ur losing to the carry then i dont know what to tell you. Thats just better play, the offlaner is usually stronger than the carry at that point. However you can pull your wave to the large camp to get your wave under ur tower for free xp. Just in general abuse the strengths of your hero and the weaknesses of the enemy. If your underlord you can get a pms, and endlessly trade hits with jugger, if he uses blade fury, then stand in ur creeps so he aggros them. Underlord can trade so well against most heros honestly.

                                          Optimus Drip

                                            While I agree that 90 precent of the time this to be true. There are exceptions. As techies, it's really hard to win against Medusa 1 v 1. It's actually easier to 3 v 1 in that case if u manage to get 2 levels before medusa. Rare situation. But I'm sure there are others.again though 3 v 1 if the supports are good just makes it harder