General Discussion

General Discussionis oracle still somehow good

is oracle still somehow good in General Discussion
not arin


    i initially thought that he's ok with the root mechanic change but uh.. he doesnt really seem as good as i expected?
    i would like to hear opinion of someone who actually knows how to play dota

    casual gamer


      THANKS icetard nerfing my favorite supporth ero 10 patches in a row

      John Mayer

        one of the best support even icefrog nerf oracle recently


          I won't tell, cuz I don't know how to play dota sry


            oracle is picked cause of 1st and ulti
            1st debuffs magic like qop Strike SIlencer curse and consider to be i think medium debuff

            ulti is on the other side strong debuff and can debuff besstmaster stun batrider lasso and any kind of stun even bane ulti
            ulti also doubles heal and if u cast W and E on ally he gona gain alot of hp (use meka 500 hp heal ) ,Urn nice also
            So oracle is picked when u have enemie like batrider beast silencer qop etc


              since j0's and triple's pics that clearly don't violate any rules
              when are posts like that one above me getting deleted?

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                  rubick > all

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                      rubick king!


                        kinda okay but not rly good

                        not arin

                          in 2 situations out of 10 dazzle is better than oracle.

                          didnt you mean this the other way

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                            not arin

                              yes and you said that oracle is better than dazzle in 8/10 situations

                              not arin

                                not even stan king or hajadlo play oracle anymore
                                i guess i'll just pick the hero in some special cases.


                                me, government hooker

                                  abbadon is better than all of these garbage

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                                    not arin

                                      i used to spam dazzle before oracle, w/e this suits me as well, although playing oracle was really fun.

                                      also what's with the rubick rise

                                      casual gamer

                                        i cant play dazzle LMAO i must have brain damage

                                        dazzle and venge, so much harder than oracle somehow


                                          i liked oracle because despite being pretty successful with him, i felt like there's huge skillcap and i was aware of my mistakes and was deleting them over time (like decision making about disarming someone/not edicting in time, letting the purge for too long, missing the heal cancel by Q because target got into fog/stayed too close to me while Q->E) etc

                                          casual gamer

                                            yeah and now hes dead


                                              shoutout to my last streamed oracle game where i disarmed my luna while trying to heal her and lost a teamfight (and possibly the whole game) because of that

                                              anw fuck you icefrog
                                              gonna learn rubick then

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                                                good against ember (ember cant do shit to him, he makes ember feel really weak in general)

                                                pretty good with luna/drow if theres a hero he works well with since they cover his laning weakness and make him feels uper strong, oracle luna = strong lane

                                                i think hes generally underpicked atm, hes nowhere near as bad as ud think he is from his pickrate in competitive. especially in a meta where heroes like naix/jugg/luna exist where safelane is basically impossible to contest, its not like his laning nerfs mean shit anymore, he can pull the safelane and get levels fairly easily as long as you pick an independent safelaner like one of the above ones (luna u help zone with but its still ok). this hero desperately needs arcanes, so as long as you pick a scenario in which you will get levels and gold out of your safelane, i think hes aite, theres a lot less room for error with the hero though now cuz of the cooldown increase on false promise and manacosts being quite high on his e now

                                                he makes bat super fucking useless too so if bats an issue for you just pick oracle, any time bat dives you have two spells that make him do nothing and you can output a ton of damage on him and u can root him under tower, but i dont think bats absurd anymore

                                                think og still picks him sometimes

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                                                  seems like a pretty solid advice, thanks kitrak