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General DiscussionMore questions on TA

More questions on TA in General Discussion

    Ok so now im stuck with a gpm of 600 on TA
    Now i need to know...
    1) what is the best lvl on farming ancients (been farming large camps this entire time)
    2) what is the best lvl (and items) on killing roshan
    3) best item timings on blink and deso (blink first)
    4) do i need midas to achive 1k gpm
    5) do i really need a migic wand on TA
    And finally
    6) how do you play against PL cuz f**k that hero

    I need help please


      Why would you get midas on a flashfarming hero


        Saw it on another game


          I'll just bump because I don't TA


            if you want more gpm, just learn to snowball. 600 gpm is really basic, i get ~that on sf even if i lose mid and not snowball (but win game).

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              dude you need at least 1k gpm ta

              casual gamer

                ur goal is to win the game, not have pretty numbers

                midas ta is dogshit

                casual gamer

                  going blink first is a complete waste of tas potential


                    Do not go midas TA lmao and you want blink+deso before 20 min mark. You only need deso and max lvl meld to kill rosh. you can kill ancients once you have blight stone and max refraction


                      you can farm ancients when u have like some range in psiblades for ez kite, around 7 or 8. kill roshwhen u have desolator. hopefully u managed to get it early pre 15 min. then when u get blink u snowball win game ezx

                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                        I have only played ta like... 7 times out 3000 games and even I know midas is just a silly option on her.


                          But you have 4k memer


                            i go ancients at like lvl 6
                            i go rosh after deso
                            i go deso first then pike
                            i dont go blink
                            im pro


                              lul. blink is useless without deso

                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                1) At least level seven with BS, PT, RoA

                                2) PT Deso RoA (around level 9 or 10, perhaps earlier if u have DD or Slardar, Weaver, etc.)

                                3) Don't go Blink first. Deso around 11-13, Blink 13-15 in good games, add two more minutes for harder ones.

                                4) No

                                5) Sometimes yes, but not always

                                6) IDK


                                  One may say deso is useless without blink? At least for hero killing in a way. Nothing is "useless" but imo its less useful.


                                    i dont go aquila instead i have bottle and raindrop if needed aquila will build someone else in team

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                                      casual gamer

                                        i dont care, i will buy deso for faster rosh every game

                                        casual gamer

                                          i also would go bloodthorn over daedalus in most games


                                            Daedalus is more dps, bloodthorn is when u need control. Similar to sven i believe.

                                            casual gamer

                                              he plays much higher avg matches than me, its harder to secure a super early rosh and fast tp reactions with blink make an easy snowball

                                              idc though i think going blink first is fucking STUPID and every time i see some braindead 4k rush blink and then farm at 400 gpm and blink in to death in fightsi want to strangle something

                                              casual gamer

                                                im pretty sure bloodthorn is higher dps against everyone who isn't magic immue, and comes with the added benefit of allowing you to spam ur spells forever. plus you can hit one guy and silence a stunner who would reduce dps to zero


                                                  Blink is for faster tempo plays, deso is for rosh. In this meta i feel like with a blight stone is enough, blink is then needed so u can go for pickoffs. Ur support cud medallion, and u just have a blight stone on ur ta, u then get a pick off, which opens up a rosh attempt and with the medallion rosh is still easy. With deso the pickoff is harder, and even tho rosh is even easier, i feel like blink is better. Especially cuz medallion does full value to rosh now, it can substitute for deso in that regard.


                                                    Bloodthorn is bursty dps, daedalus is more consistent.


                                                      solo rosh is impossible or at least noticeably more difficult and takes a longer time to take down than before

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                                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                          Blink first can backfire a lot. If you buy Deso first, you are guaranteed to have Blink in 2 to 4 minutes max afterwards.


                                                            How? Like in my mind it speeds up ur farming too, it also makes it harder for you to die, and helps you get kills arguably better than deso.

                                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                              You can two shot a creep wave, kill ancients and neutrals insanely fast and 2-3 shot supports?

                                                              Vem Comigo

                                                                Go deso first so you farm stacks faster and early rosh with 2 heroes, rosh has 15 armor now deso is better than ever, since each armor point gives 6% effective hp. Its like am bf first in 2-5 minutes he has 2k gold - yasha.

                                                                the realm's delight

                                                                  some games u need blink first


                                                                    I meant how is blink unreliable. Sorry i phrased that poorly. The way i see it, ur support can get a medallion and you can use that to rosh, and get blink for better pick offs to better be in a position to rosh. You can just get a blightstone for urself too, so it makes deso first seem even more unnecessary.

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                                                                        Esse comentário foi removido por um moderador
                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                          im clearly wrong, my bad

                                                                          it happens i guess

                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                            ^^ listen to the panda guy


                                                                              how and when do you solo rosh now
                                                                              am i just retarded for not being able to kill him


                                                                                Deso not just for rosh. Makes u farm faster n hit harder early, where mobility w no dmg early is not so effective

                                                                                Vem Comigo

                                                                                  Daddy, what support will rush medallion? Venge?


                                                                                    Any support rlly, its a gr8 item cuz it enables rosh a lot earlier. Ogre, venge, weaver, dazzle. Its rlly cheap too.


                                                                                      Jacked u clearly underestimate ta's damage, she still hits hard without deso, especially given the time frame that u pick up blink.

                                                                                      Vem Comigo

                                                                                        but there are a lot of better itens, plus a sup needs to snowball to get that item early on,
                                                                                        There is boots ,Urn, HotD, Euls, Force, glimmer, etc.


                                                                                          I haven't seen a support get medallion so teaM can rosh. In a long time. Used to be a thing some patches back though. A lot of lineup can do rosh so quick anyway


                                                                                            rosh has been buffed armor and lessen hp so its easier roshfor ta now


                                                                                              Why would you follow sumails TA Anyway? He goes manta on TA lul. Feel like u don't really need pike either

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                                                                                                Maybe cuz sumail is one of the best mid players in the world?


                                                                                                  And no more armor makes rosh HARDER for ta u dumbass. Rosh is easier for huskar tho.


                                                                                                    Btw hook and roll besides urn all the items u mentioned are more expensive, in the case of euls far more expensive. Btw add bh to the medallion list.


                                                                                                      Sry I prefer waga TA


                                                                                                        Ppl melt with deso. You can enter fights more reliably. Where with just a blink you'd have to be very careful about when you go, since ur dmg is not so good still. Of course if you're a TA God and you always make calculated plays then you'd prefer blink for the catch. So it depends how good you are. Most mere mortals should just go deso