General Discussion


CLOCKWORK THIS PATCH in General Discussion

    sup peeps,

    would like to find out how is Clockwork this patch?

    haven't played anything but bots this patch so im just wondering how he holds up in the offlane.


      alright hero, just need his lvl 6 to be useful


        well as a solo offlaner that should be hard to get.


          All offlaners right now are solo and getting levels is easy just get Iron talon and farm offlane jungle, get rune, use shrine, get back in lane and repeat until you get lvl 6 then gank.

          casual gamer

            kind of bad

            casual gamer

              every time he casts cogs i get 40 gold kreygasm

              also ive accidentally blocked hook with my hotd creep about 9999 times


                who is trapping you in the cogs anyways? pushing with cogs is way better IMO. Mana burn, dmg, worse positioning, much better than having them hit the cog twice and having them escape...

                also getting stuck in cogs with a jugg is never a good idea

                casual gamer

                  ye he drains my mana with them over and over and every time i immediately kill 1 - 2 cog

                  here i had a cw in my last luna game


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                  Pale Mannie

                    force staffs and hurricane pikes make him obsolete


                      hahaha that poor CW...his items for the heroes he was facing are just wrong...

                      my last CW game a month before i stopped playing...


                      @Goethe that is why u dont cogs a hero in the mid to late game...u hook the back line, walk towards ur team and then cogs to push away the backup then force towards their supports to keep them busy.

                      or if u have blink instead of force u hook in onto a core, blink infront of a support and cogs


                        Normal skill comment lul ^^

                        casual gamer

                          i mean he almost killed me with blademail on eclipse in clashes 3 times. you can go look at the replay if you think he played badly


                            he probably would have killed you if he had power treads instead on those useless green boots called tranquils hehe


                              Pretty legit offlaner. Perma Battery Assault Duration late game is huge!

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                                I wish one day will icefrau buff his cogs:

                                Force staff not anymore move you cross cogs.


                                  If he was any stronger than he currently he is, he'd prolly be slightly op, and therefore abused, and therefore nerfed. I like this hero. He is a total capital BA. I don't think he needs anymore than a player with slightly larger than average size balls to be efficient with him.

                                  Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                    I've played him ALOT recently and think he's pretty good... just force staffs everywhere though = insta counter


                                      If someone force staffs out, just force staff them back in when they turn to face you and hit you


                                        Just stop trapping people in cogs when you can zone the enemy and push your target back with them. Also since tink is being played some, clock fits in, cuz he can shrekt him. Its not a hard ass insta lose counter for tink but it makes life harder. Also why do i see so many weird clockwerk builds in my game, everytime i play with clock they have like phase boots aghs and then heart for some retarded reason. I cant ever fathom a game on clock where heart is good.

                                        casual gamer

                                          str hero = tank sir


                                            Ur right. I shud be building heart on tusk, i mean he is a tank, cuz he is a strength hero.


                                              Lul ok I guess power treads is core on clock

                                              casual gamer

                                                yes he gets damage from it tusk has a crit and is a tank carry pls educate yourself

                                                Giff me Wingman



                                                    Kys blunt. Im tryna worship jd's god 5k advice


                                                      Good Clock players will deny the cogs you try farming. Treads almost certainly aren't the boot choice, you go tranquil+bottle most games. The hero does a lot of work early-midgame and if you are not stupid and don't just try to trap people in cogs and instead force them back and mana burn them force staff doesn't totally wreck you.

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                                                        "Useless green boots" lmaooooo

