General Discussion

General Discussionstorm spirit lv 10 talent

storm spirit lv 10 talent in General Discussion
casual gamer

    theyre both so good how can i choose


      use brain muscle and finger thank me later

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        mana regen ofc much more farm


          and u can then go orchid first with 3 mana regen u get bloodstone fast and still have early orchid which is most useful item in early game

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            idk if manaregen is base, if it is u're better off with orchid into bs now i think because u get 7.5 total manaregen from the talent

            regardless of whether it's base or not i'd go for regen 100% of the time

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            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Are you serious?

              Savvy Cat

                Treads into Orchid is counter balanced by raw damage as stated by Purge. Need less mana regen if you farm faster with more physical damage as well, right? Choices upon choices hmmm.

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  ^^It's not base mana regen, you can't increase it with Orchid but I think Katz was implying that you can somehow substitute that Bloodstone with the talent and go for a more active Orchid so you go online earlier.


                    storm is usually rushing bloodstone first but
                    u can go orchid if its nedded fast to dominate early fights and win .With 3 mana regen u wil get bloodstone fast .
                    But if u go bloodstone first i think 20 dmg is better.

                    QTG 幸せ

                      I think if u can kill in early game damage is a choice, but i u wonna farm choose mana regen, simple

                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                        Mana regen is way way way better.

                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                          Why isn't there a consensus on this question? MANA REGEN = WAY BETTER

                          Story Time

                            Top storm spirit-players choose mana regen. I think they have a good reason

                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                              ^ The reason being it's obviously a way better talent?

                              casual gamer

                                probably because you can win a game essentially off of 1-2 kills and some damage can make a huge difference

                                casual gamer

                                  that doesnt mean its better, just that sometimes you will burst someone instead of having them survive orchid pop with 100 hp

                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                    On Storm: Mana regen = damage

                                    casual gamer

                                      obviously but you have limited timeframes in which you can kill someone in many scenarios

                                      specifically during the short (7 seconds) period where you are jumping on someone with pull /orchid damage is more useful than <100 mana. once you disengage and or in extended fights mana regens way way way better


                                        ye both are really good just go with ur feeling tbh, free phase boots is as good as free voidstone.. i think ur mana should be fine in the early game (with soulring)

                                        Savvy Cat

                                          You're going to zip around, but you may not attack often. I.e. mana regen is more practical. If you do the math on overall dps increase, you might come up with a higher number on the +20 damage tree, however.

                                          Static Remnant is 260 magical damage for 100 mana.

                                          3 mana per second = 33 seconds per static remnant.

                                          +20 damage with an average +25% physical damage reduction still comes out to 15 added damage a click. 1 click per second for 30 seconds = 495 physical damage at the same rate you would get 1 static remnant regen from the mana regen talent.

                                          495 > 260

                                          But who in their right mind would farm through only right clicks on Storm one way or another, regardless? The kind that build a lot of attack speed like Midas, Treads, Orchid early and don't waste mana unless they're going for a kill or pushing creep waves, I guess.

                                          casual gamer

                                            storm can always use more mana to farm faster though, theres no real upper limit on how much you can convert mana into gold/xp


                                              like as if 2 mana per second will give u anything in 1 fight in the early game


                                                im 99% sure free phase boots give more

                                                Savvy Cat

                                                  @JDF8 Yes, but that's items. If you're talking about just the talent tree, that's all the mana you get from that. 1 Static Remnant every 33 seconds. It doesn't get % multiplied by mana regen items like Sage's Mask, just as a Basi or Raindrop don't.

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    its a bit more because of tread switching though

                                                    Savvy Cat

                                                      One of the more uncommon ways to do the +20 damage would be to build Midas, Treads, HotD or Maelstrom and an Orchid. At that point, to farm, why would you need mana regen? You could save it for pick offs and team fights and simply farm through auto attacks. Of course this is universally silly. Unless Sumail does it. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing a Storm do it just to know which version of early and mid game would be more comfortable though.

                                                      Then again, why bring Storm into the draft if that's specifically how you'd play him? I've seen some silly things pros do with certain heroes lately, its not beyond imagination in 7.0...


                                                        youre normal skiull hello

                                                        Savvy Cat

                                                          youre normal skiull hello

                                                          And this statement makes more sense in this topic than what I stated? Yeah, I think I'm done with these forums already.

                                                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                            You can have a lot of heroes with dmg talent but not so many with mana regen talent
                                                            and Storm the most mana regen thirsty hero, gets to pick that talent
                                                            I personally think it is meant to be and compulsory to go for mana regen and still buy bloodstone later
                                                            It's like a Storm's wet dream, no logic needed :P


                                                              NORMAL SKILL


                                                                Just checked EG.Suma1L, he went for +2 Mana regen :D


                                                                  fuck mana regen git attack damageh


                                                                    the hardest choice is rather on it's lvl 25, both are so great.

                                                                    the realm's delight

                                                                      think i'd get damage with arcanes, regen with treads perhaps

                                                                      i have 5 reports to use

                                                                        I think the build is veil bloodstone shivas/Linkens/Dagon/whatever. also u get the +3 regen

                                                                        Este comentário foi editado

                                                                          Build whatever the fuck you want. just choose to either 1. farm jungle for an extended period of time and 2. avoid all encounters unless its an obvious kill, if you go regen (regen is meant for farming) (regen does not equal dmg) if you go for early dps items treads orchid then pressure adjacent lanes. So long as your not a monkey behind a keyboard you should win w/ thunderkeg everytime


                                                                            I personally go for the damage, because I usually think late game, and in the late game, the +20 damage would matter more than the +2 mana regen.