General Discussion

General Discussionofflane nightmare 7.01

offlane nightmare 7.01 in General Discussion

    As we all now Necrophos is propably hero of the patch he is strong from 1st minute till very late, thats motivate me as io player to try play with my "real" friend that combo, the reason why i do this topic is couse we never were so successful with any other combination,so i like to share here where i actually learn so much (no kappa)

    Also i have a question,do you have a real friend which play doto with you?Is it more fun for you play with him even he is might be lower mmr or whatever,we love it i have around 1200games with him,whats about you boys?


      I may be autistic, but I just love winning in solo queue.

      The sole reason I play Dota is because of this inner gambler, which seeks to find out at which MMR will I inevitably stop gaining.

      It's not the fun, but enjoyment of +25 .

      I have around 60% winrate in solo ranked in the last 6 months.

      But I have bad 50% winrate in party queue over the same time period.

      I just can't win consistently in party games, because I tend to talk alot and lose all my focus.

      About 9 months ago my party was higher than my solo rating. My party rating hasn't changed since.

      Este comentário foi editado

        Whau good progress