General Discussion

General Discussionranked match

ranked match in General Discussion

    How many matches to play ranked match guys?


      the exp you get from a match depends on the match lenght

      longer match= more exp

      on average it takes 100-150 games to get to ranked


        you earn a trophy point for every 10 mins of gameplay. So if your avg game is 40 mins, you earn 4 pts per game. Every 10 points is a level and you need 50 levels so thats 500 points, or 5,000 mins
        5k mins / 60 =83 hours
        If each gm is .66hrs (40 min) you will reach your first calibration match around 125 games.

        Playing longer games can get you there faster

        Sabrina Suzuki

          It tooks me about 133 game tu reach tbd