General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone heard of tide right click build?

Anyone heard of tide right click build? in General Discussion

    Basically you get +50 dmg at lvl 10 and utilize extra atspd from treads to right click with it. Echo sabre for mana regen and dps. Thoughts?


      he will never beat a traditional right cliker and if you go right click you waste his potential as a aura carrier initiator (GG boot , shiva ,blink ?)


        Yeah, not that he transitions as your sole carry in the late game, more of a tempo based right clicker to supplement your team's physcial damage output, more like a weaver offlane? Not sure though cause it's not my build to begin with. Just something I heard someone build and it worked I guess. Could use some confirmation from you guys tho.


          lmao, do you understand what "carry" means at all ? why dota is sorting heroes by carry or initiator or support ? because some heroes have carry skills, some initiator skills and some sup skills (tide ult is pure initiation, anchor smash for wreck enemy damage while they are stunned, gush for slow if someone survived and want run, and passive for survive and tank damage, there is no carry skills so he will lose to almost every normal carry)


            It is still a fun meme build tho
            I remember going for BF MoM tide xd


              tryed yesterday fucking dogshit


                in normal skill yes


                  Apparently you have poor understanding of the topic so let me enlighten you. It's an pfflane todehunter with a physical damage output build. In no way did I say he was a carry or position 1 if that's what you're referring to. Everyone knows what roles are, no need to act like an elitist prick who thinks he knows everything, what I wanted to know is what other people think of the build as I haven't tried it for myself and if it had any huge impact like other rising builds such as magic damage ember etc. and fyi, not all cores right click to deal damage. Some cores like tinker and storm are also referred to as carries and they mostly do magical damage.


                    rightclick rubick would make more sense


                      Now that you think about it... talent pick can change some heroes capability. For ex ember magica. What if tide can be build for right click. It makes me think of tiny. Tiny is an initiator too. So tide can goes echo > sb > bf > 2x moonshard someone try it i want to know

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                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        Treant can do a better job


                          He's not saying that the tide is going to carry or fully transition into right click. He wants to know if he can grab the skill and maybe a cheap item and how much value he'll get out of it.


                            Tbh i can imagine a tide grabbing the 50 dmg and maybe with treads, echo sabre, and a midas just use his tankiness as a way to walk up to people and hit them. He can still build auras, its just replacing a mek if you have a better carrier on your team, say a necro who is so common these days. Like maybe treads > midas > echo > force/pike/blink > utility (lotus, pipe, aghs with minus armor talent also helps right click SeemsGood) > ac/radiance/heart/mjollnir
                            You go +50 dmg lvl 10, lvl 15 is usually armor, +15 strength but u may want mana regen sometimes at lvl 20, and lvl 25 unless you have a lot of actives is minus gush armor and if you have aghs its always minus armor. You can get a midas if you want before or after treads or something.


                              Late game just build a refresher as usual

                              casual gamer

                                but is it as good as invoker vanguard :thinking:


                                  Tide can always take +50 dog talent without going right clicker.
                                  Right clicking builds in dota are the best scaling but also the most farm dependent ones so it can't be used on an offlaner that usually can't farm a ridicules amount of cs. If you were able to get a right clicking build BF/abbysal/assault on an offlaner then your safelaner already won the game long time ago , and if he didnt then you just taking his farm while not be scaling like him

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                                    I think most would pick Magnus in nearly every case you would do this in. +50 damage alone with the standard Tide build would easily be enough to accelerate ancient stacks.

                                    Pretty sure this is what you're looking for if you really do want to try it.


                                      Dude just cuz u build a couple right click items doesnt mean u have to go all in. Tide farms rather fast anyway, he doesnt need bf. And tbh that purge build is ok but sny was soooo the wrong item. He wants mobility, but honestly the item was pike, he gets out of ice wall which fucked him up so much. Dont think he needed lotus orb, maybe an aghs for mana, the echo gives regen, and the rest is from the shrines.

                                      basement :)

                                        It seems pointless. Just take the 50 damage and build normal items.

                                        The Robot Devil

                                          Is this a thread about whether to take the damage or the 150 health? (take the damage)


                                            Regular tide cant walk up to people and hit them till they die, but with treads and an echo sabre, he becomes threatening on his own. You dont have to build entirely for right click, just a slight early deviation and maybe some right click auras/synergies that will end up synergizing with ur high(er) right click presence at that stage.

                                            basement :)

                                              Tide’s normal build is Mana Boots into Mekansm into Dagger. Dagger is core, so only Mekansm and Mana Boots can be swapped (building dps after that is pointless, since he will scale off). The question is, is Treads and Echo Sabre better than Mana Boots and Mekansm? It is probably situational.


                                                Dagger really isnt core tbh. He can easily skip it, the range on ravage is actually fucking gigantic.


                                                  Or just suffice with a force staff.


                                                    well read this from such guy who are always playing low priority is disgusting :D

                                                    basement :)

                                                      Ah, Dagger is Tidehunter’s most bought item. I am fairly sure it is core.


                                                        Good idea i actually love those semi retarded builds, i would build echo on nearly all melees, its fuckin awesome item i was thinking same about axe...level 15 +75dmg i think....but true is they still stay weak r clikers....its more about fun i guess..


                                                          So what just cuz everyone seems to buy echo and deso on wk doesnt make it core. Blink is good, but tide doesnt rely on it. Forcestaff and a windlace and ur gucci imo.

                                                          basement :)

                                                            All right. Have fun with that in your 2k games.



                                                              Tried doing carry tide to carry Aimstrong out of low prio but he's a feeder


                                                                To the cloud guy: im helping a friend in low priority, cause im a decent person. Please dont be toxic im just asking for other people's opinions. I didn't make this to argue, jeez.


                                                                  Anyway thanks for all the links you showed me, might try them soon and see which one works out best. And if none of them does, well I guess the right click tide build isn't cancerous enough to make it into pubs.

                                                                  basement :)

                                                                    So what just because everyone seems to buy echo and deso on wk doesnt make it core. Blink is good, but tide doesnt rely on it. Forcestaff and a windlace and ur gucci personally.

                                                                    I should have said this long ago, but it was irrelevant whether he bought a Dagger or Force staff. The point was he had to spend 2.2k gold on one of these non-carry items stopping him from building more carry items. Also, Dagger is the core item. Force staff + Wind lace is the situational item.

                                                                    monk, tibetan

                                                                      Sure, threads and echo sabre seem good enough to incorporate to the normal build. Whatever, right?

                                                                      monk, tibetan

                                                                        It doesn't sound as dog shit as some of the theory crafted shit i've read over the past few weeks. You could just walk up to someone smash their ass. I really like rushing dagger or meka tho so I know i won't be doing any of this shit


                                                                          What about my BF MoM butterfly build XDDDDDD